Neroli - what is it? Properties and application of oil

Neroli essential oil is a unique product. Those who are fond of aromatherapy have heard of it, but not all have used it. It has healing properties for the body and is considered the most expensive among essential oils. Depending on the manufacturer, it can cost both 250 and 1000 rubles per 10 ml. After all, the process of its production is very laborious. Neroli is not a plant, this is the name of the oil obtained from the flowers of orange. Now it is also made from flowers of lemon and mandarin. It takes a ton of raw material to produce just 800 ml of this product. Therefore, neroli essential oil is rarely used, the properties and application of which are known to few. But in vain, because it has a unique healing effect.

neroli is

Characteristics of Neroli Oil

Even in ancient Rome, fragrant water was made from the flowers of an orange tree. It was used for aromatization of air, as well as in the treatment of certain diseases. Countess Neroli was very fond of this fragrance, in whose honor the oil was named. It is made from orange flowers. The most valuable and expensive species is considered to be a product obtained from the petals of Seville's bitter orange, and Portuguese neroli from the flowers of sweet orange. The usual essential oil, which is most often found on sale, is obtained from the flowers of mandarin and lemon.

This product is a golden color fragrant liquid. In the light, it darkens, so the oil should be packaged in dark glass bubbles. The aroma of neroli is very strong, floral, with a bitter hue. It is good to combine it with other essential oils: citrus or coniferous, as well as bergamot, lavender, mint or rosemary. The molecules of these substances are so small that they easily penetrate the skin cells, exerting their healing effect on the body. Because of this, neroli - essential oil is so often used in medicine and cosmetology.

neroli essential oil properties

Properties of this product

Already in ancient times, people realized that this oil has a beneficial effect on the body. He was recognized simply as a panacea for many problems. Therefore, it is often used to treat internal diseases and skin diseases. Why is neroli oil used successfully in medicine and cosmetology? Its properties explain such efficiency.

  • It normalizes the rhythm of the heart, improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.
  • It has a general strengthening effect, increases working capacity.
  • Destroys viruses and bacteria.
  • Relieves muscle cramps and helps with cramps.
  • It stimulates the production of necessary enzymes, improves appetite and normalizes digestion processes.
  • Relieves swelling and has a diuretic effect.
  • Soothes, improves mood, has a light sleeping pill.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.
  • It stimulates sexual function, therefore it can be used in the treatment of impotence and frigidity.
  • Normalizes hormonal balance.
  • Stimulates new cell growth and regeneration processes.
    neroli properties

Scope of oil Neroli

This healing product has universal properties and is useful for the whole organism. Therefore, the scope of its application is so wide. Where do they use neroli oil?

  • Most often it can be found in cosmetics. Beauticians love him for his ability to rejuvenate the skin, eliminate age spots and wrinkles. Neroli accelerates the regeneration process and normalizes the fat balance, which allows you to quickly get rid of acne.
  • This oil is also used in medicine. The antiviral properties of neroli and its ability to normalize bowel and heart functions are especially famous.
  • Very rarely, but still use neroli in cooking. It is added to baking, used to flavor drinks.

How to use neroli oil

There are several ways to use this product. Sometimes a person does not even know that neroli is added to a medicine or cosmetic product. Its properties are manifested both when taken orally and when used externally. How can this oil be used?

  1. The most common way is aromatherapy. Inhaling the volatile components of an essential oil is considered more effective than exposing it through the skin. When inhaled, medicinal substances enter the body unchanged, immediately exerting their beneficial effect. You can use aroma lamps, inhalations or spraying fragrant water from a spray bottle for this. For the aromatherapy procedure, only 5-7 drops are enough, and spend it no more than 15 minutes.
    neroli application
  2. Neroli oil has a very strong effect when taking a bath. Through steamed skin, its healing components penetrate the lymph and spread throughout the body. Be sure to dilute the ether before adding it to the water in a base: cosmetic oil, milk or honey. You can add no more than 7 drops of neroli to the bath, as it has a very strong effect.
  3. Compress with the use of oil helps to penetrate its components directly into the diseased organ. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 5-7 drops in 100 ml of water, moisten a napkin and apply to the skin, covering with a film. You can keep it from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Such a compress helps relieve pain and swelling, relax muscles and reduce inflammation.
  4. Massage with neroli oil also contributes to the rapid penetration of ether into the body. This method has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on blood circulation, respiratory and digestive organs. Massage neroli must be diluted in base oil: 5-7 drops per 10 ml.
  5. You can also take this oil inside. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage: no more than 3 drops are dissolved in a tablespoon of honey. Use once a day before bedtime.
    neroli oil properties

The benefits of neroli for the treatment of diseases

The healing properties of the oil are often used for various diseases. Moreover, volatile components can enter the body both during aromatherapy and when taken orally. Sometimes also treatment is carried out with the help of massage or compresses. You can apply such methods for various health problems.

  • With stress, depression, insomnia, neurosis.
  • With colic, diarrhea, intestinal infections. It reduces flatulence and abdominal pain.
  • Relieves the condition with painful menstruation, cycle disorders and menopause. Helps with frigidity and decreased libido.
  • Relieves headaches, helps with migraines.
  • Accelerates recovery in acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Effective for the complex treatment of coronary heart disease, hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmias, vegetovascular dystonia.
    neroli scent

Neroli Oil for Skin

This oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is added to creams, shampoos, masks. Neroli is the main component of the popular Chanel No. 5 perfume. At home, you can also use this oil. 2-3 drops of neroli can be added to factory cosmetics before using them. But it’s best to mix it with a basic foundation, so it will be more effective. Do not apply undiluted oil to the skin, except for cases of targeted use in the treatment of herpes and acne. But usually, only 2-3 drops of ether are added to a tablespoon of almond, peach, castor or olive oils. Such masks have a healing effect on the skin:

  • improve complexion, eliminate age spots;
  • moisturize the skin, normalize the water balance;
  • fight stretch marks and scars;
  • rejuvenate, eliminate small wrinkles;
  • relieve irritation and inflammation;
  • remove swelling;
  • heal wounds and accelerate the regeneration process;
  • help in the treatment of herpes, acne;
  • treat dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.
    neroli oil properties and applications

Application of hair oil

Various shampoos and hair balms also use neroli. Its use favorably affects the condition of the hair and scalp. It treats dandruff, makes curls smooth and shiny. Moreover, the oil is suitable for dry hair, moisturizing and filling them with strength, and for greasy, normalizing the fat balance of the skin and eliminating excessive greasiness. Neroli prevents hair loss and brittleness. You can add a few drops of the product to your usual shampoo or balm. But it is better to make masks from neroli diluted in base oil: jojoba or castor. Aroma combing is also effective: drop a few drops on a wooden comb and comb wet hair well over its entire length.

Contraindications and side effects

Neroli is one of the safest essential oils, very rarely causing allergic reactions. But still it is not recommended to use it for children under 3 years old, pregnant women and during lactation. In general, aromatherapy is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and cancer patients, and essential neroli in this sense is no exception. Possible side effects are associated with the main properties of the oil: soothing and relaxing. It can be drowsiness, weakness, distraction. But they appear only with an overdose.

Neroli oil: reviews

This tool is popular, despite the high price. The highest quality imported oil costs more than a thousand rubles per 10 ml. You can buy neroli and cheaper: for 200-250 rubles. It is about this oil that the most reviews. Most note the beneficial effects of neroli on the skin and hair. Many people use it to get rid of insomnia and anxiety.

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