Wedding after the wedding: better later than never

Many couples decide to have a wedding after the wedding. Sometimes these two dates differ greatly in time. Moreover, believers often invite guests to a wedding in a church, and not to civil registration. Of course, it is good when the wedding after the wedding takes place on the same or the second day, but this is not always possible. On some days the church does not crown, in addition, this ceremony also has to be postponed. A marriage must be concluded, for example, in connection with the pregnancy of the bride.

Often people want to testify of love before God after many years living in a secularly registered marriage. Some believe that this will help them be together forever. In fact, if both spouses go to heaven, they will meet there. And in hell, all alone, so the wedding will not help. The Bible says that there are no spouses in heaven, so remarriage after widowhood is not treason. So the wedding is done for the present life, and the rest must be left to the will of God.

The wedding ceremony itself is extremely beautiful, special chants are selected for it, which have a deep meaning. Each ceremonial action of the priest matters. There are also many beliefs associated with the wedding ceremony, however, Orthodox clergymen recommend not to pay attention to them. Indeed, in our time it is not so important who will be the head of the family (namely, most superstitions are connected with this), both make decisions in the family, and superstition according to church rules is a sin. The main thing is to believe in your love and work on relationships, and then love after the wedding will only become stronger.

It is often asked whether the attraction of a man and a woman is sinful. In itself, it is natural and normal, and there is no need to try to attribute sin and love to marriage. Everyone who says that responsible relationships are unclean is anathema, so do not listen to the tales of sectarians and apostates. But physical attraction to the opposite sex must be considered as something subordinate. It is one thing if a dog helps his master on a hunt, another thing - if he devours food for the hosts on the table. Therefore, physical attraction must know its place.

In Russia, wedding after the wedding is the rule, because they are married only after the marriage is officially registered. In the sacrament, the weddings of the spouses are united, they begin to form a single flesh and a single spirit. Therefore, divorce is just as painful and abnormal as rupture of the flesh. The only undoubted reason for divorce is adultery, because the cheating spouse has already broken the bonds of marriage.

A parental blessing at a wedding is a very ancient and magnificent tradition. It was not obligatory even in the old days, the young could have married against the will of their parents, but it’s so good to enlist the support of important people in our lives. How to give and receive a blessing? Young people kneel in front of their parents, and they baptize each in turn, saying blessings, after which the young kiss the hands of their parents. Words of blessing are not something fixed and obligatory; every parents bless as they see fit. Some simply say: β€œAdvice to you and love,” others wish happiness and many children, others give advice based on life experience. There are no hard and fast rules, just ask your parents to say what they have in mind and what they think is most important.

You may have been married for many years, but have not yet been married. Weddings after the wedding can be arranged in many years. It is never too late to do this, the more the registered marriage is fully recognized by the church and not a single normal priest will tell you that you live in sin. If you are told this, you can safely complain. The social concept of the Orthodox Church unequivocally prescribes the respect of the church for a registered marriage. However, married spouses are easier together, because their marriage is protected by heavenly forces. So this is more than a beautiful ceremony.

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