Balls from the pile - the reason why even a new thing can go to the far shelf or even "move" to the cottage. How to get rid of spools on clothes, if you leave it too early? The tips in this article will help you quickly and easily cope with this task.
Reasons for the appearance
You will not have to look for the best ways to remove the spools if you prevent their formation. Where do the balls from the pile come from, which give things a groomed appearance?
- Friction. It causes excessive rolling. Most often, nap balls are formed where clothing comes in contact with products made from coarse material. The threat is represented by trouser belts, straps of backpacks and so on.
- Features of the material. Items made from synthetic or woolen threads are at risk, as are items with large pile.
- Improper care. Not all people remember that things need competent care. Recommendations that take into account the characteristics of the material can be read on the product label. Each fabric puts forward specific requirements for washing, ironing, drying.
- Unsuitable powder. Each product needs a cleaning product that suits it. If the composition is not selected correctly, coarsening of the fabric and the formation of pile balls are inevitable.
How to get rid of spools on clothes with a typewriter
Which way to consider first? How to remove spools from clothes very quickly? There is a device specifically designed to deal with nap balls. It is a compact box with a compartment with blades protected by a grill. Choose from battery and battery models. The cost of the device, as a rule, does not exceed 1000 rubles.
Understanding the principle of operation of the device is easy. When driving along the surface of the fabric, the pile balls fall into the holes and are cut off. As a result, they find themselves in a compartment designed for "garbage".
This method is recommended for those who are thinking about how to get rid of the pellets on woolen clothes. It is suitable for cleaning knitwear. Many models allow you to adjust the height of the blades, so that the decorative elements remain safe and sound when cutting lumps.
How to remove the spools from clothes at home, if there is no special device? If the task is to remove large balls from the pile, you can give preference to scissors.
- Use worth manicure scissors with a thin blade.
- The product is laid out on a flat surface, smoothed out.
- Manipulations must be performed in sunlight or daylight. Scissors should be kept parallel to clothing.
- Haircut starts at the back. The neck, sleeves, seams and other small items are processed last.
- Work should be slow and careful, as there is a high probability of damage to clothing.
How and how to remove the spools on clothes? Using a razor is a method that has been relevant for many years. A sharp blade model without a gel strip is needed. The old machine does not fit, you need a new accessory.
- The item should be spread out on a flat surface, stretched and fixed. Ideally, this should be done together to eliminate any hint of creasing.
- Processing starts from the back, you need to move from top to bottom. The machine should not be torn off the fabric, movements should be short and smooth.
- As soon as the balls of pile are collected between the blades, they need to be cleaned.
- Particular attention is paid to the processing of seams. Fibers will be damaged if the blade is driven straight along a bend.
The razor can be safely used to clean knitwear or cotton. Products with a long pile cannot be processed with it. It is also not recommended to use a razor if the spools are formed on woolen clothes. The machine is often used to remove pile balls from mittens, gloves, hats, scarves and other wardrobe items that are compact in size.
How to quickly get rid of spools on clothes? Adhesive tape is a tool often used by professional tailors.
- The clothes need to be laid out on a flat surface, tightly fixed.
- It will take several segments of a wide adhesive tape 5-10 cm long.
- The strip is glued to the affected area, smoothed. Then you need to sharply pull the tape. Not only the spools, but also other third-party elements will remain on it.
- If necessary, you can process one zone several times.
It must be remembered that the adhesive tape is effective only in the fight against small pile balls. Against large spools, it is useless. This method is useful primarily for those who want to clean a fine knit sweater, jacket, coat. It is also used to tidy up scarves and hats.
Sticky tape roller
How to get rid of spools on clothes? To solve this problem, a special roller with adhesive tape with a handle will help. It can be purchased in supermarkets, hardware stores. This device is a kind of analogue of adhesive tape, more simple and convenient to use, suitable for almost any fabric.
How to use it? The roller must be carried out on the affected area. This is repeated until all the spools have been removed. If the tape becomes dirty, it should certainly be replaced.
Tooth brush
A toothbrush is another home tool in the fight against spools. You should pay attention to this option if you plan to clean clothes with a long pile. It is best to use a model with soft bristles.
- The brush must be prepared for work. To do this, it is cleaned, scalded with boiling water and thoroughly dried.
- The brush must be driven along the fibers of the fabric, otherwise the thing will be damaged forever. The affected area is “combed” several times, this continues until the balls disappear completely.
- Next, the clothes must be soaked in a special solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 70 ml of vinegar in three liters of water.
- Then the product must be rinsed, left on terry towels until completely dry. It is important that during drying the thing is away from heating appliances and sunlight.
- After drying, the fabric must be treated with a clothes brush, this will positively affect its appearance.
An overview of ways to remove spools from clothing is unlikely to be complete unless sandpaper is mentioned. This method is relevant when it comes to cleaning a lint-free product. The surface is processed until all small formations are removed.
Another popular way to combat pellets involves the use of crackers. A thick piece of bread needs to be dried in the oven. Then they rub the thing, laid out on a flat surface. A strong cracker will effectively remove the spools, and the tissue will remain intact.
Chewing gum, plasticine
Surprisingly, you can get rid of pile balls with ordinary chewing gum. It must be chewed before use. Then wet chewing gum evenly rolls over the affected areas. As a result, the spools adhere to it.
Instead of chewing gum, you can use plasticine. The principle of operation in this case is the same, only plasticine does not need to be kept in the mouth before use.
Sponge for dishes
Sponge for dishes - another faithful assistant in the fight against spools. She needs to rub the damaged product until all the pile balls are cut off.
Dry cleaning
How to quickly get rid of spools on clothes? Affected items can be attributed to dry cleaning, where such a service is provided. Perhaps the only drawback of this method is that it is not free.
It must be remembered that old spools are removed much more difficult and longer than new formations. Therefore, it is recommended to inspect things before each wash, immediately get rid of pile balls.