Late Toxicosis Pregnant. Ways to Treat Toxicosis.

Toxicoses of pregnant women, as a rule, arise as a result of the appearance of pathological impulses during the period of adaptation of the body to pregnancy. As a result, there is a violation of the regulatory effect of the central nervous system on the restructuring and change in the functions of all systems and organs in connection with the onset of pregnancy.

In gynecological practice, it is customary to distinguish two of its types, these are: early, which begins in the first trimester of pregnancy, and late toxicosis of pregnant women, which occurs in the second half. Changes in vascular tissue permeability and capillary circulation lead to the development of late gestosis, that is, violations occur mainly in the vascular system.

More pronounced forms of toxicosis in the later stages, as a rule, are preceded by conditions that are called pretoxicoses. These include: pastiness (mild swelling) of the feet and lower leg, increased upper (systolic) pressure and lower (diastolic), proteinuria, i.e. the presence of protein in the urine, a decrease in daily urine output.

Late toxicosis of pregnant women is manifested by the following pathologies:

  • swelling
  • nephropathy
  • eclampsia
  • preeclampsia

Swelling of pregnant

Retention of sodium and water in the tissues leads to edema, which is characterized by initial localization on the feet and legs. As the general condition worsens, edema appears on the hips, external genitalia, abdominal wall, face, upper limbs. Usually, the increase occurs gradually, but there are cases when the edema reaches large sizes in a very short time. Fluid accumulates only in the subcutaneous tissue, serous cavities remain unchanged. This pathology practically does not violate the general condition of the pregnant woman, but, nevertheless, fatigue, thirst, shortness of breath can appear. Urinalysis and blood pressure remain normal.


The following clinical manifestations are characteristic of nephropathy of pregnant women: hypertension, edema (large or latent), proteinuria. Blood pressure rises significantly. In accordance with its level, it can be pathological or threatening. Quite often, asymmetric pressure is observed in pregnant women, so it is necessary to measure on both hands. It is not excluded a change in the vessels of the fundus: expansion of the veins, spasm of the artery, retinal edema. With any degree of disease progression, hospitalization is required.


Toxicosis in late pregnancy is often manifested by the development of preeclampsia. This pathology occurs as a result of cerebral edema, leading to an increase in intracranial pressure. Preeclampsia is characterized by the following symptoms: anxiety, agitation, sometimes lethargy, nausea, headache, vomiting, impaired vision, facial flushing, cyanosis of the wings of the nose and lips. Cases and interruptions of pregnancy are frequent, so a woman with the first symptoms should immediately be admitted to the hospital.


Eclampsia is the last and most difficult stage of the development of late toxicosis. It is characterized by all the symptoms of preeclampsia in combination with bouts of seizures. During or after an attack, a woman can die as a result of asphyxiation, cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary edema. In most cases, the fetus dies from hypoxia. Treatment is exclusively in the hospital.

There are many ways to relieve toxicosis during pregnancy. Firstly, in the third trimester of pregnancy it is not recommended to eat spicy, fried, salted, spicy dishes, canned goods, smoked meats and chocolate, as well as flour products. It is after consuming these products that a strong thirst arises, and an excessive amount of drunk fluid leads to edema. And, as a rule, late toxicosis of pregnant women occurs.

Secondly, the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be well balanced and rich in fiber. It is better to give preference to vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil, cereals, compotes and cranberry juice.

Thirdly, reduce fluid intake to a liter per day.

Fourth, it is advisable to arrange a fasting day once a week on watermelons, apples or kefir.

Fifth, moderately active life has not yet harmed a single pregnant woman. You can do swimming and gymnastics, as well as more often walk in the fresh air and sleep for at least nine hours.

If you adhere to these rules, then late toxicosis of pregnant women may not develop.

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