How to clean the print head of an Epson printer? Epson Printer Head Wash Fluids

The print head cleaning procedure is required when ink and dust clog the nozzles from which ink is supplied. This is usually observed after prolonged inactivity of the equipment - dust appears on the toners and they dry out. Therefore, there may be various defects on paper. Flushing the printheads of Epson printers will solve this problem.

When is the procedure necessary?

The print head is cleaned in the following cases:

  1. If ink nozzles become contaminated, there is a violation of the correct toner supply. Faults are indicated by printing defects in the nozzle test when streaks appear on paper or color is incorrectly transmitted or the picture is blurry.
  2. After a long downtime, you need to perform a nozzle test. If there is distortion, you need to clean the software, and then clean the print head of the device using a special tool manually, if necessary.
  3. When replacing ink. Toners differ in their characteristics and composition, therefore they cannot be mixed. To replace the dye of one type with another, the cartridges and CISS should be washed from residues. With the change of ink from different companies, it is necessary to clean the cartridges and the installed CISS well.

In any case, you need to know how to clean the print head of an Epson printer. Incorrect printing also happens for other reasons: due to air bubbles, misalignment of the print head, excessive pressure or accumulated dust, dirt.

how to clean the epson printhead

The reason for the imperfections in the print is the failure of the piezoelectric crystals during device overload or burned out heating parts. If the equipment is used intensively, cleaning should be performed every quarter and less often. The procedure is not performed if the LCD displays system errors that inform about the end of the toner.

Software Cleansing

How to clean the print head of an Epson printer using software? Before performing mechanical cleaning, you need to test the system and run a regular cleaning program. The start of the program is located in the PC or printer menu, it all depends on the model. When using a computer, you need to visit the "Control Panel", find the active printer and go to the "Service" section. Nozzle check and print head cleaning can be performed there. Then you need to run the software.

epson printer ink

Experts advise you to perform no more than 2-3 system cleanings. If after that positive results do not appear, manual mechanical cleaning is required. When the ink dries, program commands cannot solve the problem.

Mechanical cleaning

How to clean the print head of an Epson printer? The procedure begins with the preparation and verification of nodes. A visual inspection is initially performed to evaluate upcoming work. Manually rinse all cartridges, excluding filled devices. These elements are cleaned thanks to special devices - a centrifuge or a vacuum apparatus.

flushing the print heads of epson printers

Then it checks the CISS for breaking the paint supply hoses, the tightness of the gateway and cartridge connections. If there are air bubbles in the gateway, you need to debug and balance the CISS. Donor containers or cartridges must be filled, if necessary, the printer needs to be refilled, and then a test page printed.

Flushing liquids

Which Epson Printhead Wash Fluids to Use? The cleaner must be of the same brand as the ink. After all, only the manufacturer knows about the composition of the dye, as well as about its effective and safe removal.

Special formulations are safe for printers and their parts. Usually they are produced in several forms:

  1. For external cleaning.
  2. Eliminate water soluble ink.
  3. Removal of pigment dyes.
  4. Cleavage of dried toners and blockages.

To eliminate water soluble ink use:

  1. Desalted water.
  2. Distilled water.
  3. A solution of distilled water and ammonia (5-10%) in a ratio of 10: 1. The resulting solution was filtered using a mesh with a size of 0.01 μm.

Pigment dyes are dissolved with isopropyl alcohol by special liquids. In addition to branded cleaners, there are companies that produce liquids for specific purposes. For example, WWM creates a high-quality line of cleaners.


If you have not yet selected ink for your Epson printer, do not rush to flush. Incorrectly selected composition quickly and permanently disables the print head.

how to change the print head on an epson printer

You need to take some ink for an Epson printer and dissolve them in different formulations. After a few hours, you need to evaluate the result. When distilled water acts on pigment dyes, a precipitate appears. If a transition of a liquid into a jelly-like form is detected, this indicates an incorrect choice of cleaning fluid.

Procedure execution

How to clean the print head of an Epson printer? It must be removed before washing. At the bottom, dirt should be removed with a bandage treated in the clipper. In case of severe contamination, it is better to use several bandages. It is necessary to remove the cartridge from the print head, under it there are nozzles for ink intake.

You need to wipe the lattice of colors. For washing, a syringe is required, which is filled with washing liquid. The nozzle of the syringe is mounted on the nozzle; if the size does not match, the diameter of the syringe must be increased. After the air is released, flushing must be pumped into the fitting so that the cleaner does not hit the head. If, due to negligence, fluid spills, it must be removed with a second syringe or tissue.

epson printer printhead flushing fluids

So there is a washing of all colors. With severe clogging of flowers or the presence of large clots of dried toner, the cliner is poured slowly. To remove the overdried ink elements, you need to use a hard, aggressive cleaning. At the end of the work, remove moisture, wipe the case and accessible parts. The cartridge can be installed in the carriage. This is the answer to the question of how to change the print head on an Epson printer.

Thus, cleaning the printer head is mandatory if print quality has deteriorated. It is better to entrust this work to a specialist. After all, an inexperienced user can damage some elements, which will require complex repairs. Observe safety rules during the procedure.

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