Rox toothpaste whitening: reviews and recommendations of dentists

By modern standards, a sign of beauty is snow-white tooth enamel. However, this was not always the case. For example, in the days of Kievan Rus, people thought differently. Then the women intentionally blackened their teeth so as not to attract evil spirits into their home and not be like wild monkeys. But in today's world, the procedure for clarifying tooth enamel has become very popular.

Unnatural whiteness

Many of us know that tooth enamel, as a rule, has a yellowish, grayish or bluish tint. This is due to genetic factors and has a purely individual feature. The ideal whiteness in the living world simply does not occur. Dentists say that the darker the shade of enamel given to us by nature, the stronger and healthier the teeth.

Reasons for color change

Enamel can change its shade due to various factors. First of all, they include tobacco smoking, the frequent use of sweets, as well as coffee and tea. Enamel also darkens due to the ingestion of various kinds of chemical compounds. A change in the color of teeth occurs in connection with the formation of plaque.

How to fix aesthetic flaw yourself

You can whiten tooth enamel at home. There are various ways to do this. The most common of these are a variety of whitening products, including Rox toothpaste. Any dentist will definitely warn that such a solution will harm enamel to one degree or another. But, nevertheless, there are a lot of people who want to show a snow-white smile, and therefore they make their choice in favor of whitening pastes.


Chemical bleaching pastes can prevent the formation of tartar. Their constant use is possible only if the composition of such products is not highly abrasive. This category of pastes removes plaque, returning the enamel to its natural shade. Using such compositions, one can achieve a one-two-tone tooth lightening.

rox toothpaste

There are more powerful pastes in terms of their impact. They are able to lighten tooth enamel in 2-4 tones. In the composition of such funds is carbamide peroxide. It acts on enamel, changing its natural shade. But it is worth keeping in mind that with the frequent use of such a composition, the surface layer of teeth can be damaged. In addition, such pastes can cause burns and irritation of the mucosa. This type of pastes should be used only under the supervision of a specialist dentist, and even then not constantly.

There are highly abrasive compounds. They produce intensive mechanical cleansing of enamel, restoring its natural shade. With these pastes, the teeth are lightened by 1-2 tones. But they are not recommended for continuous use, as they often cause damage to the enamel layer. As a result, the teeth become hypersensitive. Apply abrasive pastes in a course that lasts no more than two to four weeks. After this period, a break is made at the same time, during which the patient must switch to funds intended for teeth with high sensitivity, or to remineralizing formulations.

rox toothpaste reviews
There are combined pastes. They are able to whiten, as well as return to the teeth a natural shade. The effect of the use of such compositions directly depends on the type of paste and its constituent components. In the event that the product has abrasives, as well as chemical elements that prevent tartar from forming, it will lighten the teeth by 1 or 2 tones. Moreover, the result will be obtained much faster than when using conventional formulations. The paste, including both peroxides and abrasives, will lighten enamel by 2-4 tones. You can also use it no more than two to four weeks, taking a break after this course.

Rox whitening paste

The Russian market for oral care products in 2005 was replenished with a new line. It was presented by ROCS toothpastes. The action of these compounds is based on the fact that tooth enamel can be restored in the early stages of caries damage. In this case, a remineralization process should be carried out. It was this concept that became part of the idea that was used to create the whitening compositions.

It can be traced in the name of the paste. “Rox” stands for “Remineralizing Oral Care Systems” (ROCS). Reminiscent systems are combinations of ingredients that saturate the enamel with minerals. Moreover, such compositions act both on healthy teeth and on foci of carious lesions.

rox toothpaste whitening reviews

Manufacturers, when developing the collection of Rox toothpaste pastes, took into account the fact that throughout the course of a human life the needs of an organism change significantly. That is why there are compositions for all age categories from infants to the elderly.

The formulations of the Rox line are developed using the latest data on the interaction of active additives and the main components of the paste. Moreover, to achieve the desired effect, the phenomenon of synergism is used.

Active complex in the composition of the paste

Ideal means that can protect enamel from plaque for a long time. This ability prevents the occurrence and development of many dental diseases. This is because the tool reduces or completely eliminates the activity of microorganisms present in plaque.

It was these views that the developers held when creating the Rox toothpaste. This tool, first of all, produces a prolonged anti-flying effect, without coarse abrasives and antibacterial drugs.

What does Rox toothpaste have? The basis of the product is the Mineralin complex, which consists of the proteolytic enzyme bromelain, calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride, and also xylitol. Each of these components not only performs its own task, but also significantly increases the effectiveness of other elements.

rox toothpaste whitening

The paste contains active fractions of kelp and licorice, as well as lemon oil. Humanity has been familiar with the healing properties of these plant components since time immemorial.

Effect of paste elements on tooth enamel

The enzyme bromelain acts on non-viable protein compounds of plaque, splitting them. In this case, unnecessary components are removed from the enamel surface.

Bromelain is an aqueous extract from the stems of pineapple, as well as from its unripe fruits. This substance is able to linger in the oral cavity for a long time. With its help, Rox toothpaste is whitened. User reviews confirm the fact that, according to a subjective assessment, the teeth remain clean and smooth throughout the day. This effect is noticeable in many areas.

By removing soft deposits, Rox toothpaste gives access to those mineral elements that are in its composition, as well as in human saliva. As a result, the process of remineralization becomes possible.

Another important component - xylitol - incorporates Rox (toothpaste). Active calcium is included in the enamel precisely because of this element. As a result, plaque formation is significantly suppressed and the cariogenic potential in the microflora is reduced.

baby rox toothpaste

It is worth mentioning that the use of pastes, which include phosphorus-calcium and other additives, not only prevents dental diseases, but also compensates for the existing loss of enamel integrity.

Rox toothpaste contains magnesium. This element is a cofactor for phosphatases. These enzymes accelerate the hydrolysis of glycerophosphate, increasing its bioavailability.

In the process of developing recipes, the manufacturers focused on the complex effect of Rox (toothpaste). Reviews of experts indicate its ability to improve the condition of soft tissues in the oral cavity, removing inflammatory periodontal diseases. This effect is achieved under the influence of bromelain. This triggers two mechanisms. On the one hand, plaque formation is suppressed and the microbial load on the gums is reduced. On the other hand, bromelain works as an anti-inflammatory component.

What are the "Rocks" (toothpaste) reviews? The result of its use is the elimination of bad breath, which is due to the vital activity of bacteria of the anaerobic species. Bromelain in toothpaste speeds up protein utilization. This eliminates the extract needed for anaerobic fermentation.

“Rox” - a toothpaste whitening - does not include highly abrasive systems. It brightens the tone of the enamel thanks to such an active component as bromelain. Due to its low abrasiveness, the paste does not leave scratches on tooth enamel.

The most effective oral care is possible only if the product that is intended for this, like a person. That is why the Rox toothpaste series has traditional flavors - fruit and mint.

For a snow-white smile

Very popular with consumers is "Rocks" whitening toothpaste . The reviews of dentists confirm that she:
- Gently whitens enamel;
- prevents the occurrence of tartar;
- strengthens teeth and is a prevention of tooth decay;
- promotes long-term cleanliness of teeth;
- gives breath freshness;
- eliminates bleeding gums;
- normalizes the composition of microflora.

Rox toothpaste for children
Dentists also recommend using ROCS for oxygen whitening in parallel with the use of delicate whitening paste. This tool is able to deeply whiten tooth enamel, eliminate inflammation in the gums and unpleasant odors from the oral cavity. Such action of the Rox paste becomes possible due to the active oxygen in its composition.

Latest development

For those who seek not only to whiten their smile, but also to strengthen their gums and teeth, Rox Bionika toothpaste has been created. Ninety-five percent of the ingredients in its composition are plant materials.

This paste is recommended by dentists for those patients who suffer from bleeding and inflammation of the gums, and also have increased tooth sensitivity. The natural composition of this product is especially suitable for those who seek harmony with nature and choose natural products.

Toothpaste “Rox Bionika” is recommended for use by women during pregnancy. They can safely acquire this product, since it does not contain dyes and alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate and fluorine, as well as parabens and abiotic antiseptics. The main ingredients of the paste are the active fractions of thyme, licorice and seaweed. The healing properties of these substances have been used by man for many centuries. High concentrations of these plants include Rox Bionika toothpaste. Reviews of its use indicate a decrease in tooth sensitivity, as well as the elimination of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

For tobacco lovers

One of the reasons for darkening tooth enamel is the excessive consumption of red wine, tea and coffee. Those who smoke do not differ with a snow-white smile. For such consumers, Rox Coffee Tobacco toothpaste was created. Due to its unique structure, this tool is very effective. It perfectly eliminates plaque, as well as darkening of enamel. In addition, it has a pleasant smell.

The composition of the paste includes baobab extract and vitamin E. These ingredients eliminate dry mouth and promote the binding of toxins formed during smoking.

The formulation of the product is designed so that a double enamel cleaning system works. This is possible thanks to active ingredients such as bromelain and silicon dioxide.

For those who strive for oral health, Rox is recommended - whitening toothpaste . The reviews of experts confirm that she:
- does not allow the formation of plaque;
- protects against caries and conducts effective remineralization of teeth;
- has a low level of abrasiveness;
- returns enamel natural whiteness;
- eliminates unpleasant odor.


During the first six months of his life, the newborn pleases loved ones with a toothless smile. However, this time flies very quickly. The baby begins to cut the first teeth. At the same time, he becomes irritable, because he is worried about the pain in the swollen gums. Children’s Rox toothpaste will help relieve inflammation. Especially for kids, the company developed the Baby series. The composition of such a paste includes linden extract. This herbal component helps to eliminate the inflammatory process. It is worth mentioning that Rox (toothpaste for children) does not contain any fragrances, as well as fluorine and sodium lauryl sulfate. That is why the baby can swallow it without any harm to health.

After the appearance of the first teeth, experts recommend caring for them with the help of Rox children's paste, applied to a piece of gauze. After some time, the gauze is changed to a silicone massager. By the year the child is taught to use a toothbrush.

In order to go to the dentist as little as possible, and later on your child will need Rox (toothpaste). The feedback from many parents confirms that after three years the child will perfectly suit ROCS kids, and from eight - ROCS school.

There is no fluoride in the composition of children's paste. It was created using the Amiflur complex, which includes xylitol and aminofluoride. A fairly dense calcium layer is formed on the surface of the teeth with such a composition, which makes it possible to increase the enamel resistance to caries.

rox toothpaste whitening reviews

Aminofluoride is an organofluorine compound. It has unique properties due to its molecular structure. The calcium layer that forms the aminofloride on the tooth surface does not dissolve in acid. This film is resistant to saliva and is not washed off. Due to its surface activity, the calcium layer does not allow plaque to form. It also protects enamel from tooth decay.

Rox children's toothpastes come in flavors that appeal to the little ones. Such a composition contributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the process of brushing your teeth, which greatly helps to form such necessary oral hygiene habits.

As you can see, “Rox” is a toothpaste, reviews of which are mostly positive. However, as dentists recommend, constantly using it is not recommended.

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