Polystyrene foam is a polymer gas-filled material that can be obtained by foaming polystyrene and other components. The structure of the submitted material is closed. 98% of it consists of gas, therefore it is able to provide good heat and sound insulation properties.
Varieties of material
So, polystyrene foam is a building material that can be classified as follows:
- No-stress. Its structure is a large number of pore granules that have a heterogeneous structure. Their size varies between 5-10 mm. A feature of this type of product is that it has the highest level of water absorption.
- Press. This material has the lowest heat transfer coefficient since its granules are hermetically sealed.
- Extruded polystyrene foam. This is the most common type of product, which is most often used for warming buildings and structures. The pores in this material are also closed, however, they are smaller in size than in the previous case. This ensures good thermal insulation properties.
In addition, there is also autoclave and autoclave-extruded polystyrene foam.
Product Advantages
So, polystyrene foam is a very common material that has the following advantages:
- Universality. It is used in many areas of human life, even in the production of children's toys.
- Excellent wind and noise protection qualities.
- Durability.
- Remarkable heat-insulating properties.
- Neutrality to chemical reagents, resistance to aggressive agents.
- Good fire resistance (subject to good flame retardant treatment).
- The ability to perform its functions in a wide temperature range.
- Resistance to microbiological factors: rodents, insects, fungi, mold, rot.
- Preservation of the original size, even under the influence of external factors.
- Relative environmental cleanliness.
- Low cost.
- Wide availability.
- Easy installation and ease of use.
- Long-term storage.
Product disadvantages
Despite all the positive aspects, polystyrene foam, the materials for the production of which are not natural, also has some negative qualities:
- Increased brittleness when used improperly.
- The product does not let steam through, which does not allow the room insulated with such material to “breathe”.
- Expanded polystyrene practically does not burn, but it melts very much, releasing toxic fumes.
Material Specifications
If there is a need to use expanded polystyrene, the dimensions and other characteristics of this product need to be known in advance. So, the presented material has the following technical characteristics:
- Life time. Basically, manufacturers say that, when used correctly, polystyrene foam can last at least 50 years. Otherwise, the term of his "life" will be significantly reduced.
- Suitable climate areas: I - V.
- Thermal conductivity. This indicator is very low, so the material is often used to warm buildings and structures. The coefficient of thermal conductivity is 0.037-0.043 W / mK.
- Moisture absorption. This indicator is also very low. That is, polystyrene foam does not absorb liquid very well. Its water permeability does not exceed 2-3% of the total volume. In addition, when in contact with liquid substances, the material is able to maintain its shape and functionality well. This means that it can be used in rooms where there is an increased level of humidity, as well as for treating surfaces that come in contact with water.
- Density and strength. If it is necessary to choose polystyrene foam, density is that parameter on which the effectiveness of insulation depends. This indicator varies between 0.015-0.05 kg / m3. Despite these small numbers, the compressive strength of the product is quite high.
- Noise absorption. In this regard, polystyrene foam has high functionality. It is often used to build noise barriers on freeways.
- Flammability and temperature range. The burning period of the product does not exceed 4 seconds. In this case, the molten substance burns well. Therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention to the quality of the flame retardant treatment, which is mentioned on the package. It is practically not afraid of frost, therefore, it is possible to insulate with such material not only internal, but also external walls. Polystyrene foam performs its functions well at a temperature of -60 - +80 degrees.
If it is necessary to insulate the house and polystyrene foam is used for this, its dimensions can be as follows: width - 1-1.2 m, length - 0.8-1.4 m, thickness - 1-2 cm. To warm a private house, you don’t need too much large plates, as there will be many small scraps. The most popular is polystyrene foam 100 mm long.
Fields of application
The presented material due to its properties is used quite well. Expanded polystyrene, the density and other parameters of which are already known, can be used in such areas of life:
- The military industry. Here the product is used as a filler for helmets, cushioning pads for knee pads and elbow pieces.
- Food industry. Isometric packages are made from it, in which frozen products are well stored.
- Construction. In this case, polystyrene foam is used to warm the internal and external walls, basement floors, foundations and soil of underground structures from freezing. And from it with success a non-removable formwork is successfully built for pouring the foundation.
- The manufacture of household appliances. Here the material is used only as an insulator for the walls of the refrigerator, although it is gradually replaced by polyurethane foam.
- Interior design. From the presented material, it is possible to produce furniture elements, as well as false ceilings, wall panels.
- Decorative design. A lot of beautiful elements are made from polystyrene foam, which will make it possible to transform the interior.
- Toy production. In this case, the material is used as a filler, although it is not permitted in all countries.
Most often it is used as a thermal insulator. There are many reasons for this:
- Reduced costs for construction and installation works.
- Energy is saved, which is spent on heating the room.
- The cost of heating equipment is reduced.
- The size of the usable area increases, as the structural thickness of the walls decreases.
- Improving thermal comfort in the home.
Manufacturing Features
The production of expanded polystyrene consists of several stages, the sequence and technology of which cannot be violated. Otherwise, the quality of the product and its ability to effectively perform its functions will suffer.
In order for the polystyrene molecules to increase in size, they must be filled with special gas. This happens by dissolving them in a raw material melt. During heating and boiling of the granular mixture, it swells. This process takes place in a special closed hopper, in the bottom of which there are holes. Through them, water vapor enters the hopper. To make the process faster, the granules can be mixed using a mechanical activator.
Further, through the discharge hole, the enlarged granules fall into an intermediate container, from which they are transported to a special hopper for aging and drying. These processes are necessary to remove excess moisture from the molecules, strengthen the outer walls of the raw materials, and restore normal internal pressure. It is at this stage that the material is already acquiring the necessary compression resistance parameters.
Drying the granules does not last long - only 5 minutes. The aging time can vary from 6 hours to a day. In this case, the necessary temperature must be observed - 22-28 degrees. Otherwise, the material may lose its properties.
Ready blocks are obtained using special block forms, into which prepared raw materials are poured. Naturally, the form must be preheated to the required temperature. Further, it is hermetically sealed. The baking process must be stopped on time, otherwise the finished material will be defective. Last cooling of the plates. It lasts 12-72 hours. Further, in production, the plates are cut and trimmed.
Well-known manufacturers
If it is necessary to purchase polystyrene foam, Leroy is a chain of stores with a wide selection of products. However, you need to decide on the manufacturer. The most popular brands are:
- "Penoplex". This material is orange and has a rich variety of edges. It can be equipped with a groove and a comb that facilitate the joining process, or be straight. Most often, this type of product is used for insulation of underground structures, as well as above-ground buildings. Often various communications are insulated with such material. Such expanded polystyrene can be used at temperatures from -50 to +80 degrees.
- "Styrex". It is used to make sandwich panels. It is also used to protect the roadway from buckling soil.
- Expanded polystyrene "Technoplex". This insulation is resistant to biological factors. It is widely used not only in private, but also in industrial construction. Plates are very durable, so they can be used to process any part of the structure.
- Primaplex. It is very popular, as it is quite cheap, and also has all the necessary characteristics. The product has a blue color, it is very easy to process. In addition, the material is not susceptible to the negative effects of water or a negative temperature, so it can be used for both internal and external insulation.
- URSA. This material is environmentally friendly, good sound and thermal insulator. In addition, the product has good strength and low water absorption.
Is the material hazardous to health?
So, for many years now, buyers have been arguing whether it is possible to use expanded polystyrene for insulation of residential premises. The fact is that the presented product is synthetic, and is made from styrene. It, in turn, is not considered completely safe for human life and health.
But ... Expanded polystyrene (Leroy Merlin - this is the store where you can choose the option you want), does not cause irritation to the skin or mucous membranes. Therefore, you can work with it without special protective equipment, which makes it very convenient to use.
Unlike other materials, polystyrene foam is produced without the use of binders, which can eventually be released into the air, poisoning it. All granules in the product are glued using ordinary water vapor. The material does not contain any fibers, so it does not absorb dust.
Another advantage of the presented product is that it does not interact with living organisms. That is, mold and fungi that produce dangerous spores do not multiply on it. That is, air quality does not deteriorate.
The product does not dissolve in water and does not pollute it with synthetic additives that are used in the manufacture of other materials. Naturally, even the best polystyrene foam is capable of producing gases during combustion. However, their toxicity is an order of magnitude lower than that of PVC, wool and even wood.
As for the combustion itself, when heated, the material turns into a liquid mass, which simply flows down the wall. However, even in a heated state, it will not even set fire to paper.
That is, expanded polystyrene can be considered an absolutely safe product that will provide comfort and coziness in the house, protecting it from the cold and unnecessary sounds.
Product Features
So, home insulation with polystyrene foam has some features. For example, when insulating walls inside a building, you need to pay attention to the places behind the heating radiators. Here the partition may be slightly thinner.
For fixing the material, special glue or mastic, cement mortar, as well as special devices are used. The fixing method may be combined. If the material will be used for external insulation, then it will have to be protected with a non-combustible lining.
If polystyrene foam is required to insulate a balcony or a loggia, then there will have to equip a special frame in which the sheets will be placed. After fixing the material, it is sheathed with plywood. Only then can the surface be finished.
You can also insulate window slopes with such a product. However, it is better to do this if the inside of the wall of the room is made of wood, and the outside is made of brick. On the outside, the slopes are insulated only if during the construction of the building an external brick spacing was not provided.
The whole process of warming involves several stages:
- Preparation of the processed surface.
- Bonding sheets of material.
- The bonding of expanded polystyrene and its additional fixing with mechanical devices.
- Reinforcing sheets with a special film.
- Finish facing of the warmed basis.
Features of the use of expanded polystyrene for the floor
Very often, the material presented is used to warm the base before laying the flooring. Expanded polystyrene for the floor can be of two types:
- Plates with a layer of foil. They are often stacked if the installation of a warm floor system is provided. Therefore, on the surface of the plates, even during their manufacture, special markings are applied.
- Profile sheets. On their surface you can see short bosses. This greatly facilitates the installation of pipes. In addition, this material is equipped with a vapor barrier.
If the floor will be insulated with polystyrene foam, then it is better to take into account some nuances:
- It is better to give preference to the extruded type of product.
- During installation, one must not forget about the presence of ventilation gaps between the plates and walls.
- If a laminate or parquet is used to finish the floor, it is better to build a crate on the surface of the base after insulation. Using a carpet, it is better to level the surface with plywood.
- Laying the sheets must be close to each other, as tight as possible to each other.
- Base waterproofing must be present.
That's all the features of expanded polystyrene foam. Good luck