How to glue tiles on drywall: step-by-step instructions and recommendations of professionals. Drywall for tiles: is it worth gluing?

Experts call drywall a real lifesaver. With it, you can make slopes, build an arch, erect a partition, quickly level the surface. And with the advent of waterproof sheets of drywall, it became possible to carry out many works with its use in rooms with high humidity - in bathrooms, in kitchens, even in baths. However, GCR requires subsequent finishing. And in the described rooms for these purposes, tiles are most often used. In connection with this, many masters have a completely logical question: "Is it possible to glue tiles on drywall?"

We will not keep the intrigue, but immediately give a positive answer. Drywall for tiles as a base fits perfectly. True, for the final result to be of high quality, and the tile coating itself to please the owner for many years, some conditions must be met. Therefore, we propose to consider in detail how to glue tiles on drywall: step by step, with a description of all the nuances of installing GKL itself and laying tiles. And let's start with the question of preparing the surface to be finished.

drywall tile

Can plasterboard be mounted on tiles?

GKL is usually used in cases where leveling by the traditional method - by plastering - seems rather laborious and costly. In simple words, when the walls are so curved that building mixtures for their preparation can be calculated not with bags, but literally with almost dump trucks. As a rule, such surfaces are found in houses of old construction. And if we talk about the bathrooms, then at the time of repair they are most often already lined with old tiles. And then the home master is forced to think about whether it is possible to mount drywall on the tiles - the old facing? To answer this question, we must make a small digression.

When arranging a drywall surface, two methods are used: mounting sheets on a frame and directly gluing it to a wall. First, let's talk about the first option. If the old cladding is in a more or less acceptable condition, then after appropriate preparation, which we will discuss below, drywall on the tile using the frame method can be installed. If it is decided to fix the GCR directly to the wall, the answer will be unambiguously negative. The old coating must be removed. Even if it seems at first glance that it is strong enough. The fact is that after the end of the procedure a very serious burden will fall on him. And how it will behave subsequently is unknown. So, rule number one: you can’t glue drywall onto the tiles! Next is about the preparation procedure itself.

how to glue drywall tiles

Cooking surface

Take for starters the most common option: there is a tile on the wall. There are two ways. Either remove everything or leave the old lining. It is worth saying that the procedure for getting rid of tiles is very dirty and time-consuming. And not every master wants to get in touch with her. Therefore, since we agreed that in the presence of a tile covering GKL can be installed only in a frame way, the tile can be left. But at the same time, conduct a thorough audit of her condition and remove all elements that do not adhere well to the wall. It is advisable to cover the resulting voids with a plaster mortar. If most of the old facing surface is in poor condition, the tile must be removed. And all. Rule number two: all tiles from the wall are removed if more than 40% of the coating is damaged.

Further, regarding the next steps. If you plan to stick drywall to the wall, you will have to plaster the surface. And not just like that, but as level as possible. If frame technology is chosen, it is enough to treat the walls with an antiseptic primer after removing the tiles. In those cases, if the surface was not tile, but paint or just plaster, you can do with little blood. You just need to clean the walls and walk on them with soil, which has antimicrobial additives in its composition.

drywall tiles in the bathroom

The next step will be the acquisition of materials. Here, too, have their own nuances.

Choose GKL

When tiles are glued to drywall in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in other rooms subject to temperature extremes and moisture, you should remember: the base for it must be of the appropriate type. That is, in simple words, ordinary GCR will not work. You need to purchase only moisture-proof drywall. And in order not to be mistaken, it is best to be guided by color. Such GCR have a green tint. The third rule: tiles are laid only on a waterproof basis.

About the frame

Literally in a nutshell. Some home craftsmen, in an effort to save money, choose ordinary wooden blocks as a frame. If in ordinary rooms this approach, although undesirable, is possible, then in those rooms where it is planned to subsequently wall the walls with tiles, the fourth rule should be strictly observed: the frame must be constructed only from a metal profile!

drywall tile

Tile selection

As for the design, color and other external components, here the choice is made at the discretion of the owner. The only thing worth paying attention to is that it is still recommended to purchase only high-quality material. Saving is strongly discouraged. But regarding the type of tile, the fifth rule should be observed: in no case do not purchase its weighted options such as porcelain stoneware. Still, the drywall base is not a stationary wall, so the load on it should be minimal. After all, you will have to apply glue under the tile, which will only make the design heavier.


You can put tiles on drywall in two ways: on liquid nails or on tile glue. The first option is just perfect. Fast, clean, minimum load on the structure. But very expensive. So most often the masters choose the second method. If you are among them, follow the sixth rule: no self-prepared mortars of cement and sand! Get only special and high-quality tile adhesive. Moreover, he is not so expensive. Domestic "Lux", for example, is good and easy to operate, has an affordable price and excellent tile holding.

drywall tile

After all the materials are purchased, you can proceed to the next step - the construction of the frame and the installation of drywall.

Create a tile base

Sheathe the wall with drywall is not difficult. If it is decided to stick it to the wall, then for this there is a special glue, on which GKL is attached. For reliability, some masters also additionally fix it with self-tapping screws. As for the creation of the frame from a metal profile, here you need to follow the seventh rule from among those that you need to follow when laying tile on drywall. Metal guides must be set at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other so that the base is as strong as possible. All work must be carried out under the control of the construction level. As for the drywall itself, it is attached to the guides with self-tapping screws. At the end of installation, the finished surface is treated with a primer. After drying, you can proceed directly to the styling process.

you can put tiles on drywall

Small digression

It is worth noting that the actual procedure for laying ceramic tiles on gypsum board does not differ much from that carried out on a more familiar concrete or plaster base. In this case, the very process of preparing and selecting the material plays a very large role in achieving the desired result. These steps are basic. And so we tried to give them so much attention. Now we move on to the next step - directly facing.

How to glue drywall tiles

Work should begin from the most prominent angle and from below. At the level of the second row, with the use of the building level, markup is carried out and under the drawn line, the remaining profile is attached to the gypsum wall with self-tapping screws as a support. This is necessary for fixing the first row of ceramics. The glue is applied not on the tile, but on the drywall surface. This is rule eight. Why is that? Because this way it will be distributed more evenly on the wall, the ceramics will lie evenly. The ninth rule: the glue layer should be as thin as possible, since the more you apply it, the more significant the load will be on the drywall base. This is highly undesirable. Glue is bred in small portions, since its hardening time is limited. Re-adding water to the drying composition is strictly prohibited! Carefully squeeze out the remains of glue from under a tile and clean with a damp rag. If necessary, trim is best to use a tile cutter.

An important point!

Rule ten: when laying tiles on drywall, all work is carried out intermittently. It is impossible to clad the entire wall at once. Have done five rows - take a rest. Let the drywall "get used" to the load, adapt to new conditions! In addition, all work is carried out only using the level. Each tile must lie flat. And do not rush! Remember that fixing defects is quite problematic, since glued tiles can only be removed with a piece of drywall base. Finishing work by laying the last row.

whether tiles are glued to drywall

Last step

The final step is grouting. It is advisable to conduct it after some time - at least a day. It is necessary to allow the glue to dry well, and drywall - to get used to the load. As for the grout itself, the material must be bought with antibacterial fillers that prevent mold from appearing at the seams.


We tried to answer as much as possible the question of whether tiles are glued to drywall and how they do it. If you carefully follow all the recommendations presented in the review and carefully follow the step-by-step instructions, the procedure for finishing gypsum plasterboard with ceramic tiles can be carried out quickly and efficiently.

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