Smoked fish: harm and benefits, smoking technology and shelf life

Fish is one of the most sought after products. There are many ways to cook fish, among which smoking is considered popular. During the heat treatment, the product acquires a pleasant golden color and a delicious aroma of haze. Smoked fish, the harm and benefits of which is still the subject of much debate, can be cooked even at home.

The benefits of smoked fish

In dietary and therapeutic nutrition, fish is most often boiled or steamed. In this case, it retains many useful substances and fats needed by the body. The smoking process is similar to hot steam treatment, as a result of which up to 80% of phosphorus, calcium and iodine are stored in fish.

smoked fish

Smoked mackerel refers to fatty fish species that saturate the human body with omega 3 and 6 acids. The necessary substances have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs. In addition, they help:

  • normalize the work of the heart;
  • improve eyesight;
  • provide the body with the protein necessary for the formation of muscle tissue.

In the process of smoking, additional use of fat is not required, which prevents the formation of cholesterol. This makes it possible to use smoked fish in the diet for diet.

A few words about the dangers

Many people wonder if it is possible to eat smoked fish with weight loss or healthy nutrition. Smoldering wood that produces smoke for smoking forms chemical compounds, resulting in carcinogens in the product. In the presence of such harmful substances, it can affect the development of cancer and other serious diseases.

smoked fish

Another significant drawback that smoked mackerel has, consider parasites. In the process of processing the product with smoke, high temperatures that contribute to the death of helminths are not used. There is a risk of infection with intestinal parasites. Smoked fish for diseases of the urinary system is also not recommended.

Before heat treatment, the product is kept in a strong saline solution. A high salt concentration often causes renal colic, contributes to weight gain. A product that has been improperly stored is no less harmful to humans.

Types of smoking

There are several main types of heat treatment of fish through smoke. The most popular of them are cold and hot smoking. Treatment with liquid smoke is less common. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Hot - smoked fish technology involves placing the product directly above smoldering wood (sawdust). Exposure to high temperature significantly speeds up the cooking process, however, carcinogens that are released precipitate on the skin of the fish.

smoking process

A cold technique is considered less harmful, since in the process of smoking, smoke passes through a system of channels that contribute to its cooling. However, cooking fish in this way takes a lot of time.

When treated with "liquid smoke", the harm and benefits of smoked fish tend to be obvious, while there is no good from such a product. Increasingly, this particular type of fish is found on store shelves. The process of "smoking" is to soak a warm carcass in a mixture of liquid smoke, dyes and preservatives.

Smoking at home

Since ancient times, smoked fish is a favorite product of many people. Its harm and benefit largely depends on the method of preparation and compliance with the rules of processing technology. Undoubtedly, the best quality fish can be obtained at home, if you follow safe smoking methods.

To cook a delicious fish with your own hands, you will need a smokehouse, which is easy to make, even without special skills. It is necessary to dig a ditch in the ground, 2-3 meters long, the top of which is covered with metal plates, or tin. On one edge there is an iron barrel with a grill, on which fish are laid. On the other hand, they make a small depression in which the sawdust is poured and set on fire.

cold smoked fish

Smoke emitted during combustion slowly stretches along the tunnel, gradually enveloping the fish. So that the smoke does not dissipate, a barrel with prepared carcasses of fish is covered with canvas. For successful smoking, it is necessary to maintain a constant process of decay of wood (sawdust). A fish up to 1 kg in size is prepared for 1.5-2 hours, during processing it must be turned several times.

Hot smoked

At home, you can cook fish not only cold, but also hot smoked. To do this, you need a large iron pan, on the bottom of which wood sawdust is poured. A grid is placed on top of which a pre-cleaned and prepared fish is placed. With a hot smoking technique, the fish are not covered with a cloth or a lid to ensure the exit of combustion products.

hot smoked process

Sawdust is set on fire, give them a good burn, add chips or small dry twigs. Most often, fruit wood is used for these purposes. The most suitable apple tree, plum, apricot, rarely used cherry. Under the influence of hot smoke, the fish cooks very quickly. For the preparation of 1 kg, 25-30 minutes of processing are enough. It is important to continuously monitor the process, maintain fire and turn the fish over. Before use, wipe it with a cloth dipped in lemon juice.

Storage time

An important role for the safety of the finished product is played by temperature. The quality of the stored fish will depend on its correct observance. Each type of smoking has its own standards. Hot smoked fish has the shortest shelf life, at a temperature of from -2 to +6 degrees, it can be kept no longer than 3-4 days.

Shelf life of smoked fish in the cold way, at the same temperature, can last up to 7 days. At the same time, without loss of taste and healthy qualities.

To extend the shelf life of smoked fish, it is best to place it in the freezer. At temperatures from -15 to -18 degrees, it can lie up to 90 days.

Smoked fish, the harm and benefits of which directly depends not only on cooking technology, but also on proper storage, will be the decoration of any feast.

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