Bianshi jade bracelet: properties, description and reviews

In the fight against diseases, people are looking for any healing method, using traditional and alternative medicine for treatment. Often, amulets, bracelets, amulets and other products from magic stones with healing properties help in this.

Bianshi jade bracelet: what is it?

A bracelet made from processed stones of a rare mineral of black jade is called Chinese or bianshi. What explains this, because it is mined not only in China, but also in Russia, the USA, Brazil and other countries?

According to one legend, a meteorite fell on the territory of a Chinese province several million years ago. Under the influence of high temperature, rocks merged with fragments of the celestial body. After research conducted at this place, it turned out that the extracted stones have unique healing properties. They began to make charms, bracelets and other jewelry from them, which, when in contact with the body, contributed to the restoration of mental and physical health.

jade bracelet
According to the Chinese, black jade, which has healing properties, is mined in only one Shandong province. All other deposits located in different countries are not recognized by Tibetan alternative medicine.

The magical power of black jade

The word "jade" is of Greek origin and is translated as "kidney." Therefore, there are other names for the mineral: kidney stone, Chinese stone. Jade, extracted from the bowels of the earth, can be not only black, but also white, green, yellow, and the rarest stones are blue and red. All of them to one degree or another have healing properties. But it is proved that only black jade possesses inexplicable magical powers.

jade bracelet properties
In ancient China, not one rite was complete without a healing stone. They explained this by the fact that jade represents four elements at once: Eternity, Wisdom, Earth and Sky. The stone was a symbol of humanity and goodness, contributed to the enlightenment of the mind. Amulets and jewelery were prepared from it, such as a black bianshi jade bracelet. Many types of jewelry have survived to this day.

Charms, amulets, jade talismans

Jade, regardless of color, is a stone mascot of the zodiac signs Libra and Virgo. Their representatives must wear jewelry made of this mineral. Moreover, Virgo jade bracelet on his right hand will bring family happiness, and Libra - longevity.

jade bracelet reviews
The stone really has magical powers. It is known that jade not only restores health, but also protects from the evil eye. To do this, the stone is set in silver and worn so that the amulet is in contact with the body. Jade also protects warriors from injuries, promotes career advancement, attracts luck and strengthens vitality.

Unique Properties of Bianshi Jade Bracelet

Scientists have found that black jade has a therapeutic effect on the body due to its unique composition, as well as infrared and ultrasonic radiation. It contains a large number of chemical elements, in such a quantity they are not found in any other mineral. Key elements in the composition of the stone: strontium, titanium, zinc, chromium, manganese, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and others.

black jade bracelet
When in contact with the human body, the bianshi jade bracelet produces infrared radiation. As a result of this, the cells are filled with vital energy, the activity of enzymes increases, all processes in the body begin to occur faster.

The jade bracelet, whose properties are used in the treatment of many diseases, has proven its effectiveness in ultrasound therapy. When the stone comes into contact with the skin, it generates ultrasound, which in turn activates metabolic processes, enhances blood circulation, and burns fat deposits.

Jade Bracelet Disease Treatment

A black jade bracelet helps treat specific diseases. It is recommended to be worn on the right hand daily, and also applied to places where the pain comes from. The bianshi jade bracelet has the following healing properties:

  • it is effective in case of malfunctions of the heart and problems with blood vessels;
  • helps with impaired motor function and other diseases of the central nervous system;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • relieves headaches, migraines;
  • it is effective for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates respiratory problems;
  • boosts immunity;
  • it is recommended to be worn for chronic diseases of various organs;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • treats insomnia;
  • rejuvenates the body, prevents its premature aging;
  • reduces the intensity of pain during fractures and sprains;
  • increases life expectancy.

jade bracelet Price
With constant use, the bracelet has a positive effect on all organs and systems at the same time. This is its uniqueness over other minerals.

Bracelet Customer Reviews

How improved is the health status of people who have experienced the healing properties of stone? Most of them agree that the jade bracelet has magical powers. The properties of this stone are known to many. This fact is confirmed by their positive reviews.

For people who have been experiencing attacks of suffocating cough for chronic bronchitis for a long time, a jade bracelet helps relieve their intensity and frequency. Jade copes with stomach ailments. This stone also helps people who work in hazardous industries. Many people say that black jade copes with chronic diseases of the respiratory system and digestive system over time. One must believe in the strength of the mineral and wear products from it.

bianshi jade bracelet
Unfortunately, a real stone is very easy to pass off as a fake, which is used by scammers selling a jade bracelet, the price of which is attractively low. It is important to remember that an accessory made of this mineral cannot cost less than three thousand rubles.

Jade bracelet: reviews of doctors

How do representatives of traditional medicine respond about a jade bracelet? Their opinions were divided.

One group of doctors positively characterizes a jade bracelet. Their reviews indicate that Bianshi helps even in cases where medicine is powerless. As a rule, they talk about chronic diseases: ulcers, gastritis, bronchitis and others.

Another group of physicians is extremely negative about the bracelet. Experts complain that people, hoping for the miraculous properties of jade, stop taking medications even when they are urgently needed.

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