Many people notice that their teeth become more transparent with age. The development of pathology begins with incisors, gradually moving to fangs and further. This process can occur even with perfectly healthy teeth that have not been treated and never hurt. Some dentists consider this a normal option. Despite this, patients are interested in why the teeth became transparent and what this could threaten.
The main reasons why teeth become transparent
Teeth become transparent due to thinning of enamel. On the one hand, this condition can be attributed to cosmetic defects, since at the initial stage it does not cause any discomfort. Such a period can last up to 10 or 15 years. But on the other hand, if the process is left to chance, sooner or later the enamel will become so fragile that the tooth will break or split in half. Therefore, to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile will have to take action.
Dentists identify several main reasons why teeth became transparent:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Improper oral hygiene. In this case, irregular brushing is not so damaging to the enamel as too hard. The use of hard brushes and whitening pastes with abrasive particles can significantly damage the tooth tissue.
- Dental diseases, for example, caries or periodontitis.
- Erosion from acids. The abuse of sweets, industrial juices, soda.
- Diseases of the stomach, such as gastritis and heartburn.
- Insufficient salivation.
- Smoking.
- Frequent use of antibiotics.
- Lack of calcium in the body.
- Bad ecology.
Stitching the upper layers of hard tooth tissues
The teeth begin to gradually wear off immediately after eruption. This is a natural process that regulates the normal operation of the jaw apparatus, protecting it from overload. Physiological abrasion of teeth affects only enamel, it does not apply to dentin.
Milk teeth, like molars, are also prone to this process. By six years, a slight exposure of dentin is acceptable. Increased abrasion is diagnosed if the cavity of the milk tooth is visible.
In some cases, crowning too fast may occur in adults. The amount of enamel decreases sharply, and dentin is exposed. Over time, violations affect the temporomandibular joint. Such a pathology occurs in 12% of the adult population, in most cases in men. The peak of the disease occurs at 45 years.
Pathological abrasion of teeth always begins with the appearance of enamel transparency. But the process of tissue destruction occurs very quickly. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the teeth and, at the first symptoms of enamel thinning, seek the help of a dentist.
Causes of tooth tissue abrasion
There is still no consensus on the provoking factors of non-carious lesions of dental tissue in dentists. They name different reasons why the teeth became transparent, and then quickly erased. The most likely include:
- malocclusion;
- overload due to tooth loss;
- fluorosis
- defects in the design of dentures;
- bruxism;
- bad habits (pipe smoking, love of seeds, holding clips or needles in the mouth);
- playing some wind musical instruments;
- hypoplasia of the teeth;
- decreased estradiol levels in women.
In addition, it was noted that uniform abrasion of tooth tissue is observed in people whose professional activity is associated with the production of inorganic acids, as well as working in enterprises where mechanical particles are constantly in the air.
Crowns or veneers
Crowns and veneers are special dental constructions that allow you to hide various tooth defects and make the smile perfect. In order to choose the right micro prosthesis, the dentist must know exactly the reason why the teeth became transparent. If pathological abrasion is to blame, veneers cannot be used. The only way out in this situation is with crowns. They not only hide a cosmetic defect, but also can reliably protect the tooth from further destruction.
Many patients wish to completely hide the transparency of the teeth. What to do to restore a smile to beauty? Dentists advise using veneers. Their installation will not restore the enamel. On the contrary, it will have to be additionally prepared for attaching the pads. Ceramic veneers are able to solve all cosmetic defects, but they have no therapeutic effect.
After 10 - 15 years, the linings will have to be replaced with new ones. Or use crowns. Without additional protection, it will be impossible to leave a tooth.
Fluoridation procedure
Most patients want to keep their teeth healthy and not mask the problem with veneers. In this case, you will need to undergo treatment at the dentist. Many experts propose solving the transparency problem by fluorinating tooth enamel. The procedure is often prescribed not only to combat an existing disease, but also for prevention.
Fluoridation is a coating with a special composition of tooth enamel. The procedure is completely safe, it can be performed even by children. Special solutions are applied to the enamel, which saturate it with fluorine ions. To do this, use a dental form filled with a medicinal mixture. She put on her teeth and left for 20 minutes. The procedure can be performed no more than 15 times in a row.
Recently, more and more patients turn to dentists for advice on how to restore tooth enamel in an even more effective way. For this, a deep fluoridation procedure is recommended. It is carried out in several stages:
- The doctor performs professional brushing, removing stones and plaque.
- Enamel is dried by a stream of warm air.
- A special dental composition is applied to the surface of the teeth.
- Air drying is used again.
- A cotton swab is moistened in a liquid that contains calcium and copper hydroxide.
- Each tooth is treated with this tool.
- Finally, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
Deep fluoridation increases the strength of the teeth and prevents the leaching of calcium. You can use this procedure no more than once a year.
Enamel remineralization
Fluoridation is contraindicated for people who live in regions where this element is found in increased amounts in drinking water, as well as those suffering from fluorosis. Such patients are often interested in how to restore tooth enamel and whether it can be done without fluoridation. Dentists have an effective tool in their arsenal called remineralization.
The procedure involves applying special gels or varnishes to the tooth enamel. They contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. No fluoride.
For the implementation of remineralization, application therapy or mouthguards is used. The procedure can be performed both in the clinic and at home.
ROCS Medical Minerals Products
Effectively deal with the transparency of enamel can be at home. Especially for these purposes, preparations are produced that can saturate the tooth tissue with all the necessary substances.
Anyone who wants to stop the thinning of enamel can use the ROCS Medical products. The manufacturer’s arsenal has remineralizing gels, toothpastes, rinses and even vitamins. All funds can be combined or used individually.
The reliability and effectiveness of products is evidenced by the fact that in most dental clinics ROCS gels are used for the remineralization procedure. In addition, dentists use these products to protect their teeth after professional whitening. You can save money and time if you buy a remineralizing gel and use it yourself.
ROCS gels for home use
It is quite possible to fight tooth transparency without the help of a doctor. The key to success is regular routines. For home use, ROCS remineralizing gels must be purchased. They are available in three versions:
- Classical.
- With a fruity taste.
- For children and teenagers with strawberries.
The composition of all products includes magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. All ROCS gels are safe to swallow, suitable for infants and can even be used by people undergoing chemotherapy.
Reminralizing gel is applied after brushing your teeth. The tool is squeezed onto a brush and spread over enamel. Do not eat or drink for 40 minutes. In addition, you can use special mouthguards filled with gel. They are put on for the night.
ROCS gels are effective in the following cases:
- Fighting tooth transparency.
- Elimination of wedge-shaped defects.
- Prevention of caries.
- Elimination of fluorosis.
- Normalization of the microflora of the oral cavity.
- Fighting hypersensitivity.
To fix the remineralizing effect, you can additionally use ROCS rinse aid with calcium. As well as chewable tablets with phosphorus, iodine and B vitamins.
Calcium Deficiency Prevention
Lack of calcium in the body will always adversely affect the condition of the teeth. The appearance of enamel transparency is the first sign of a deficiency of this mineral. Remineralization and fluoridation are effective procedures. But in the event that the body lacks calcium, this trace element will continue to be washed out of enamel. The effect of the procedures will be temporary.
It is important to ensure that calcium enters the body in the required amount. Significantly worsen its absorption of alcoholic beverages, coffee and sweet soda. All of this must be eliminated or minimized.
Many foods are capable of increasing calcium intake. The menu should include:
- cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, butter;
- broccoli;
- leafy greens;
- almonds;
- sesame seeds and poppy seeds;
- soy cheese;
- legumes;
- sardines and canned fish with soft bones;
- freshly squeezed orange juice.
In the first stages, the process of enamel thinning can be stopped independently. And timely and regular dental care will make them even stronger.