Pedagogical design: stages, forms and principles

Each of us is more or less familiar with design in its classical sense. Its emergence was promoted by the development of the sphere of material production. However, over time, the concept of design has been expanded. It began to represent an independent field of activity, actively developed by man.

Today indicate the existence of "all-pervasive design." This refers to the expansion of such activities in almost all areas of public life.

The knowledge and experience of the design industry is no less than other sciences, and pedagogy is required. This gives her the opportunity to carry out the process of education and training of students with guaranteed success. And the teacher has no other goal and should not be.

teacher with a folder stands near the students

The use of the term “design” in the pedagogical field allows us to solve a large number of methodological problems. This becomes possible due to the expansion of the terminological training space, the revision of ideas about certain traditional categories, their relationships, etc.

Definition of the term

It is worth noting that there is no common understanding about designing in the pedagogical sphere. Various researchers interpret this term in different ways. So, it can be understood as:

  • a process that allows the formation of new communities of students, teachers, technologies and the content of education, as well as innovative ways of thinking a teacher;
  • activity, the main direction of which is the development and further implementation of educational projects in the form of formalized complexes of educational ideas, systems and institutions;
  • preliminary development of the main details of the future activities of teachers and students;
  • organizational and methodological, substantive, socio-psychological and material and technical design of the ideas for solving the problem of education.

Despite the diversity of understanding of the term “pedagogical design”, in general, it means working on the creation of the basic elements of the upcoming educational and educational activities of teachers and students. Moreover, such events are an integral and significant function of any teacher.

A bit of history

S. Makarenko at one time contributed to the development of the domestic theory of pedagogical design and its practical application. It was he who became the founder of a new look at educational activities. Makarenko regarded this process as a “pedagogical production” organized in a special way and was an opponent of its spontaneity.

cubes with the word "plan"

Already in practice, he perfected the technique of discipline, self-government and adult conversation with the pupil. The thoughtfulness of all actions and their sequence were directed at the same time to the formation of a rich, strong nature, which would have only the best character traits.

The first work, revealing all aspects of pedagogical design, appeared only in 1989. V.P. Palko became its author.

The development of pedagogical design was greatly facilitated by technological progress and the related dissemination of various types of computer technology. This made it possible to change the teaching methodology, directing it along the path of technologicalization.

Objects of pedagogical design

The development of the upcoming activities of students and teachers aims at creating its presumptive options and forecasting possible results. The objects of such design are considered pedagogical systems, situations, as well as the learning process itself. Let's get to know them in more detail.

Educational systems

This is the largest object of designing educational activities. It is a combination of all possible factors that affect the achievement of the main goal of upbringing and education - human development.

Pedagogical systems are complex formations that include a wide variety of elements. It:

  • people - students and teachers;
  • material and technical base - computers and TCO, including the functions performed by them.

Each of these elements has its own internal structure, nature and capabilities. Moreover, in turn, all of them can also be considered as separate systemic formations. What do they represent?

Pedagogical systems are classified into small, medium, large and super large. The first of them include those that are used in the process of educating students. If we consider, for example, vocational schools, then these are systems of extracurricular activities, industrial training, etc.

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Medium-sized components are the activities of the educational institution as a whole. In this case, his work with students, with their parents, enterprises, entrepreneurs, etc. is considered.

Large subsystems include educational institutions of the region, city and district. They are large-scale socio-pedagogical complexes, the elements of which, in addition to colleges and schools, are production and culture institutions, public services and regional management.

Super-large or super-systems are at the level of territories and republics.

The purpose of each of the considered components, despite the specific features, is the development of students and teachers, as well as their protection from the negative effects of the external environment.

Educational process

This element is the main object in the design of educational activities. It is a combination of all factors contributing to the development of students and teachers in their direct interaction.

Pedagogical situation

This object of designing educational activities is always included in the framework of any educational process, and through it it is included in a particular subsystem. Teaching situations are always specific. After all, they arise or are created during a lesson or exam and are mainly resolved immediately. Sometimes they are also designed. Moreover, this activity is an integral part of the planning of the learning process.

teacher talking to a sad student

Outwardly, the structure of the pedagogical situation looks quite simple. After all, it includes only two subjects of activity (student and teacher), considering the ways of their interaction. However, everything is far from simple. Indeed, during the educational process, the interaction of the complex inner worlds of adults and children occurs.

Plan Types

Pedagogical design is a rather lengthy process. Its implementation requires a significant time period and the passage of certain stages.

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Moreover, the planning of educational processes can be of two types:

  1. Psychological and pedagogical. In this case, passing the stages of pedagogical design aims at mastering by students the perfect form of action. At the same time, the task of socialization and growing up of children is being solved.
  2. Socio-pedagogical. The main goal of this activity is the implementation of relevant processes. Each of the stages of socio-pedagogical design is designed to study and take into account the content of the order of society. At the same time, particularities of the social environment, lifestyle, national and other cultural factors that influence educational institutions are taken into account.

Sequence of actions

The pedagogical design algorithm includes the steps represented by the following:

  1. Preparatory work. When it is carried out, an analysis of the object of actions is carried out and a design form is selected. All this is brought under the foundation of legal, material, technical, spatio-temporal, methodological and theoretical support, without which any planning is impossible.
  2. Project development. This stage is the most responsible. After all, this is one of the main stages of pedagogical design, providing for the selection of the necessary system-forming factor. At the same time, the dependencies and relationships of the components of the whole structure are installed.
  3. By writing a project.
  4. Verification of the quality of work performed. At this important stage in the design of pedagogical activity, self-testing of the compiled samples is carried out. The work is also being studied by experts.
  5. Adjustment of the project.
  6. Decision-making on the application of work.
  7. Evaluating results and summarizing.

And now we turn to the consideration of the content of the stages of pedagogical design, which must be passed in the development of plans for educational activities.


The stages of pedagogical design include;

  • pedagogical invention;
  • prototype creation;
  • pedagogical experiment;
  • creation of the project itself.

The first stage of pedagogical design is invention. And that is understandable. After all, any activity begins with setting goals. In the educational process, it can be a look, an idea or just a conviction, on the basis of which educational situations, processes and systems will be built in the future.

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Goal setting for the design stages of the pedagogical process plays a huge role. It makes one think about when and where those qualities that will be brought up in students will be realized in real conditions. As a result, an inventive idea arises. In the future, it will require passing a check for consistency with regulations, as well as the individual capabilities of the teacher and his work characteristics.

The first stage of pedagogical design is considered to be fully completed only after drawing up a clear wording of the existing urgent problem, identifying all aspects of the educational process necessary to achieve the goal and realizing the expected effect of its implementation.


The stages of pedagogical design include the creation of a professional prototype of a single sample. Similar work is performed on the second step of the teacher's activity.

After creating an inventive idea, it should acquire all the qualities of a system under construction, being embodied in a method, technology , etc. When studying the stages and procedures of pedagogical design, it becomes clear that at this stage the teacher will need to apply his own experience and, using modern ideas and his chosen design, create a new, more perfect model. Similar actions will become possible with the involvement of educational modeling.

The completion of the creation process occurs at the moment when the sample completely passes the evaluation stage.


Let's move on to the third stage of the design of the pedagogical process. It provides a test of the effectiveness of the created sample. Sometimes during the experiment, the low quality or non-viability of the newly created design becomes apparent. This will require correction of the idea itself or the construction of another prototype.

They are used during the third stage of pedagogical design of qualimetry technology. This is an area of ​​scientific knowledge that studies the methodology of system development and is able to assess the quality of any processes, phenomena and objects.

When is the completion of this stage? One can talk about the passage of this stage in the case when the teacher has fully implemented the experimental plan and obtained a conclusion about the effectiveness of the model he built.

Project creation

At the fifth and final of all stages of pedagogical design, structural changes are made to the created model, which allows to exclude its non-essential features associated with the individual personality traits of the developer. In this case, it is possible to supplement the existing sample with those aspects that are considered important for its further implementation. Making design changes should provide the work with the possibility of mass implementation in practice. In this case, we can assume that the stages of pedagogical design have been successfully completed, and the goal set by the developer has been fully achieved.

Forms of activity planning

The project developer will need to draw up certain documents. They should give a complete description of the creation and actions of pedagogical situations, processes and systems. These are the forms of design. Moreover, the description of the work done in them can be carried out with varying degrees of accuracy. Stages and forms of pedagogical design are a prerequisite for compiling a model. Only with their passage and creation can the work come to its logical conclusion. At the same time, the stages of pedagogical design and the forms in which they should be reflected must exactly correspond to the requirements of the current education system.

students in the lesson are sitting on the floor

How is planning educational activities? Today, there are many forms of pedagogical design. Let us dwell on the most basic of them:

  1. Concept. This form of pedagogical design allows us to state the leading idea, the main point of view and the principles of constructing educational processes and systems. Creating a concept, as a rule, is based on the results of scientific research. And although this form is quite abstract and generalized, it is believed that it has great practical value. In any concept, project developers include only those views, positions and ideas that can be put into practice in a particular process or system.
  2. Dream. The image that is created by our imagination refers to a special form of design. A dream is understood as an object of desires and aspirations, an instrument of knowledge, as well as the emotional ability of a person to create projects in the future.
  3. Plan. This form of pedagogical design is a document reflecting the list of events (affairs), as well as the place and procedure for their implementation. When drafting projects, it is difficult to do without plans. That is why they are used quite widely. An example of this is the lesson plan, educational work, etc.

Design Principles in Education

What do developers focus on in the process of pedagogical planning? The success of the work carried out becomes possible subject to the following planning principles:

  1. Focusing on human priorities. This principle in pedagogical design is considered the main one. It gives orientation to a person as a direct participant in situations, processes and subsystems. The principle of human priorities does not allow the teacher to impose on students the implementation of developed projects. Based on the real needs, interests and capabilities of their students, the teacher should be able to deviate from the model he has chosen, replacing it with another. When working on the preparation of plans for the educational process, it is important for the teacher to be able to put himself in the place of the child, mentally predicting his feelings that arose under the influence of the created system, situation or process, predicting the behavior of the student.
  2. Self-development. What is this principle oriented to? To create projects that are dynamic and flexible, capable of being rebuilt, modified, complicated or simplified during the implementation process.

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