Tile the bath: a description of the lining process

Laying the tiles in the bathroom, many owners of apartments and houses decide to also cover the screen. And if everything is clear with the facing of the floor and walls, then when carrying out the mentioned works, it is necessary to observe some nuances. For example, the fastening of tiles should be carried out on the basis of, which may be:

  • moisture resistant plywood;
  • drywall;
  • brick;
  • foam blocks.

The design should include a revision hatch and a vent. The screen is best designed from the same material as the walls.

Alignment and Layout

how to tile a bath

We tile the bath, not forgetting about the alignment, because this is the key to a high-quality result. If you do not level the base, then you may encounter a fallen off tile. It is necessary to plaster the walls and fill the floor to the desired level. The treated part in the bathroom must be brought into proper condition, for example, the angles between the walls and the floor should be equal to 90 ˚.

It is important to worry about waterproofing, which will protect the lining from destruction. The surface is treated with primer or PVA glue, which will increase the adhesion of tiles and walls. We tile the bathtub, performing preliminary marking. It should start from the far corner from the door. With the help of the staff you can check the evenness of the floor.

Features of work

Draw a line, and then a second. Their intersection should form an angle of 45 ˚. On the wall should be fixed bar, which can make the construction level. It will serve as the basis for the first row. In the upper corner for the highest accuracy you need to set the vertical level. It can be a plumb line or a twine rope. It is important to consider the obstacles that get in your way.

Bath preparation

how to tile a room with a bathtub

Installation of the bath before its refinement with tiles is carried out almost according to the same principle as in the case of a bath under the screen. Plumbing is connected to the sewer and installed on a level. If necessary, the bottom can be fixed with bricks or foam. The perimeter of the bath in the next step should be bricked. Before you start laying it, you need to mark the perimeter so that the brick partition allows the board to protrude 2 cm outward. If you increase this parameter, then you can add space for light stucco.

Since the thickness of the brick is greater than the thickness of the side of the plumbing fixture, when installing the third row, the brick will rest in the bath. Thin bricks are not available for this, so the products must be chopped off in thickness using an angle grinder. You can use a grinder with a diamond disk. It may happen that the brick breaks, then you can make the partition from the debris.

The upper brick rows are glued with glue to the bathtub, which will make the partition and plumbing device a single whole. If you are interested in how to beautifully tile the bathtub, you should not forget about practicality, leaving a hole when laying brick from the side of the siphon. A hand should freely pass into it, which will be required to replace the siphon. Sometimes a hole is left for the legs. It can be located in the center of the bath. The width of the hole will be 40 cm, and the height is 15 cm from the floor level.

Using a brick base

how to beautifully tile the bath

Before tiling a bathtub with a tile, you should think what material will underlie. Brick, for example, has many advantages. It retains heat, is durable and durable, and also guarantees reliability. Brick is commonly used to create direct screens. Laying is carried out around the perimeter of the open sides of the plumbing fixture. The base must be drowned 2 cm inward from the side. This is necessary for applying plaster and mounting tiles, which should be on the same level with the sides.

The upper row of bricks is glued not only between each other, but also with the edge of the bath. After the masonry has dried, it should be treated with an antifungal agent and primed. Further, the plaster is applied to give the base smoothness. If there are small differences and defects, it's okay, because they can be leveled when installing the tiles.

Using Drywall

If you know how to tile the bathroom around the screen, you should consider what the frame will be made of. It can be drywall, which is an excellent alternative to the above option. The advantages of this framework are the simplicity of the work, low cost and lower weight of materials. In addition, with the help of sheets you can create almost any shape. This factor is especially relevant in cases where an acrylic bathtub is tiled, because it is most often curly.

If you want to know how to tile a bathtub in a bathroom, you should be interested in technology. It provides for the use of drywall as a screen, which will have the quality of moisture resistance. The sheets must be fastened by screwing to the metal frame of the profiles. The latter are installed around the screen.

The weight of the tile is quite impressive, so the design must be fixed with additional rails, they are installed across. The step between the profiles should match the level of the wall in the bathroom. This suggests that the upper bar should go close to the bowl under the sides. After the frame is ready, you can begin to screw the sheets of drywall. They are treated with an antiseptic and coated with a primer. Additionally, a serpian net is attached.

Tiling Nuances

how to tile a bath with your own hands

Many beginner home masters ask professionals about how to properly tile a bathtub. One of the main nuances is that there is no need to create a slope for water flow, because the bath already provides for it. You must install the plumbing fixture exactly in level. If you decide to make a drywall frame, then you will need ceiling guides. Of these, the workpiece is made by incising the edges of the profile. They must be bent so that the vertical segments are at the edges. In the center will be the distance between the walls.

U-shaped structure with screws or dowel nails should be fixed to the walls. Before you cover the bathtub with tiles yourself, you will need to fix the guide also to the floor, and then install vertical racks. They will give the construction additional rigidity.

If you want to increase the stiffness of the screen even more, then you can attach the upper guide to the housing of the plumbing fixture made of cast iron. In this case, it is necessary to use "Rotband" or tile glue. One or more sheets of drywall of the required size are cut off in the next step. Sheets are installed on the frame so that the joints fall on the guides. Fastenings should be carried out with self-tapping screws.

Facing process description

how to tile an acrylic bathtub

Quite often, novice home masters wonder how to tile an acrylic bathtub. In this case, you must follow the algorithm. At the first stage, the technology provides for the surface treatment of the base with an antiseptic, which eliminates the formation of mold and fungus. The rough screen must be well primed.

Following the styling scheme, you should do the markup. The tile is soaked in water. Next, you can do the preparation of glue. Do not shut it in a large volume. The solution is applied to a portion of the screen of such an area that will be enough to secure 4 tiles. In this case, we are talking about an area of ​​not more than a square meter.

The composition is leveled with a notched trowel. Laying starts from the most visible place. To use this, you need a whole tile. The seams on the bathtub and wall lining must match, so work should begin from the second row from the bottom.

We tile the bath, cutting the missing elements in parallel. Next, they are installed. Such tiles are laid out in the least visible places. Tile should be tapped throughout the process, which will allow you to check the level of masonry. The seams should be the same.

The final stage

how to tile a bathtub in a bathroom

Crosses should be removed from the joints between the products. Next, grout mixture is prepared. It should have the same shade as for the walls. A small amount of grout is applied to each seam with a rubber spatula. It is rubbed so that the level of the junction with the tile is even. Surplus must be removed.

The tile is washed with a damp sponge and left until the grout dries. At the corners, in those places where the screen is adjacent to the bathtub, walls and floor, as well as near the hatch and ventilation, it is necessary to process with silicone sealant, which will prevent microbes and moisture from getting inside. On this we can assume that the screen is ready. Making it yourself is not so difficult.


how to tile the bath

Tile the bath to make the room more ennobled. After carrying out the work, you must also follow the care tips, because the material will be constantly exposed to moisture, shock, vibration and temperature changes. In order to protect the tile from limescale and give it shine, it is necessary to regularly remove drops of water from the screen. It is recommended to wipe its surface with a glass or tile care product.

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