What is the zodiac sign in January: characteristics, health, the influence of the planets

As everyone knows, a person is born under one of the constellations, which endows him with certain qualities. It is characterized by a certain position of the planets, which affects a person. The constellation defines a person’s symbol, his stone, metal, happy and unlucky days, favorable numbers, important years and much more. Today we’ll talk about those who were born in the first month of the year. What is the zodiac sign in january? And what qualities do people born in this period have?

what zodiac sign in january


In January, two zodiac signs.

From January 1 to January 20, Capricorn reigns supreme. Those born on January 1 and 2 are under the influence of Jupiter. They have such traits as calm and prudence. They quite easily acquire a state, they are accompanied by success, but because of their reckless actions, the risk of going broke is very high.

People born January 3 through 13 are affected by Mars. They are boring and badly affect others. The family does not cherish the home and their "I" always comes first.

Those born on January 14 to 20 are shrouded in the sun by their veil. These people are endowed with efficiency, passion, inconsistency. As you can see, answering the question of which zodiac sign in January is not enough to get a full description of a person. It is very important what date the birth took place. But there are a number of general definitions inherent in all Capricorns.

January 20 what zodiac sign
They consider their life difficult, but in the end it gives them a surprise. A person born under the constellation Capricorn is disciplined and practical, but quite often he feels sorry for himself. They give the impression of serious and reserved people to those around them. They have a specific goal and are ready to work day and night for its implementation. Most Capricorns love holidays and fun, especially if this happens in large companies. They are not indifferent to those around them and they are trying to help everyone who needs their support.

Many people want to know: January 20 - what is the sign of the zodiac on this day? Still Capricorn or has a new one already begun? Undoubtedly, January 20 is considered the last day of such a zodiac sign as Capricorn. And it should be noted that people born on this day have certain individual features that other Capricorns do not have. Born 20 january endowed with a special charm. They, like no other, know how to arouse the love of others. They do not tolerate lies, therefore they themselves speak only the truth. Their lack is considered inattention and complete chaos in their personal lives.


But if January 20 is the last day of Capricorn, then the question immediately arises: January 21 - what is the sign of the zodiac? People on this day are born under the constellation Aquarius. Their main advantage is that they always strive for the best, turning everything in its path upside down. They want constant change. Freedom-loving. They do not know how to argue with others, but sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is being done in their soul. Belonging to the element of Air, Aquarius is amiable, but it is almost impossible to obtain revelation from him. He is compliant because he does not like conflicts. Thanks to Saturn, he has insight and independence, and with the help of Uranus he has an excellent mind, vivid imagination and a penchant for originality.

The health of people born in January

Now that we have clarified which zodiac sign is in January, it's time to talk about some points that it is advisable to take into account.

The Capricorn organism is prone to early salt deposition due to metabolic disorders. Because of this, they may feel weak while walking, inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to monitor your diet and lead a more mobile lifestyle.

January 21 what zodiac sign
The main mineral salt of this sign is calcium phosphate, which is found in spinach, cabbage, beans, lentils, cucumbers, almonds, barley, lean meat. It is advisable to eat brown rice, egg yolk, strawberries, figs, prunes and blueberries.

When answering the question about which zodiac sign is in January, we also do not forget about Aquarius. It also has weaknesses. So, people born under this sign very often suffer from varicose veins. They may have vascular diseases, allergic reactions, cholecystitis, thrombophlebitis, arthritis, spasm, heart weakness. When eating, you should pay attention to the fact that the body of Aquarius lacks sodium chloride (sodium chloride), vitamins C and E.

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