Production structure: fundamentals and principles

The production structure of any enterprise or organization is a combination of all internal divisions and communications, as well as their clear relationship. Such units include workshop workplaces, production sites, departments, farms, and others.

Production structure

A clear production structure created during the foundation or reconstruction of each enterprise, and the correct choice of its type determine the efficiency of all production processes and the quality of the final product. The production structure of the organization is determined by its profile, scale, industry, technological specialization, the size of the main divisions (workshops, workshops and production sites) and other factors.

In addition to the main divisions, the production structure includes a number of additional (auxiliary) structural units, the main purpose of which is to ensure the uninterrupted and efficient operation of the main links of the enterprise, which produce the final product intended for sale.

Organization Production Structure

The auxiliary divisions of the enterprise include functional departments, governing bodies and laboratories. Their size and nature of activity should be fully proportionate to the specialization and characteristics of the main production sites. Only such a reasonable and logical construction will enable the entire production structure to function fully.

In addition, the production structure includes a number of service shops or sections that are engaged in the manufacture and repair of means of production, sharpening and tuning of tools, household equipment, appliances and devices. The service links of the production structure also include areas for monitoring the operability of equipment, mechanisms and machines.

In other words, the production structure of an enterprise is a form of organization of production processes, which includes the composition, capacities and scales of individual structural units, as well as the nature and type of relationships between them.

The production structure of the enterprise is

The structural links of the main production should be formed in full accordance with the profile and specialization of the enterprise, specific types of products, the scope and technology of production. At the same time, the organizational and industrial structural construction of the enterprise should have a certain degree of flexibility. This is due to the fact that along with the timely release of products, increasing their quality characteristics and lowering production costs, there may be an urgent need to re-profile the enterprise in connection with the rapidly changing market conditions.

To solve such problems, a certain structural flexibility is required, due to the rationality of specialization and location of workshops, their cooperation within the enterprise, as well as the unity of the rhythm of production processes and technological operations.

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