Who am I by horoscope? Identify Your Zodiac Sign

Often, when we get into certain unpleasant situations, we sigh: “Oh, if we knew in advance, we would have laid the straws ...” Yes, not everyone was given a direct look into the future. However, there is a science that allows us not only to thoroughly understand the vicissitudes of our destinies, but also to offer ways to solve the problems that arise. This is astrology. By compiling and correctly interpreting the horoscope, the specialist will show the “sharp corners” of your life and how they can be avoided or mitigated. The situation reminds, in fact, the plot from Russian folk tales, when the hero stands in front of a combustible stone, and on it is stamped: "You will go to the right ... You will go to the left ...", etc.

Zodiac circle

who am I by horoscope

According to Western tradition, the Sun and the planets closest to it, including Mars, passing over the horizon over a period of a year, are delayed for certain periods of time in the region of different constellations. Knowing in which dates and when, as well as comparing our own birth dates, each of us can easily answer the question: “Who am I by the horoscope?” Naturally, this applies to Western astrology, in the East, a slightly different point of view is taken. For example, Stepan's birthday is December 15th. And we know that from November 23 to December 21 the Sun is in Sagittarius. Therefore, for Stepan, the answer to “Who am I according to the horoscope?” Is: Sagittarius. As well as for everyone who was born in the specified period. But Natasha saw this world on July 1. Again, make inquiries about our main body. From June 22 to July 22, the Sun passes through the constellation Cancer. It means that she must answer about the question: “Who am I by the horoscope?” That's right, Rakinya.

Border areas

True, the picture in the intermediate, so to speak, areas does not look so unambiguous. That is, when the Sun approaches the end of a certain period and the beginning of the second. For example, leaving the region of the constellation Leo and entering the sphere of Virgo, it seems to unite both celestial objects. And those who were born on such days, in their characters and fates combine the effects of both constellations. Which is greater, and which is less, is influenced by many factors, and it is precisely the astrologer who can identify them. But of course, the main principle of the division according to the signs of the zodiac remains the same. And if you ask yourself the question: “Who am I according to the horoscope?” - focus on the star sectors.

find out who I am by horoscope

Eastern wisdom

Western astrology is significantly different from eastern. In the last, the starting point is not a decade of the month, but a whole year. The astrological cycle in Japanese, Chinese and other Asian calendars lasts 12 years. Each year is under the sign of a certain animal, which plays an important role in the mythology and philosophy of these peoples. In this regard, in order to find an answer for yourself to the question “Who am I according to the eastern horoscope?”, One needs to know the list of “animals” themselves, as well as the order of their “reign”. Why is the 12-year cycle of interest to eastern astrologers? Because they consider everything that happens on Earth through the prism of the influence of Jupiter and other, “slow” planets. And the choice of animals is justified by a beautiful legend about the Buddha and his subjects.

who am I according to the horoscope of animals

Holy Zoo

In order for each of us to understand for ourselves: “Who am I by the horoscope of animals?”, We should familiarize ourselves with the animals that make up the heavenly zoo. The first to come, at the call of the Buddha, was the Rat. It is with her that the cycle begins. Suppose, in our millennium , the year of the Rat, aka Mice, came in 2008. Take 12 years back, and you will know whether this cute rodent is your or someone else's mascot. Yes, it’s cute! After all, the western and eastern mentalities are extremely different, and in Japan and China, rats represent caution, wisdom and many other positive qualities. Yes, you can add 12 + 12 to the date “2008” ... counting when the year of Kryska comes again.

who am I on the eastern horoscope

From Buffalo to Pig

If the curiosity for yourself to personally know: “Who am I by the horoscope?” - and further pushes you to esoteric research, then we will continue them. Following the Rat, a heavy-handed hard worker Buffalo rushed, aka Ox. This is the year 2009. How to calculate the "before" and "after", you are already in the know. Then the energetic, revolutionary-minded Tiger rode in - the year 2010. Next came the Buddha Cat (and in Japan, the Rabbit, in China the Hare) - the personification of happiness, good luck, profit and all kinds of positive things. His time is 2011 +/- 12 years. Then, sparkling with scales, making noise with wings, the Dragon flew in 2012. It symbolizes health and longevity, an excess of vitality, energy and much more that "helps us build and live." And then the Snake also came - the sister of Drakosha, the embodiment of will, vision, intelligence and calculation. We said goodbye to her recently, just in the past, 2013! But this year is a noble animal, whose beauty and grace are sometimes compared with women’s - the year of the Horse, 2014. Next come: the elegant but capricious Goat (2015th), the eccentric, shebby, but such a funny Monkey (2016th), the dreamer and poseur Rooster (2017th), the restless, honest, fair Dog (2018th), very scrupulous, principled Pig (or Boar, year 2019), closing the circle. So, we repeat: if you want to find out your year in Eastern astrology - determine which of the listed animals corresponds to your date of birth.

Ancient Indian horoscopes

In addition to the well-known and familiar to us, practiced from ancient times to this day horoscopes, there are those who left behind dead civilizations. Here at least once you asked the question: “Who am I according to the Mayan horoscope?” Surely, no. But in vain! Mayan astrology is a combination of philosophical symbols, various gods and totem plants and animals, natural phenomena. Calculating your parameters by their horoscope is quite difficult, but possible. It is important to know that its cyclicity is 20 days, the same number of characters. The calculations are based on the work of the human body, the activation of various life processes occurring during a given period. Therefore, each day of the cycle has its own characteristics, its own parameters and recommendations.

who am I according to the Mayan horoscope

Mayan Signs

What are the symbolic signs of the Mayan horoscope ? Let's list some:

  • Crocodile, whose element is the sea;
  • Wind is perpetual motion;
  • Sleep - mysterious games of the subconscious;
  • Seed - connection with the earth, roots;
  • The snake is the personification of the Milky Way ;
  • Wanderer - traveler through the astral world;
  • The moon is a sign of occultism, all mysterious, otherworldly, etc.

Checking the moon

who am lunar horoscope
Astrology is lunar - esotericists who specialize in an in-depth analysis of the influence of this planet on our lives know about it. But it is important and significant! As a natural factor, these are ebbs and flows in reservoirs, a social one - unmotivated outbreaks of aggression, a psychological factor that affects the nervous system - different sleep states and moments of insomnia, mood swings, depression. And even the biological factor of the impact of the moon on the human body is fixed - it is associated with the conception of a child, the course of pregnancy. Being a female planet, it is especially strong in the horoscopes of this particular part of the world's population. If its position in relation to other planets is harmonious, then fate will develop successfully, happily. In the opposite case, it is Selena (the poetic name of our closest companion) that warns of possible dangers and troubles. This begs the quite natural question: who am I by the lunar horoscope? It will be correct to answer this way: in what sign the moon was at the time of the birth of a person, it refers to that sign. And in the characteristics of different sides of the personality this aspect will be necessarily taken into account.

Here is such a different and wise astrology!

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