Please fire me of my own free will: sample application for dismissal

Issues related to employment and termination of labor relations cause some difficulties for the population. This is especially true for those who want to leave the employer. Not for some reason, but on their own. Often they try to keep good employees with all their might, even violating the laws of the Russian Federation. Do you want to draw up and fill out a request to leave your job? Below we consider its sample. “Please dismiss me of my own free will” is an extremely important phrase that a potential dismissed person must remember.

I ask to dismiss me of my own will date signature

When can I contact

How to write a letter of resignation at will? It is easy to answer a similar question. Much more trouble is the immediate termination of employment.

You can apply for termination of employment at any time after employment. Even during the trial period. The main thing is to know how to behave.

Important! The boss cannot ignore the statement about leaving work. This is considered a violation.

Application form

How to apply to the employer for dismissal? First of all, it is necessary to make a statement of the established form. How can it be presented? The form of the letter of resignation is written. This means that the application must be submitted in paper form.

It is proposed to write the application manually, fill out the form of the established sample (specially designated fields), or print it on a printer. The main thing at the very end of the document is to sign.

failure-free reason for voluntary dismissal

Is it possible to send an electronic application by mail to the employer? Yes, but this approach is not welcome. It almost does not occur in practice due to the low level of security. It will be extremely difficult to prove that it was the employee who asked for the dismissal.


Would you like to make a statement with the theme "Please fire me of my own free will"? A sample of it is published below. First, find out how to properly design and compose it.

Usually indicated in the application:

  • data about the place of work;
  • information about the authorities;
  • F. I. O. of the dismissed;
  • the position of the person who wants to leave (preferably);
  • request for termination of the official employment contract.

As a rule, nothing more is required. The application is submitted in free form, but according to certain principles. If you remember them, you can avoid problems and as soon as possible to achieve the desired result.

Document structure

An application of their own free will can be executed and submitted to the employer at any time. The main thing is to comply with the established rules for leaving the company. This is not so difficult.

dismissal cap

An application of an established form must have a certain structure. The application usually contains:

  • a hat;
  • name with specification;
  • the main part;
  • conclusion.

Nothing extra or incomprehensible. For some, the text of the document fits in several lines. There is no need to think seriously about the content and structure of the form being studied.

What does it look like

Want to quit work? It is necessary to correctly draw up a request for resignation. Below you can see a sample of it. “Please dismiss me of my own free will” is a mandatory phrase that must be present in the text of the document.

Do I need to indicate the exact reason for leaving work? No. It is enough to refer to the fact that the potential dismissed person wants to stop working at the place of employment.

how to write a letter of resignation of your own free will

Accordingly, as already mentioned, the text of the application without its heading and name with the conclusion can fit in several lines. As you can see, everything is extremely simple and clear.

Submission Rules

Need a reliable reason for dismissal? Of my own free will! Under the law, citizens can at any time refuse employment in the company and stop visiting their former place of work. No one can hold them. And there is no need to justify the decision. Although, as a rule, people try to somehow comment on leaving the company.

To quit, a subordinate will need:

  1. Make a competent petition for leaving work.
  2. Contact your employer and wait for him to sign the application.
  3. Wait a while.
  4. On the day you leave work, come for calculation and documents (work book, sanknizhka, statement of income).
  5. Get money as a calculation. Do not forget about the documents put to a person.
  6. Sign in accounting books and on the dismissal order.

It is done. After the actions taken, a person will be considered officially dismissed. He can no longer go to work. The employer will have to finish the personal file of the dismissed person, and then send it to the archive for storage.

How to play safe and defend your rights

The dismissal cap must contain information about the employer and the potential dismissed person. No more information is written in them. Is that the position of a subordinate.

Many are interested not only in a competent model of an application, but also in ways of reinsuring themselves in case of violation by the employer of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If you are afraid that the boss will refuse to dismiss or refuse to accept the application, you can simply send it by post with a notification of receipt.

In this case, a subordinate who wants to be kept in the company or is simply not allowed to exercise their legal rights will be prepared to appeal to the Labor Inspectorate. In the end, to achieve the end of employment will succeed, albeit with large losses in time.

Do I need to practice

We reviewed the letter of resignation, which is considered a competent model. "Please fire me of my own free will" is the only phrase that really should be indicated in the main part of the document. Without this request, it is impossible to plan an official peaceful retirement from work. If a person does not ask for dismissal, it will not take place.

voluntary reason for dismissal

Is it necessary to work out after contacting the authorities with a corresponding request? A clear answer is problematic. Ideally, according to the law, mining is. She is 14 days old. The countdown starts from the moment the petition is submitted to your employer.

If a person decided to refuse employment at the probationary stage, they will have to work out only 3 days. But to avoid such a "feature" is also possible.

For example, you can make out the fact of termination of work by agreement of the parties without working out or submit an application, and then go on vacation at your own expense or on sick leave.

Important! Pensioners may not work out at all. They have this right only once - if they refuse to work for the official retirement.

If the application does not want to accept

We have already talked about how to protect ourselves when terminating relations with the employer. The statement "Please dismiss me of my own free will" should ideally be sent to superiors through postal services. This is done so that the citizen can prove the fact of notification by his decision. True, this technique is often not used.

What if the employer still does not sign the application? It is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Send a request of the type “Please dismiss me of my own free will” (sample is presented above) to my boss by registered mail.
  2. Work out two weeks and require a calculation, as well as the required documents.
  3. If the authorities still refuse and avoid the conversation, go to a law enforcement complaint.

Who will pay the costs during litigation? By law, a negligent employer. A slave whose rights are violated is exempt from additional costs.

statement please dismiss me of my own free will

Reasons for leaving work - are they mandatory?

How to write a letter of resignation at will? The answer to this question will no longer put a working citizen in an awkward position. Now everyone can achieve the desired goal.

But is it necessary to write down the reason for dismissal at will in the application? No. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, as already mentioned, it is impossible to require citizens to justify their voluntary departure from work. This is their right, which subordinates can exercise at any time.

Does the employer require justification of the decision? You can simply ignore this requirement. To come up with an excuse to exercise their legal rights prescribed in labor laws is not the best solution.


“I ask you to dismiss at your own request without practicing” - this is the text of the letter of resignation by agreement of the parties. Such a technique is in demand if the employer has a good relationship with the potential layoff. If you wish, you can draw up an agreement on leaving work by mutual agreement. In this case, the chief with the subordinate stipulate the conditions for termination of employment.

I ask to dismiss at will without practicing

“Please dismiss me of my own free will”, date, signature are important elements of a petition for termination of employment. And from now on, everyone will be able to make a request, as well as submit it to their employer. The main thing is not to be afraid and know about your rights. It is also advisable to discuss in advance with the bosses the planning of leaving the company.

Keeping a person at work is prohibited. But to dismiss - no. Therefore, sometimes people who intend to leave on their own can be fired under the article. This is not entirely honest, but dishonest employers have a similar practice.

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