Egg white: composition, proteins and amino acids, calories, beneficial properties

Chicken eggs have long been considered one of the most nutritious and delicious foods that have been known to mankind since ancient times. As you know, they consist of two components - protein and yolk. What is the composition of egg white? What proteins and amino acids are present in it? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

A little about egg white

egg white chemistry

Before talking about the chemical composition of egg white, you should understand what kind of product it is and why it has become so popular. First of all, it is worth understanding that it is an incredibly powerful immunostimulant with pronounced bactericidal properties. Fresh protein is quite unsightly - a viscous liquid without color and odor with a slight adhesive effect. Therefore, almost no one ever uses it in this form. During heat treatment, the protein becomes more dense and white in color, and during the whipping of this product, a stable foam is obtained.

However, the composition of egg protein is most remarkable : the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in it can easily replace a whole glass of milk or about 50 grams of meat. In addition, this product is easily absorbed by the body, so it receives all the beneficial substances that are available in it.

The chemical composition of egg white

If you look closely at the composition of an ordinary egg, especially protein, you can pay attention to the presence of a number of balanced biologically active components, which are very useful for the human body. In total, about 86.5% of moisture is in the percentage of protein. The rest is protein - 12.5% ​​of the composition. There are no fats in it at all, and carbohydrates are less than 1%.

If you look closely at the chemical composition of egg white, then special attention should be paid to water-soluble vitamins. The egg contains a high norm of B vitamins, especially for B4 and B9. Unfortunately, there are no fat-soluble vitamins in this product. However, this does not prevent them from stimulating the production of sex hormones, preventing the possibility of defects during pregnancy in a developing fetus, and normalizing blood coagulation.

In addition, the mineral composition of this product is also interesting. Selenium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese and copper come to the fore here. They perfectly help maintain the desired level of strength in nails and teeth. In addition, frequent use of protein can lead to accelerated regeneration, healing of wounds and abrasions on the skin and mucous membranes.

Amino acid composition of egg white

egg white amino acid composition

As mentioned earlier, protein is almost completely composed of moisture. However, the protein contained in it is represented by amino acids so necessary for a person - ovoalbumin, conalbumin, ovoglobulin, vvmukoid, lysozyme, avidin and ovomucin. Particular attention should be paid here specifically to ovoalbumin and conalbumin, which are related to flavoproteins.

Their presence in the egg makes it possible for the nascent organism to develop, since it is a source of plastic materials. And if you are interested in their effect in cooking, then these amino acids allow you to achieve a stable foam when whipping. However, it is worth noting that the amino acid composition of egg white is quite small in comparison with the yolk, therefore, it is impossible to see a special variety.

Among the amino acids, valine, leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine, tryptophan, cystine, threonine and many others can be highlighted. They contribute to the activation of the brain, and also help to renew the cells of the body and cleanse blood vessels by lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. All this leads to an improvement in the functioning of the cardiac system.

Calorie content

Now that the chemical and amino acid composition of egg white has been considered, it is worth talking about the nutritional value of this product. By the way, the caloric content of protein is quite low, and therefore it belongs to the category of dietary products that can be safely consumed during weight loss without much fear for the figure. Only 100 grams of egg white contains no more than 48 Kcal.

However, before using this product, you need to carefully monitor that the egg is fresh. To do this, pour water into a bowl, and then put it in it. If the egg is fresh, then it just lies horizontally at the very bottom. But if the product has been lying for more than a week, then the egg simply flips up and begins to slowly emerge. An egg frozen in water in an upright position indicates that it was laid about 3 weeks ago, but the surfaced product has been "experience" for more than a month. This is because an air chamber begins to form between the protein and the shell, which affects buoyancy. Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend the use of eggs that were laid more than two weeks ago.

The composition of the yolk

egg yolk protein composition

If you compare the composition of egg white and yolk, you can notice a strong difference. The first thing you should pay attention to the quantity and quality of protein. In yolk, the main one is vitellin, the content of which in this product is almost 80%. In addition to all this, it contains about 50 percent moisture, about 17.3% protein, but quite a lot of fat - as much as 31.2% of the total chemical composition. Among them, only one third are phospholipids, but all the rest are neutral fats, which are better known as triglycerides.

Also, the composition of egg yolk and protein includes a number of vitamins. Group B is common to them, although retinol can also be found in the yolk. Among the minerals, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and iron are distinguished.

Since there is a greater amount of fat in the yolk, the calorie content of such a product is much higher. Only 100 grams account for about 363 Kcal, so losing weight people try so hard to avoid it.

Dehydrated egg white

dry egg white composition

Now let's talk about albumin, which is also known as dry egg white. The composition of this powder is practically no different from the raw product, since the treatment is carried out in such a way as to preserve all the beneficial properties and nutrients present in it. Albumin itself is a simple cream-colored powder without a pronounced taste or smell. In Russia, it is usually used only by athletes who are actively engaged in β€œdrying” the body. This is due to the fact that the processed composition of dry egg white cannot infect a person with salmonellosis or other diseases, as if a fresh egg had been drunk.

In addition, the shelf life of albumin is much longer, and it is quite simple to store and transport. It is worth noting that now in the food industry they increasingly began to use this product in bakery production, as well as during the manufacture of cocktails and desserts, which require raw proteins in the recipe.

Egg powder

egg powder protein composition

In egg powder, the composition of proteins and yolks is quite difficult to separate because of the method of its manufacture. This product is made by mixing eggs to a homogeneous mass, which is then carefully filtered and dried at very high temperatures. High-quality egg powder has a light yellow pleasant color and a pronounced aroma.

In terms of its chemical composition, the product is in no way inferior to ordinary fresh eggs, and it plays a good role in cooking. Now it is actively used in the manufacture of semi-finished meat products and confectionery.

In total, egg powder contains 542 kcal per 100 grams of dry product. Vitamins of groups A, B and D play an important role in the composition. The protein remains easily digestible and provides the body with the amount of nutrients it needs to build new cells. In total, one hundred grams of egg powder may well replace 8 large eggs. However, there is also a flip side - it contains a large amount of cholesterol, which provokes the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels. So you should be careful about the consumption of this product.

The benefits of protein

amino acid composition of egg white

Now that we have found out about the composition of the egg white (proteins and amino acids contained in it), we should also mention the beneficial properties of this product. The first thing worth noting is the complete absence of fat in this product. This makes it a great dietary ingredient that you can safely eat on a diet.

In addition, protein is an excellent source of protein that a person needs for the normal functioning of the body. Once in the body, it moves through the blood and performs several functions at once: protective, transport (helps deliver oxygen to all tissues and organs), catalytic (carries out metabolic reactions) and regulatory (normalizes hormonal levels).

It is also recommended to periodically consume egg white and to improve the immune system. Protein is a direct component of the cells, and therefore significantly increases their barrier properties. This helps prevent the development and further spread of infectious diseases. Well, of course, one cannot fail to mention the main role of proteins in the body - they provide it with the right amount of building material for bones, skin and muscle fibers.

So the consumption of egg white is very important for normal health. Doctors often recommend eating it in the presence of diseases affecting the liver, gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder.

It is worth mentioning that the protein can be used in home cosmetology. Mistresses often use it to create masks for oily facial skin or in cases where there is strong pigmentation or wide pores. Egg white masks are also excellent. If you have problems with split ends or baldness, you should definitely try applying the egg white product to your hair.


The proteins contained in the egg protein can be not only useful, but also dangerous for the body. First of all, due to the fact that this product is the strongest allergen. In no case should you use it in cases where there is an individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to this ingredient. Also, you do not need to use eggs in raw form without heat treatment - there is always a chance to pick up a dangerous disease like salmonellosis.

But as for cholesterol, the protein really has a high level of this substance. However, as scientists have found out, the cholesterol contained in it is useful, not harmful, and therefore does not carry any danger. The cooked yolk is much more dangerous here.

Egg white cooking

egg white chemical composition

The most actively used egg whites in cooking. There is a huge amount of pastry baking that requires them in the composition. For example, delicious meringues and meringues, which are popular all over the world, are made from them. True, during baking, you should carefully monitor the process so as not to accidentally burn it, since the eggs do not forgive such errors. There is also a very tasty protein cream, which in the confectionery industry is actively used to decorate cakes and pastries.

In addition to sweet pastries, fresh protein is also put in minced meat during the preparation of meatballs and meatballs, since it has adhesive properties. Acting as a binder, it ensures that during cooking the dish does not fall apart.

The effect of egg white on muscle mass

Before the advent of special sports nutrition, bodybuilders actively ate raw eggs. At that time, it was a great way to saturate the body with the protein that it needed to build muscle. In addition, eggs contain a large number of amino acids, which are necessary for damage to protein fibers, which often occurs during increased strength training.

In general, egg protein helps to dramatically increase testosterone and hemoglobin levels, and also provides the body with the right amount of leucine. All this in combination provides the satisfaction of hunger, helps restore damage and increase strength.


Let the egg white consists almost entirely of moisture, this does not prevent it from having a very extensive chemical and amino acid composition. In addition, this product belongs to the diet, so it can be safely consumed in the right quantities without fear for the figure. Now it is actively used in various fields of cooking - without it it is very difficult to imagine at least one baked product or a delicious cream. In general, egg white is a great way to saturate the body with the proteins it needs in large quantities, since it is almost completely absorbed by the body. In addition, this product does not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

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