Monitor color adjustment: step by step instructions

Everyone knows that a long time at the computer is bad for your health. This especially affects the vision of a person. The fact is that a person is not able to see the frequency of flickering of the monitor screen, however, the eye picks up this frequency, and with time, vision loss may occur. At the computer, the eyes gradually get tired and stop focusing clearly on the image. But for many, a computer is a job, which means avoiding this harm will not work. In order to minimize it as much as possible, a competent color adjustment of the monitor is required, as well as its resolution.

Setup using AdobeGamma

For optimal display of colors, you must configure using a special program called AdobeGamma. The first step is to install it on your computer. After installing the program you should put on the desktop screen saver in the form of a solid gray color. Setting monitor colors in Windows 7 for the desktop is in the “Personalization” section, which appears in a pop-up window when you right-click on its splash screen (background). There you need to select the item “Desktop Background” and in it the drop-down menu “Image Location”, in which there is a menu item “Solid Colors”. Gray color can be seen immediately.

Now it's time to proceed directly to the procedure itself. After launching the AdobeGamma application, the configuration is performed using the configuration wizard (you need to select this option) - a special program that allows you to go through the whole process in steps. The next step will be the selection of the “color profile”. It is generally recommended that you leave the default profile (for inexperienced users). Now you need to click on the “Next” button to continue and set the contrast to the maximum value. The brightness should be adjusted so that the square, which is located inside another square, is as close as possible to black, but still stands out a bit from its background. The next step can simply be skipped.

monitor color adjustment

Next, you need to configure gamma correction using the lower tab of the general settings window. If the program for adjusting monitor colors is not localized, then it will be called WindowsDefault. To the right of it there is a small field where it is proposed to enter the value of the Gamma parameter. The most commonly used 2.2. In the same window, uncheck the ViewSingleGammaOnly parameter to display gamma values ​​by color. Now, using the mouse, you need to bring the result to such a state that all three squares become absolutely indistinguishable from your background. The next step sets the color temperature, which should be equal to 6500K. Now setup is complete. After completion, it is possible to compare the result with the original value. To do this, use the Before (before) and After (after) buttons. Adjusting the colors of the Windows 10 monitor is carried out in the same way with the only difference that the versions of the AdobeGamma program may differ.

Image Adjustment Using Monitor Features

Almost all monitors have a special functionality (menu), with which you can quickly make color adjustments. The interface for such a menu is as clear as possible and for most devices translated into Russian, so to change the contrast, color or brightness of the screen, you just need to select the appropriate item using the buttons below. For more detailed information, you can refer to the instructions from the manufacturer, which usually comes with the device. For example, Samsung monitor color adjustment is done using the special Menu button located below the screen, when clicked, the monitor menu appears. It has two main sections responsible for color reproduction - it is Picture and Color, which will help to make all the necessary settings. For different manufacturers and different models, these sections can be called differently, but the meaning is ultimately the same.

program for adjusting monitor colors

Image adjustment through the system

Windows itself also has features that allow you to adjust the color of the monitor. To do this, there is a program called “Calibration”, which can be found through a search in the “Start” menu. The application itself will tell you how to proceed further after its launch. An important parameter is a properly selected screen resolution that is optimal for a custom monitor. Usually in the drop-down menu listing the acceptable values ​​for the screen resolution, it is marked as “Recommended”. It is him who is worth choosing. This parameter is located in the settings of the video card. To get there, you need to right-click on the desktop and select the appropriate item in the menu that appears. It is called differently by different manufacturers of video cards, for example, for NVIDIA you need to look for a line with the name “NVIDIA Control Panel”, and for Radeon - “Radeon Graphics Features”. All other color settings are also located there. In order to achieve the best result, in addition to a properly selected screen resolution, it is necessary to select the highest color rendering depth of 32 bits. As a rule, this setting is always located in the same place as the screen resolution setting, so finding it is not difficult.

laptop monitor color settings

Screen brightness adjustment

Surely many noticed that those standing in the store on the monitor stand visually differentiate the image. On one, it is dimmer, and on the other, on the contrary, too bright. This is due to the different color settings for each individual device. If the buyer is not satisfied with the default monitor color settings, he can change them. To do this, press the button with the name Menu and in the panel that appears, select the value Picture (image), where the brightness and contrast settings with the adjustment sliders located to the right of them are located. It is worth noting that for different models and manufacturers the names of these parameters may differ or even be marked with schematic figures, but the general meaning for the end user is always clear.

After finding the desired settings, you need to take a blank white sheet of paper, put it in front of the monitor, create using the Notepad program a regular blank document and compare the color of the sheet of paper with the white background of the document in the program. This procedure is carried out to evaluate and then adjust the white color of the monitor. Next, for the slider responsible for the brightness of the picture, you need to find a position so that the white color on the monitor matches the white color of the sheet of paper on the table.

Adjust screen contrast

To adjust the contrast, 2 images of identical shirts of different colors can help: one shirt is black and the other is white. The main thing is that the colors are solid. Both images must be opened and placed next to each other. Now you should move the slider, which is responsible for the contrast, until the folds on both shirts become clearly visible. When this effect is achieved, you can slightly adjust the brightness. On this, the process of completing the adjustment of brightness and contrast can be considered completed. The white color obtained as a result of these manipulations may differ from the monitor settings that were set by default at the time of purchase. However, experts say that this is only an optical illusion caused by the eye getting used to the initial values.

monitor white color adjustment

Adjusting the color of a laptop using Windows

Laptops have long become an integral part of our lives. It is enough to configure the laptop once correctly so that then there are no unnecessary problems and do not have to spend extra time. The color setting of the laptop monitor is not very different from the settings of a regular monitor. They are located in the “Color Management” section of the Windows control panel. Having entered the section, you need to select the “Details” tab and then click on the “Calibrate screen” button. Then simply follow the instructions provided by the setup wizard.

Customize laptop color with intelHDgraphics

But this is not the only method applicable for solving this problem. For example, there is software that solves this problem more efficiently. If the laptop runs on an Intel processor, you should adjust the color through the “Graphics Specifications” section. You can get there using the same pop-up menu, called by the right mouse click. When you open the section, a window with several categories that are responsible for the parameters of the video card will appear. To adjust the color, select the “Display” category. There, in the “Color” tab, you can find the “Advanced” tab, in which the necessary color adjustment controls are located. The only parameters are hue and saturation, with which the adjustment takes place. The level of increase or decrease in values ​​is determined by the user based on his needs.

adjust windows 10 monitor colors

Features of adjusting brightness on a laptop

It is known that if you need to adjust the monitor screen quickly, then you can use the interface of buttons located on its body. But on a laptop, things are a little different, and, in truth, for many uninformed users this becomes a real problem. The fact is that there are simply no such buttons on the laptop case. This is due not to the lack of space for this functionality, but to the fact that the optimal image is selected by the equipment developer.

But sometimes the need for quick color adjustment appears. To solve this problem, the laptop has a special Fn key, which is responsible for additional functionality. When holding this key, additional functions of the keys are activated, on which there are icons highlighted in a different color. To adjust the brightness of the monitor you need to use the keys with the image of the sun (standard brightness icon).

samsung monitor color adjustment

Color Testing Using Real Color

There is another tool that in certain circles is considered a reference. These are special Real Color wallpapers that bear some resemblance to the settings grid used once on TVs. When using this method, special wallpapers with optimal resolution for a computer or laptop are installed on the desktop. Looking at the screen from a normal distance, you can determine if the color rendition is correctly calibrated. With the right settings, a smooth gray gradient should be distinguished, and if the stripes appear and the shades mix, then the color is set incorrectly.

color may differ from monitor settings

To summarize, we can say that adjusting the color of the monitor is a painstaking task and depends on many factors. Therefore, for each individual case, its own parameters should be applied that satisfy specific needs. But in order not to be dispersed among many different methods, you need to do this: for quick setup use the built-in system parameters, and for a more complex task you can resort to third-party applications.

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