Belarusian State Economic University. BSEU (Minsk): reviews, tuition

Belarusian State University of Economics was founded in 1921. For all the time of his activity, he established himself as a highly specialized educational institution. In confirmation of this, well-known graduates of the Belarusian State Economic University are acting. What are the conditions for learning in it?

Belarusian State University of Economics

About university

Belarusian State Economic University is one of the exemplary classical educational institutions of the republic. His educational program is aimed at training and graduating specialists of the highest category in the following areas:

  • economy;
  • management;
  • banking;
  • finance;
  • marketing and logistics;
  • advertising and so on.

The educational structure of the university is divided into:

  • 11 faculties.
  • 56 departments.
  • 3 institutes.
  • 3 branches.
  • 8 dormitories.

Belarusian State Economic University of Minsk maintains cooperation with several foreign organizations: UNCTAD, the Eurasian Association of Universities, the Eurasian Academy of Retail, and so on.

Belarusian University is a “forge” of outstanding personalities. Over the entire period of its activity, the educational program of the institution has prepared and graduated 150,000 professionals in the field of economics and finance. BSEU is proud of its graduates, because among them there are 2 academicians, 42 ministers of the Republic of Belarus, well-known businessmen and statesmen in the country.

The BSEU diploma is the key to obtaining a prestigious position in both public and private institutions. For the best students who have proven themselves worthy throughout the entire period of study, the university guarantees the provision of a vacant place both in the teaching staff of the Belarusian State Economic University and in one of the partner organizations. Job offers at foreign enterprises are not ruled out.

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BSEU faculties are a wide selection of areas in the field of economics and finance:

  1. Marketing and logistics . It has been operating since 1997. In September 2017, the faculty celebrated its 20th anniversary. In its structure, it distinguishes 3 departments: marketing, logistics and industrial marketing and communication. At the end of the faculty, the graduate is awarded the qualification of "Marketer-economist" or "Logistic-economist".
  2. International economic relations . The faculty carries out training in the areas of: "world economy", "theory of economics", "business management", "economics". At the end of the educational process, graduates are awarded specialties based on the chosen and completed direction: "Economist-analyst", "Economist", "Economist-manager", "Teacher of economic disciplines."
  3. Management. Divided into 7 departments. Graduates are awarded specialist qualifications in the field of economic and managerial profile.
  4. Right. Organized in 1998. It is structured into 4 departments. Upon completion, a diploma of higher education in the specialty "Lawyer" is issued.
  5. Accounting and economic. Established in 1993. Over the entire period of its activity, the university organized 6 departments with a narrower specialization in this area. The specialty "Economist" is noted in the diploma.
  6. Finance and banking is a relatively young faculty, the formation of which was facilitated by the union of 2 faculties of "Finance and Economics" and "Banking." The year of its creation is 2002.
  7. Commerce and tourism industry. A highly sought-after faculty that recruits and trains students in the following areas: "Commercial Activities", "Commodity Research and Expert Evaluation of Goods", "Commercial Entrepreneurship", "Real Estate Market Management", "Economics and Management of the Tourism Industry".
  8. Business communications was founded in 2002 and is structured into 7 departments of the Belarusian State Economic University. The peculiarity is that, while studying at the faculty, students have the opportunity to take a course of study of any foreign languages, both popular (English, for example), and spoken (Portuguese, Czech, etc.).
  9. Social and humanitarian education. Established in 2005 Training of specialists is carried out in 6 departments with the subsequent award of qualifications: "Sociology", "Political Science" and "Psychology".
  10. Graduate School of Management and Business.

bgeu passing points

Dates of study at the Belarusian State Economic University

Education at the Belarusian State Economic University involves full-time and distance learning. Time for training activities in the first form is 4 years in all areas, with the exception of "Foreign Economic Relations" (this specialty is studied for 4.5 years).

universities of Minsk

Part-time study involves 5 years. If you choose a reduced course, then 4 years.

Upon receipt of the 2nd higher education:

  • "Commercial Law" - 3.5 years.
  • All other specialties - 3 years.

Passing points

Passing points at the Belarusian State Economic University are different for each faculty. For 2017, their indicators were as follows.

Faculty of International Economic Relations:

  • Business Management - 360.
  • World Economy - 351.
  • Theory of Economics - 285.
  • Economics - 343.

Finance and banking:

  • Accounting, analysis and audit - 296.
  • Financing and lending - 279.

Accounting and economic:

  • Accounting and auditing - 261 (for work in state institutions), 272 (for commercial).
  • Statistics - 263.


  • Jurisprudence - 332 points.


  • Marketing - 312.
  • Logistics - 332.

Social and humanitarian:

  • Political Science - 342.
  • Psychology - 316.
  • Sociology - 339.

Business Communications:

  • Foreign economic relations - 362.

University branches

3 branches of BSEU are open:

  • Minsk College of Trade.
  • Minsk Finance and Economics College is the “old-timer” of the Republic of Belarus, practicing the preparation of graduates with secondary specialized education in areas related to finance, banking structures, taxes, etc. The BSEU branch in Minsk accepts only if there is a secondary general education.
  • Novogrudok College of Trade and Economics . Opened in 1947. Originally called the Novogrudok College of Soviet Trade. Students have the right to choose the form of training - full-time or part-time, as well as the type of educational activity - budget or paid basis. The college successfully fulfills its function - it prepares highly qualified accountants, bank branch employees, and economists who successfully work at the country's economic enterprises.

bgeu branch

Paid training

The Belarusian State Economic University in Minsk assumes the availability of places both on a budget and on a paid basis. Payment for training can be carried out separately for each semester, for each stage (of which 3), and for the whole year - at a time. However, the term of payment has a time frame, the delay of which leads to deduction.

bgeu faculties

BSEU is one of the “expensive” universities in Minsk. Tuition is presented in the following amounts.

Full-time education (specialties of group 1):

  • 1-3 courses - 2022 rubles.
  • 4th year - 1874.40 rubles.

Specialty Group 2:

  • 1-3 courses - 2062.80 rubles.
  • 4th year, as well as 4th graduation - 1911.60 rubles.
  • 5th course - 916.20 rubles.


  • 1-3 courses - 690 rubles.
  • 4-6th courses - 606 rubles.

Reviews about BSEU

Reviews of the Belarusian State Economic University exclude dissatisfaction from students and graduates. There are no people who regretted their decision to once go to study at the Belarusian State Economic University, because the university provided an opportunity for all its students to realize themselves in any of their chosen economic fields.

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BSEU diplomas are very appreciated both within Belarus and in foreign countries. The extensive, modern theoretical and practical base provided by the university prepares high-class specialists who do not have problems with employment. This is evidenced by the reviews of graduates. The University cares about the future of its wards, therefore, annually holds a "Job Fair", organizes meetings with leaders and representatives of organizations looking for new young staff to work in their company.


The Belarusian State Economic University of Minsk is the guarantor of a prestigious and, most importantly, demanded education, which puts Belarusian graduates-economists on a par with those of prestigious European and Russian universities. The university is famous not only for the higher education provided, but also for specialized secondary education, the receipt of which is provided for in respected branches of the Belarusian State Economic University with many years of history and experience.

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