How to part with a guy: some tips

People meet, people fall in love ... That's what the song says. But sometimes it’s not a matter of getting married, and you need to somehow part with the person. How to do it right?

how to part with a guy


Before parting with a guy, you should carefully think about whether this should be done at all? After all, maybe not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance, and the situation can still be corrected. It is necessary to carefully weigh the reasons that led to the emergence of such thoughts. But sometimes you just don’t have to save the relationship. What exactly can be decisive in the desire of a girl to leave a guy?

  1. Lack of common interests. In such a situation, the couple simply has nothing to do together, they cannot use their leisure time and will not remain interesting to each other for a long time.
  2. Inappropriate attitude of a guy to a girl, unwillingness to continue the relationship.
  3. Constant jealousy, cheating men - these are other reasons to part with a guy.
  4. Loss of feelings can also cause parting. If you don’t have a former relationship with a man, don’t squeeze love out of your finger, it’s better to just leave.

reasons to break up with a guy

Way of breaking up

Wanting to figure out how to part with a guy, it's worth understanding that there can be several ways to do this. So, it’s better to just say everything to your man’s eyes, in a personal conversation, without hiding or evading responsibility. You can also break with your loved one by phone, using a letter or message on social networks. But to do so, especially after the couple had a long close relationship, is simply not good, because this means that this person was never close and important. What to write to a guy to break up if this was the way to break the relationship? We can say that everything is over for such a reason, you can offer to remain friends (everybody hates this phrase). It is important to do everything so as not to offend your ex and not cause anger and negative emotions in him.

what to write to a guy to break up


Not knowing how to part with a guy correctly, you can try to bring him to ensure that he himself provoked a break. What can be done for this? A huge number of options. You can start calling your young man a hundred times a day, actively get into his relationship with friends, you can even start talking about a wedding - most men run away from this in the very near future. You can start to do everything that a guy doesn’t like: dye his hair a different color, change his clothing style, start listening to music that he doesn’t like. And you can do even trickier: introduce your beautiful and smart girlfriend, who will definitely interest any male. Maybe they will start a relationship, then everything will come to naught. Otherwise, you can arrange a young man a scene of jealousy and leave, slamming the door.

Break or distance

How to part with a guy? Here are some more options. You can just take a timeout in a relationship or leave somewhere for a long time. And at this time, just disappear from all the radars: do not call, do not write and do not appear on social networks. Time will pass, and the young man will simply forget about his girlfriend, finding a new passion. Then you do not have to arrange a long and tearful parting.

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