Bicycle steering column: device and adjustment

What is a bicycle steering wheel? This element is designed to provide control of the vehicle, and more specifically, changes in the position of the front wheel. How is the bike steering column assembled ? What are the sizes of the presented part? What needs to be done to properly adjust the item? This and not only will be discussed later in the article.


bike steering column

The steering column of a bicycle is a system containing a set of parts whose functionality provides the rider with the ability to change the direction of movement of a two-wheeled vehicle. The steering gear includes the following parts:

  • The crossbar is an element on which brake systems , speed switches, and other accessories are installed.
  • Take-out - a small pipe with mounts under the crossbar.
  • The steering tube is the part that connects the stem to the crown of the fork.
  • Steering cup - a frame element in the form of a short pipe with internal chamfers that are cut according to certain standards. All kinds of cups and bearings are placed here.

Threaded Bicycle Steering Column

threaded bike steering column

Elements of the presented type are considered classic details that are found in models of budget bikes. Such systems are quite unpretentious in maintenance. There are standardized chamfers in the upper bowl of the threaded system. The steering tube is fixed here with a control nut.

The advantages of a threaded column include low weight and low cost. Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the relative unreliability, as well as the difficulty of adjustment.

Threadless Bicycle Steering Column

Details of this nature are considered the modern standard. There is no thread inside such a column. Threadless systems do not take the load from fixing the plug.

Similar parts consist of lower and upper cups. Both are pressed into the steering glass. Inside contains the steering column bearing of the bike. A rolling ring is mounted on top of the latter. In threaded systems, the removal and installation rings are first installed. Only then does the steering pipe lock.

Integrated column

steering wheel bearing

Refers to the threadless type of systems. It differs from the rest in the absence of cups. In other words, the bearings fit directly into the steering box of the frame. There are no rolling grooves in the design. The integrated steering column of a bicycle can contain exclusively industrial bearings.

Systems of this type have the smallest weight and simplicity of design. However, they are quite difficult to recover from damage. In addition, there is a significant variation in sizes and patterns.

Semi-Integrated Column

Half-integrated columns typically contain combinations of standard and industrial bearings. Cups of such structures go completely into the inner cavity of the steering glass. From the outside, only anthers remain noticeable.

The semi-integrated bike column has a rather complex device, it has a high cost. Despite this, the systems of the indicated plan are considered the most convenient, since they make it possible to set the required rudder height without any special difficulties.

How to assemble a steering column?

steering column assembly

Before proceeding with specific actions, it is necessary to carefully wipe the chamfers to install the bearings with a piece of cloth, eliminating oil and dust. It is also recommended to check the surfaces for crumbs, chips, other damage. If defects are found, it will be necessary to remove and replace the bearing rings under the bearings. If you ignore the problem, damage to the bearing balls will soon appear.

Now we will pass directly to work. To begin with, grease the chamfers for bearings. It is recommended to use thick material for this. Assembly must be done starting from the lowest bearing. The latter is flush to the seat. In this case, the separator should be in the upper position, and the balls should be laid down.

Next, a dust-free and greased steering column response bowl is mounted on the bearing. A sealing ring is also placed here, which will protect the internal space from the penetration of contaminants.

Then you need to turn the frame of the bike. After that, the upper bearing is installed according to the same principle as the lower one. The seat is locked with anther. At the end, the external seal and the stop washer are laid. Additional rings are put on the steering column, the number of which depends on the frame parameters and the size of the fork pipe. A steering wheel is mounted over the rings. Then the washer is tightened and secured with a bolt.


bike steering column sizes

Adjusting the steering column of the bike involves putting the steering wheel in the correct position. To begin with, the steering bar is perpendicular to the wheel. Then the washer is tightened until play is completely eliminated. This action must be performed so that the steering wheel freely tilts to one side from the central position while holding the bike on weight. Only after that the bolts are tightly tightened directly on the steering wheel.


There are various sizes of the steering columns of a bicycle, and more specifically, individual parameters of steering glasses. Currently, you can find the following types of glasses:

  • Standard - size 30 mm.
  • Integrated - there are several sizes: 1/8 inch (41.1 mm), 1/8 inch Italian Standard (41.95 mm), 1/8 inch FSA Standard (41.6 mm).
  • Semi-integrated - a range of sizes from 41.35 mm to 55.9 mm.

Each size has its own tolerances of up to a millimeter. However, you should try to select glasses as accurately as possible in order to avoid the appearance of backlash forks. This assumption will negatively affect the sensations during the ride.

How to check the bike for steering clearance

steering wheel adjustment

How securely the steering column of a bicycle is fixed can be determined by resorting to a simple method. It is enough to put the vehicle on a flat surface, and then hold the front brake. As soon as the bicycle does not have the ability to roll, you need to push it forward. If there is no play in the steering column, no fluctuations will occur. If available, noticeable returns will be noticeable.

How does the problem arise? As already noted above, the cause may be the wear of the chamfers where the bearings fit. If the backlash is seen on a new bicycle, this may mean that poor quality adjustment was made during its assembly. In this case, it is necessary to unscrew the upper retaining bolt, tighten the washer and reassemble the elements.


As you can see, the steering column is not the simplest structural element of a bicycle. However, its service can be dealt with with sufficient knowledge and experience. When assembling the steering column after the scheduled maintenance of its elements, it is enough to focus on the sequence of actions described in our material.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the steering columns of bicycles fail quite rarely, regardless of their type. To troubleshoot, it often only requires replacing bearings or tightening the main retaining bolt.

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