Astrology lessons: characteristics of male Taurus

Taurus is the first earth sign in the zodiac circle , and this says a lot. Two factors affected the nature of people born during the passage of the zodiac under this constellation. On the one hand, Taurus is a bull, an animal powerful, healthy, stubborn, dull, aggressive. He is an eternal hard worker, a draft force intended for hard physical work. On the other hand, he is also a golden calf, taurus, the personification of a precious metal, wealth, financial independence.

Governing Planets and Character

characteristic of male bodies
The characteristics of male Taurus, as well as women, are associated with the influence of such quite opposite planets as Venus and the Moon in the positive plane, and Saturn, Pluto and Mars in the negative. Taurus is a female sign. Venus softens it, gives a touch of sophistication, aesthetics, tenderness and vulnerability. Therefore, people related to it are not alien to the desire for beauty, emotional sensitivity, romance, and high soaring. The moon also leaves its mark on the personality: under its influence, many who were born between April 21st and May 20th reveal an interest in mysticism, everything mysterious, unknown, beyond. This characteristic of male Taurus concerns in the first place. Even in childhood and adolescence, they know how to sympathize with relatives, can take care of the weak, support the weak. And although in the course of time they become somewhat rougher and stale, they still retain their fundamental character traits until old age. But Mars is a warlike planet, and Pluto is a gloomy planet, and together with the negative Saturn they have a different effect. Under their influence, Taurus become rude and stubborn, show rigidity and the very property, which is expressed by the saying: "there is strength - there is no need for the mind." The characteristics of male Taurus, depending on these celestial bodies, reveal their remarkable temperament with sufficient cold-bloodedness, restraint, self-control, even some melancholy. In general, this is a sign that is very interesting in many ways. Those who are well acquainted with its representatives have more than once become convinced of their originality. In different situations, one and the same person can show himself as sensitive to sentimentality, even feminine to softness (we are talking about the stronger sex), or, conversely, bold and hard, able to solve the most serious tasks that require a sober mind, cold calculation and tough hands.
horoscope taurus man characteristic
However, the characteristics of male Taurus are not limited to these qualities. They, for example, can be very economical, even stingy, and save up a good capitalist. They are able to work a lot and be productive. Whatever profession Taurus chooses, it is most often fully realized in it, using the well-deserved respect of colleagues, superiors and subordinates. For example, if a military path is chosen, then the promotion will be successful, the ranks and good jobs will be assigned and rotated in a timely manner, and the career will go uphill from the very beginning.

Home, family, children

Taurus character characteristic male
In his personal life, Taurus is pretty serious. Characteristic of the sign: a man can either immediately marry seriously and for a long time, or, conversely, will choose his soul mate for a long time. As a rule, having created a family in his young years, he becomes an exemplary family man, a good, attentive husband and a very gentle, caring father. Like an ant, Taurus will drag everything into the house that will help him to equip and establish life. And if in his wife a man of this sign finds a zealous mistress, kind, affectionate girlfriend, he will be truly happy. An example of such a reliable marriage is the union of Taurus and Libra. But as the horoscope points out, Taurus-man, whose characteristic is given here, does not always find true love in his youth. Then the search drags on for many years. And only closer to 40 years is it possible to find personal harmony. By the way, with all his prudence in terms of material wealth, Taurus will not spare money for loved ones. Having firmly risen to his feet, he will help his parents fill his wife and children with gifts. Friends can always find support from him and answer, by the way, the same to him.

To summarize

So, Taurus-men are healthy realists and practitioners with a touch of soulfulness, tenderness, spirituality. Firmly standing on the earth, but sometimes ready to soar into heaven. Showing hardness and willpower, but capable of crying, seeing the suffering of a loved one. Directly reaching their goal, but often showing the wonders of diplomacy. They are reliable, like a monolith, moderately selfish. A sign with great astrological potential.

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