Image of a horse in a tattoo: Significance for men and women, negative meaning and plot options

Since ancient times, people have lived in harmony with the world and the animals that inhabit it. If we turn to myths and legends, we can see that living beings were endowed with qualities that a person can possess. This made them attractive to creative and thoughtful people, as well as popular themes for body image. One of the most graceful and majestic animals is the horse. The meaning of a tattoo using its image will tell about the personality of a person and his character traits.

The meaning of tattoos for women

Horse tattoo with flowers

Mare is associated with fertility and the birth of a new life. For the fair sex, a tattoo with the image of this animal can symbolize the desire to acquire offspring, to become a mother. The owner of such a body painting with special trepidation and love for her children, wants to be a protector for her children and to hide them from all adversities throughout life. She wants her house to always be full of support and understanding between all its residents. The tattoo symbolizes the preservation of family values โ€‹โ€‹and the hearth.

In addition, such an image has another, deeper meaning. Horse tattoo speaks about the harmony of a woman with the world and herself. It personifies the eternal flow of time and tranquility.

The meaning of tattoos for men

Black horse tattoo

A horse is a powerful animal, capable of punishing its enemies with one blow of a powerful hoof. It is not surprising that a horse standing on its hind legs looks aggressive and powerful. Horse tattoo for men speaks of fortitude, stamina and self-confidence.

These magnificent animals are often associated with war, as the presence of cavalry often decided the outcome of the battle. Therefore, a tattoo with their image can also mean physical superiority over other people, a quick-tempered or aggressive character and fearlessness.

The meaning of a horse tattoo with wings

In ancient Greek mythology, a horse capable of flying with huge wings was called Pegasus. He is considered the patron saint of poets and a faithful assistant to Zeus, ruling on Olympus. A tattoo with the image of a winged horse carries many meanings.

Endurance and stamina are qualities that Pegasus possesses. But, despite the power of this mythical creature, it remains the patron of creative people and symbolizes the flight of thought. Such a tattoo means fortitude and the pursuit of one's dreams and goals. It also speaks of contemplation and harmony with oneself, nature and the world as a whole. Huge wings allow Pegasus to quickly move through the air, which makes him a symbol of speed and swiftness.

Negative meaning

Horse riders

As with any other body painting, the significance of a horse's tattoo can be not only bright and joyful. For example, in Scotland, these animals were mentioned in myths about dark spirits living in the water, which took the form of horses. It was believed that they were capable of killing a man who, inadvertently, met with them. In Christianity, horses are a symbol of hard work, but besides this, there are other, darker meanings. Four horsemen of the apocalypse ride on mighty horses, which makes these animals symbols of devastation and chaos.

The values โ€‹โ€‹of the image of horses on the skin can vary depending on the color, mood and other details that a person will choose to create his tattoo.

Popular Tattoo Stories

A white running horse with a mane developing in the wind is an excellent option for images on the human body. Such a tattoo speaks of the desire for freedom. Snow-white horses symbolize kindness, selflessness and inspiration.

But as soon as the color of the horse on the tattoo changes to black, it takes on a different, frightening hidden meaning. Such body painting speaks of a positive attitude towards sinister forces. A horse's head with burning or empty eye sockets means love for all dark and dark magic.

The Pegasus tattoo speaks of faith in everything magical and unidentified. This mythical creature, depicted on the human body, means dreaminess and a flight of fantasy. But if you put Pegasus in armor, he can symbolize stamina and strength. Also, such a tattoo speaks about the high intellectual abilities and wisdom of its owner.

In order to make your tattoo colorful and bright, a person can add a background to it. If in addition to the horse itself, the body depicts fields, meadows or a clear, endless sky, the tattoo takes on a new meaning. It means the pursuit of freedom and the creative, subtle nature of man.

Horse tattoo on nature background

The horse's head, depicted in the form of a skull, is a popular theme for tattoo art lovers. It is considered an amulet that can protect a person from the forces of evil and misfortunes that they can bring into his life.

If you find a good master, you can create a real picture on your skin that will inspire and amaze everyone who looks at it. To do this, use a realistic image of horses or horses taken from real works of art, such as the painting "Heroes" by Vasnetsov or "Horsewoman" by Bryullov. The value of a horse tattoo, made in a realistic style, will consist in beauty and a craving for beauty.

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