How to clean the candlestick from wax? Effective Ways

The use of candles allows you to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the room, and candle holders are a great addition to interior design. To make candles and candlesticks look aesthetically pleasing after use, it is necessary to periodically clean them of wax that drains when burned. Let's look at some of the most convenient ways to do this quickly and in quality.

How to clean a candlestick from wax

First, remove large parts of the set wax. Hard-to-reach areas can be cleaned with a toothpick or an old toothbrush. You can apply the temperature method. When exposed to boiling water, the wax will melt, and it will be much easier to remove it. Avoid using metal brushes and sponges. During the cleaning process, they can leave small scratches on the surface of the candlestick if it is made of metal.

Cleaning glass from wax

If you are wondering about how to clean a candlestick from glass wax, then the following information will be useful to you. The first and most effective way is to process the surface of the glass with boiling water or hot air from the hair dryer. The wax will melt and you can easily remove it. But a thin film of the substance will still remain on the surface of the glass. To remove it, you can use any alcohol-containing liquid. Dampen a cotton swab in a cologne or wiper and wipe the surface. Use a cotton swab to handle hard-to-reach spots.

Cleansing Glass Candle Holders

There is one more option. Place the candlestick in the freezer for 30 minutes. Low temperatures make wax very brittle and crumbly. Removing it from the surface of the glass will be much easier. If the candlestick is too large and does not fit into the freezer, then use ice to cool the wax. Put ice in a plastic bag and cover this area with wax contaminated. Use a sheet of paper or a plastic card to separate the cured wax. Wax residues can be washed off with a sponge and dishwashing detergent.

Waxing Bronze

The previous method is not suitable for cleaning the bronze surface of a candlestick. When exposed to moisture, the bronze surface oxidizes and a plaque appears with a dark tint. How to clean the candlestick from bronze wax so that scratches and oxides do not appear? Let's consider some methods.

Wax Copper Candlesticks

One of the most affordable and fast-acting options is the use of toothpaste. There is a small nuance - the paste should not contain small solid particles. Processing with such a substance can cause large scratches. Take some toothpaste or toothpaste and a cotton pad. Treat the surface of the candlestick, paying attention to inaccessible places.

Dental Powder Copper Cleaning

You can use the cooling method. It is especially convenient to use cooling when you need to remove wax from the cup in which the candle was located. When the mass has cooled, large streaks will be much easier to remove. After that, proceed to cleaning with a paste or dishwashing detergent. For finishing polishing, you can use goy paste.

These methods can be used not only to clean glass or bronze. If a stain appears on any other surface, then heating or freezing will facilitate the removal of wax residues. You are still asking yourself: how to clean the candlestick from wax? Try these methods, and there will be no trace of spots.

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