Millions of people live on planet Earth, and they are all different. Some are decisive, self-confident, self-sufficient. Others are modest, shy, timid. But without exception, everyone wants to be understood, loved, happy.
A few decades ago, the prerogative of acquaintances and the development of relationships was a matter for men, while the girls had to be patient and wait for them to pay attention. But with the seven-mile onset of the feminization of society, the picture has changed somewhat. Yes, the young women can still be spellbound to look at their chosen ones, to sigh quietly about them, to be anxious to accept their first “adult” bouquet. But they have become much more pragmatic and judicious than their peers yesterday, learn to rely on themselves in everything, punch the road to life with their own shoulders, and even take compliments for granted.
The sense of superiority of a man over a woman is irrevocably a thing of the past. And therefore, the attempts of men to conquer a lady, to attract her attention by no means always end in success. So the young man faces a task with many unknowns: how does he get to know the girl? And if only to meet you! And how to behave in general, how to talk with the girl and what, where, in what setting? What will come of this? If earlier in 90 cases out of 100, a guy could be sure that in response to his words, the girl would be touchingly flapping eyelashes and enthusiastically listening to every word he said (especially in places where there is a clear lack of men and grooms will contradict), now things are a little different . A guy can easily be “sent off” without the right to make a second acquaintance.
So, the situation: He and She. He likes her. Or at least He is interested. How to talk to a girl? Here you can offer several scenarios.
Scenario One - Having Common Acquaintances
Everything is elementary here: to agree in advance, to ask to introduce, introduce each other. The guy is required a maximum of goodwill, openness, preferably self-control, so as not to give out his own excitement. And the main condition is a smile. Not a grin, not a stupid or nervous giggle, but a friendly, kind smile. It is she who disposes people to each other, breaks the ice of alienation, distrust, indifference. Exupery wrote about the miracle of a human smile - remember his words!
Scenario Two - Acquaintance-Improvisation
Of course, in this case some difficulties arise, but the more interesting the process and the sweeter the winning result.
So, the young man has a girl in mind. He came across her several times in different places, and each time his heart began to beat in a very special rhythm, as if chanting: "This is she, this is she, this is she!" How to speak with a girl in this situation? Options for the sea.
If a guy has enough free time, you can play a detective - for some time watch the chosen one: where he lives, studies or works, which route he goes in transport, where he goes for shopping, even that he acquires, say, from products. And then, for example, in a store, you can trap her, come up as if by chance and ask about a product that she already knows. The request is completely harmless, it will not alert the girl, but will make her talk. In response, you can thank, speak positively about the girl’s explanation and knowledge, and continue to get to know each other, asking something else about the goods, offering your help - to convey purchases, etc. The main thing is unobtrusiveness, lack of fussiness. Behave naturally, and a girl in the company of such a guy will feel free, relaxed, easy.
If there is no specific object, but you just want a little romance, brighten up loneliness - how do you get to know girls in this case? And here there are recipes. Suitable public transport. Alas, it is usually crowded, but the usual inconvenience here is very beneficial. Under the guise of crowding, you can imperceptibly approach a stranger, support her with a shake on bumps, if she is traveling standing, or fence off obsessive passengers if she is sitting. Seeing that the “object” is about to go out - get ahead, give a hand, help get off. Along the way, a little surprised that you have a common stop, and then go a little while near, having an easy conversation. It is necessary to try so that the person you like makes contact. Tell a little about yourself in a joking manner, but not overdoing it so as not to give the impression of frivolity. Ask the lady about herself, try to find out the interests and tastes. If time permits, invite to a cafe, treat with ice cream or a drink. And leave only when the guy is sure: he leaves a good impression about himself. The girl gives him the phone, and they firmly make an appointment.
Finally, the third way of dating, perhaps the most accessible and popular now, is through the Internet, dating services, relevant message boards, forums, chats. And here you don’t have to rack your brains on how to talk with a girl - communication on the network erases spatial and psychological boundaries and allows the interlocutors to adapt, get used to each other even before the moment of a personal meeting. The main condition for such an acquaintance is sincerity, because if the meeting is planned in real life, the guy and the girl will quickly enough understand what each of them is, and decide for themselves the fate of their virtual acquaintance.