Push-up jeans: a seductive novelty for body shaping in a women's wardrobe

If you have long dreamed of jeans that can tighten your buttocks, tighten your stomach, give a slim silhouette, then the model with a push-up effect will become the embodiment of your dream. This, at first glance, the basic part of the wardrobe has not yet exhausted itself and is able to surprise with new solutions. Push-up jeans will suit everyone who wants to emphasize the femininity of the figure and the attractiveness of the bends. The impression of roundness and fit is achieved by silicone inserts, as well as pockets with an anatomical structure and strategic location of the seams. Women's jeans of large sizes with push-up details look no less attractive and seductive.

push up jeans

Component factors of the effect

For several years, this innovative solution has been used not only for building underwear, but also for tailoring jeans. For the first time, the push-up effect was demonstrated by the Portuguese brand Salsa jeans. Since then, it has become a real fashion trend that has not passed for several years. What is the secret of such popular models of this clothing?

Push-up jeans have several criteria that distinguish them from the rest. These include:

  1. Silicone inserts that add missing volume. They are strategically located in the buttock area, lifting them and creating the desired roundness.
  2. Thick fabric inserts. It is difficult to overestimate the special cut with additional sections of dense tissue that lift the buttocks. The inserts serve as bones and are similar to those used in bras.
  3. Anatomical structure of pockets. With their help, the roundness of the buttocks is emphasized and an additional zone of roundness is created. Pockets are located a little diagonally, but do not lose their practicality.
  4. Heart-shaped suture along the lumbar line. He additionally emphasizes the femininity of the bends, creating seductive roundness above the buttocks, visually drawing the desired shape.

Push-up jeans can have all of the above factors or some of them. In general, the ideal option in shape will resemble a bodice for buttocks, lifting and creating volume in the desired area.

women's jeans in large sizes


The choice is dictated by the color and tailoring of jeans. The trend has long been in the market. And you can consider the different colors of many brands represented in stores. The most popular are skinny skinny skinny models. Two main areas - jeans for the city and for training. However, you can find direct cut models for more free and relaxed images.

Another aspect is the location of the waist. You can choose a variety of solutions. Low, high, average waist height, as well as corset draping will allow you to try on the style to your taste. Experiment also with colors and width of belts. Large size women's jeans will look more feminine with a push-up effect and high waist. It will allow you to create a visual silhouette of the hourglass.


Over the past few seasons, push-up jeans have become quite widespread. Leading brands and brands presented a number of their models in the modern market. The pioneer was Salsa jeans. Then they were joined by OVS and Freddy (Italy), Levi's, Benetton, Mango, Uniqlo, etc.

push up jeans

How to wear push-up jeans?

As with a bra, some skill and dexterity are required. Putting on jeans is not a problem, the main thing is to correctly position the buttocks so that there are no zones drawn by seams and inserts. Corrective wide tapes on the bottom of the hips should form a beautiful and regular shape of the heart, creating the desired shape and volume. High-rise women's jeans will additionally accentuate the waist area, dragging out extra centimeters.

high rise women jeans

As with any clothing item, there are pros and cons in this case. The first, of course, is much more. Jeans with a push-up effect will become real saviors for girls without curvaceous shapes. They will visually create them, give self-confidence. Buttocks, hips and legs in these jeans look perfect. It is only necessary to correctly place accents in the silhouette with the help of complementary clothing details. One of the minuses is the ease with which you get seductive forms. It can create the illusion that you no longer need to play sports and regularly attend the gym. Do not forget about it.

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