Land Management Institute. State institutions of Moscow. Moscow University of Land Management

land management institute
Higher education in our time is not uncommon. But real experts in their field are very difficult to find. Students are guided by many motives when they go to study at a university, and only a few later become professionals in their field. In Moscow there are some state institutions, studying in which you can get both knowledge and skills in such professions as manager, lawyer, economist and so on. But one of the few across the country is raising wonderful engineers in the field of land management and land management.

Land Management Institute: History of Origin

The institute dates back to the reign of Catherine II in Russia (1779). It was just before the creation of the Konstantinovsky land surveying school that Catherine II gave birth to a grandson Konstantin, and this school was named in honor of him. In 1835, Nicholas I issued a decree on the transformation of the school and renaming it to the Konstantinovsky boundary institute. Even then, “contract soldiers” studied here - students who paid for their studies, but there were few of them (one fourth of all students). During the first decade after the institute came about, there were major transformations: cabinet-museums, lithography were organized, new academic disciplines were introduced, a pharmacy was opened, six-year training was established, and an observatory was founded. Then there was no concept of "Moscow institutions", since it was the only higher educational institution in the city. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, division for the first time was made here into departments — 9 departments on the land department and 7 — on the geodesic. In the pre-war years (1930), these two departments became autonomous, and subsequently the geodesic became the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, and land management was the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers.

Faculties at the Institute

The Institute of Land Management has several faculties:

  1. The Faculty of Land Management is the basic faculty at the institute, since graduation of engineers-land surveyors began with it. Here the history of land affairs is studied in depth, because knowledge of history determines the look into the future. Studying the disciplines "Land Management Economics", "Land Law", "Resettlement and Colonization" and a number of others, one can be based on the centuries-old experience of our ancestors, to design already at the best scientific level. Also, disciplines of agriculture and crop production, real estate economics, economics and organization of agricultural production, and others are studied here.
    government institutions
  2. The faculty "Real Estate Cadastre" is also powerful in its scientific base. Thanks to this and several other faculties, some call this educational institution nothing more than the "Institute of Land Management, Cadastres and Environmental Engineering". There are 3 departments: land use and cadastres, computer science, department of soil science, ecology and food.
  3. The faculty "City Cadastre" is especially relevant for applicants recently, after the land reform in the country. Here, students learn and acquire skills in the creation, development and operation of various cadastral information. At this faculty, the disciplines of the following departments are studied: geodesy and geoinformatics, aerial photo geodesy, cartography, and the city cadastre.
  4. The Faculty of Architecture is one of the most progressive faculties that include Moscow institutes. Here, the process of integration of designers and specialists in architecture into the global professional environment is set at a high level; for this, various internships, international practices, participation in competitions, projects and master classes are organized.
  5. Faculty of Law - the largest faculty in the number of departments. It includes not only specialized departments of jurisprudence, but also humanitarian disciplines, in particular, the department of Russian and foreign languages.
  6. Faculty of Continuing Education.
  7. Correspondence faculty.
  8. Military department.

What specialties can I study here?

State Institute of Land Management

Having a powerful scientific and technical base, an interesting history of transformation from college to university, several faculties and a large number of departments, the State Institute of Land Management graduates specialists of various specialties. Some of them are repeated in two directions:

  1. "Land management and cadastres" - after graduation, the student becomes a bachelor of land management, as well as a master of this specialty.
  2. "Management" - the direction of undergraduate, graduate.
  3. "Jurisprudence" - a specialist after graduation can work as a lawyer with a bachelor’s and master’s diploma.
  4. "Architecture" - a specialty in the areas of: undergraduate and graduate courses.
  5. “Design” is a very popular specialty recently, but there is only one direction so far - undergraduate.
  6. "Landscape architecture" is a narrowly focused specialty, here students study in two areas: undergraduate and graduate programs.
  7. "Technosphere safety" is a very important specialty, after which specialists receive a bachelor's degree.
  8. "Applied geodesy" - here students are graduated by specialists.

Land Management Institute in Kursk: Autonomous Units

Institute of Land Management in Kursk

In addition to such vast scientific potential, the introduction of new programs and a wide variety of disciplines studied, the institute has other branches of acquiring new knowledge.

Institute of Scientific-Industrial Land-Information Technologies. Here, practice is closely connected with theory, so that students can acquire not only knowledge, but also little experience in their specialty.

"Inform-cadastre" is an institution of advanced training, reports directly to the administration of the Institute of Land Management. Students who already have a basic education are studying here.

The Museum of Land Management, its history is a room where students can study a specific period in the development of land management science. This is a unique collection of exhibits, which has no analogues in the world. The first objects date back to the times of Ancient Russia. Here there are various documents of the epochs experienced by mankind, which are very well preserved.

The distance learning center coordinates students who wish to study remotely. Here documents are prepared for receiving assignments and passing sessions.

The scientific and educational bases "Chkalovskaya" and "Gornoe" contain highly focused information on land management and geodesy. Here, in theory, a specialized mini-laboratory is assembled.

Few state institutions in Moscow can boast of such active and diverse activities. Students here have all the conditions for in-depth scientific work and interesting student life.

Moscow Institute of Land Management

Pride of the Institute

Each educational institution has its own outstanding pupils. The Land Management Institute is no exception. Of course, to study at this university, find your place in life and become a well-known specialist, it will take a lot of strength, zeal and ability. But some students have been able to achieve excellent learning outcomes and the recognition of many people over the long history of the institution. Such pride of the institute are Akopyan Harutyun Amayakovich, Bonch-Burevich Vladimir Dmitrievich, Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich, Malov Vladimir Igorevich. Not all of these prominent people went deep into geodesy and land management: one became an excellent military man, the second became an artist, the third an excellent journalist, but all of them are united by studies at the Land Management Institute, which is full of various situations.

Scientific and practical life of the institution

In addition to the main scientific load, the Moscow Institute of Land Management issues periodicals, which are popular not only among students of this university, - a magazine and a newspaper.

Institute of Land Management, Cadastres and Environmental Management
A magazine entitled "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" in each issue highlights the problems of the country's economy. On its pages the state of the agricultural sector is analyzed, an engineering analysis of land management and cadastre is carried out. In the issues of the magazine you can see articles on jurisprudence, architecture, landscape design and other areas of science.

The newspaper "Surveyor" in its content has narrower articles on land management. Here you can find various regulatory documents, engineering calculations and so on. Also, this newspaper covers various news from the institute.

Features of social and educational work

Social-educational work at the institute is clearly structured and worked out. The student council, the tourist club work harmoniously, the sports life of students is perfectly organized. For all people involved in the educational process, a psychologist’s office is constantly working. There is even a house church here. Active and sociable students can further develop in the creative circles and studios of the institute. An alumni association operates here to communicate and share experience with each other. Also, the Institute of Land Management is an exemplary educational institution for the formation of student groups. Together, students voluntarily agree to work at various sites for the good of the country.

Student Assistance Library

The library is another reason for the pride of the institute. Books and documents were collected in her fund from the very beginning of the existence of the Konstantinovsky school. Here there is detailed information about the large-scale resettlement of people beyond the Urals, the development of new lands in the North of Russia, land management and cadastre documents, regulatory documents and engineering calculations on various topics. In addition to highly specialized books, there are general ones that are studied by students of various specialties, thematic documents on architecture, law, economics. For decades, the fund was formed not only from the money allocated for this. Many gave their books, especially after the war, and graduates of the institute made a gift to the institution in the form of books. The library has an automated book support file cabinet. Very carefully, workers monitor the formation of an informative base so that there is no shortage of information.

Why do you need to come here?

The Institute of Cadastre and Land Management enjoys good fame not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. There is no second such educational institution in the country that graduates narrow specialists in land management, geodesy and cadastre. In addition, a well-coordinated infrastructure of the institute, a well-organized educational process, high-level student self-government, a powerful information and scientific base distinguish this particular university from others.

Information for applicants

You can apply to the Institute of Land Management in Moscow on all days of the week, except Sunday. Each faculty has its own website and phone number where you can find out all the necessary information. A mandatory exam for all specialties is the Russian language, almost all pass maths. The third exam depends on the chosen profession - it can be biology, and painting, and physics. The issue of providing a hostel is decided by the results of exams.

Institute staff

The teaching staff of the university reaches 300 people. Among them are 30 professors, doctors of sciences, as well as 160 candidates of sciences. The staff also includes corresponding members of several academies.

The presence of a military department

In the particularly difficult years for the country, when the height of World War II was high, in 1942 the military department of the institute began to function. It was created with the aim of training artillery officers for the army. After the war, the department began to train reserve officers, platoon commanders for the engineering troops. Over the years, the department was transformed, new specialties appeared and goals were set depending on the domestic and foreign policies of the state. To date, the main tasks of the department are:

  • the introduction of a military training program for students as reserve officers in the main military specialties of the department;
  • implementation of educational work, as well as assistance in the professional definition of youth in military specialties.

Dare to act?

Institute of Land Management in Moscow

After familiarizing yourself with the substantial information about the university, the decision on admission must be made by weighing all the pros and cons. It takes into account the possibilities, the desire of the applicant and the demand for the profession.

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