Skirt sketch: pattern and styles

Representatives of the fair sex try to monitor their appearance and wardrobe as much as possible. A real woman is beautiful in everything, no matter what she wears, but at the same time she becomes even more feminine and attractive when the charms of her figure, as well as some shortcomings, are advantageously beaten or, conversely, are hidden by beautiful dresses and skirts.

A skirt is one of the most important elements in a women's wardrobe. Without her, it is almost impossible to imagine a real woman. Skirts can be long, short, straight, and also flared. Regardless of the length of the skirt, there is always the opportunity to look charming and attractive. When a lady is admired by others, that is, men and women, this significantly increases self-esteem and gives strength and inspiration.

The greatest world designers pay a lot of attention to this thing. Not a single collection is complete without the introduction of new models updated with fashionable touches.

skirt sketch

It is clear that the financial situation does not always make it possible to regularly update your wardrobe. That is why women can not afford to buy a new skirt of their favorite style. In addition, there may be another factor: there is no suitable model. Both the first and second options lead to the fact that fashionistas decide to sew a skirt with their own hands.

As practice shows, sewing skirts is the very first thing that beginner needlewomen learn. Before proceeding directly to the sewing process itself, you must first learn how to take measurements correctly. In addition, you need to choose which sketch of the skirt model will be taken as a basis.

Measurement preparation

Measurements should be taken as carefully and accurately as possible. Much depends on them, namely, the finished product will fit in so well. In no case can you remove them on your own, as you will not be able to get an accurate sketch of the skirt. All measurements are taken only when underwear and tights remain on the model’s body. All excess clothing should be removed, as it distorts the parameters. It is advisable to wear the shoes that are planned to be worn with the future skirt.

The thing is that a lot depends on the type of shoe and on the height of the heel - the posture and the lines of the figure change dramatically. To take measurements, you need a centimeter of soft structure. It is very important that it is as even as possible. In no case should you take measurements with a centimeter tape, which for some reason is deformed. In the process of taking measurements, you should stand in front of the mirror to see the initial position of your figure. Do not take an uncharacteristic pose, as well as strongly draw in your stomach.

skirt model sketch

Key notation

The sketch of the skirt is formed on the basis of measurements. All measurements taken must be recorded in some order. All girths are measured and halved. Full girth is usually designated - O, half - C, length - D, height - B, bottom - H, hips - B, waist - T.

Taking measurements

Waist is measured at a natural level. There should be no tightening, nor allowances. The line of the hips is measured by the most protruding point of the buttocks, as well as the abdomen. In the event that excess weight is present in the abdomen, you must first wrap this area of ​​the body with a piece of wallpaper or whatman paper. This is done with an overlap. The lower and upper ends are fastened together.

Only then can you start taking measurements in the waist area. It is also necessary to determine the length of the skirt. This parameter is measured along the front of the figure. It starts from the waistline and ends where the bottom line of the skirt will be approximately. Similar measurements are taken at the back and sides. Having received all the measurements, you can make a sketch of the skirt.

pencil skirt sketch

Half skirt

This style has long been fashionable. As a rule, those representatives of the fair sex who have fairly wide hips and a thin waist give their preference to this style. For sewing such beautiful skirts, you can choose a wide variety of types of fabrics. In addition, it is possible to sew the model you like, because there are a lot of them. They can be with a belt, yoke and even elastic. Half-skirts can be attributed to the classics. They can be worn for any occasion. It can be a corporate holiday, a romantic date and just a trip to work.

half skirt sketch

The sketch of a half-sun skirt is most often done in two ways:

- with one seam;

- with the presence of two side seams.

Pencil skirt

Among the styles popular today, you can highlight a pencil skirt. We can say that right now this type of skirts is at the very top of popularity. Due to the fact that this model has a fitted, narrowed, as well as an elongated style, it can be worn to attend a variety of events. Often there is no need to make your image attractive, since the very style of the skirt gives the silhouette sophistication.

In order to look more extravagant, you can experiment and try some more interesting option. It can be a denim pencil skirt or leather. In this case, the length should be slightly below the knee. A pencil skirt requires matching shoes. High-heeled shoes are perfectly combined with this style - this further lengthens the legs and slim the figure.

To make a sketch of a pencil skirt, it is necessary to take the main measurements and use them to build a drawing that will be taken as a basis. After that, you can make the necessary changes that relate to the model itself.

Straight skirt

This thing should be in the wardrobe of every modern fashionista. Those needlewomen who perfectly master the technique of sketching a straight skirt and sewing it will be able to easily apply existing knowledge and drawings in order to sew another model, such as a pencil skirt.

sketch of a straight skirt

In order to sketch a straight skirt, it is necessary to take measurements correctly, namely:

  • measure the waist and divide the result in half;
  • divide the circumference of the hips in half, volume measurement is carried out on the most protruding part;
  • distance from hips to waist;
  • the length of the skirt itself.

Pick styles and create things that you like!

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