How to merge antifreeze with a VAZ 2107 with your own hands correctly. Precautionary measures

About how to merge antifreeze with the VAZ-2107, you will learn from this article. You can use this manual for any Lada model, regardless of the year of manufacture or drive. But you will have to consider issues such as the life of the antifreeze, how it differs from antifreeze, during which work it may be necessary to drain the liquid. Both the β€œpenny” and the top ten have two drain holes. But the schemes of the cooling systems of these cars are different. For example, on the "classic" fluid is not under pressure, while on the "eights" and newer models, it is about 1 ATM.

Why is it necessary to change the antifreeze

how to merge antifreeze with vaz 2107

In any modern car, antifreeze circulates in a circle, taking heat from the engine jacket. It is worth noting that there is no need to unscrew the cap of the expansion tank before merging antifreeze with the VAZ-2107. Injector or carburetor - it does not matter, the scheme is identical. In the first "sevens" water was used as a liquid. But she has a lot of shortcomings - it freezes at a negative temperature on the street, forms a scum on the walls and in the pipes, and disables the pump.

Antifreeze is devoid of all these shortcomings, but still there are several nuances. The service life is limited - no more than two years, or 90-100 thousand kilometers. Antifreeze is a complex compound, which includes a large number of additives. And due to the temperature difference, these additives evaporate, lose their properties. Bottom line - the boiling point rises, the viscosity decreases, there is a risk of breakdown of the pump.

Antifreeze or antifreeze?

how to merge antifreeze with a vaz 2107 injector

With how to merge antifreeze with the VAZ-2107, now you will understand. But what to fill in with the cooling system if there are two types of liquids on the market - antifreeze (blue) and antifreeze (red, green). But in fact, you just need to go into terminology. In fact, antifreeze - this is antifreeze (literally "against the cold"). Here are just those liquids that are called antifreeze, are produced according to domestic technology, and "antifreeze" - according to imported ones. In fact, any alcohol can be called antifreeze, since it does not freeze at terrestrial temperatures. But it is impossible not to note one feature - imported analogs of the coolant are much better, they have a higher resource. Therefore, it is preferable to use liquids under the trade name "antifreeze", despite the fact that it is more expensive than antifreeze by 100-200 rubles (canister 10 liters).

Precautions and Rules

Be sure to comply with safety requirements, as merging antifreeze with the VAZ-2107 without this would be a risky event. So, the basic requirements:

  1. Do not drain the liquid in the yard or in the garage. Antifreeze is toxic, fumes, getting into the lungs, can cause mucosal irritation, poisoning.
  2. You can’t taste it - it’s completely deadly. Some "experts" try the liquid to make sure that it is really antifreeze. Such an experiment is very dangerous.
  3. If liquid gets into eyes or hands, rinse thoroughly with water. If you suspect poisoning, consult a doctor.
  4. Never work with a cooling system if the liquid in it has not cooled! One careless movement - and some pipe flies from its place, and hands fall under a stream of boiling water.

Be sure to follow these rules, do not neglect them.

Liquid Drain Procedure

how to merge antifreeze with vaz 2107

For work you will need:

  1. Capacity 10 liters or more. Ideal aluminum pots.
  2. The key is 13 spanner or socket.
  3. Pliers.

The last tool may be required only if the plug on the radiator is stuck, and it is impossible to unscrew it with your hands. Before starting work, it is necessary to cover with a film all unprotected sections of the electrical wiring, which may get liquid, to prevent a short circuit.

And now about how to properly merge antifreeze with a VAZ-2107. Set the pan under the drain hole in the radiator and carefully unscrew the cap. Wait until the liquid completely spills out. In order not to lose the antifreeze, twist the cap. The next step is to drain from the cooling jacket. To do this, move the pan under the drain hole in it and unscrew the plug on the 13 key. Make sure that the front of the machine is lower than the rear and the faucet of the stove is fully open. Only in this case antifreeze completely leaves the cooling system.

System boost

how to merge antifreeze from the block vaz 2107

How to merge antifreeze from the VAZ 2107 block is now extremely clear. But after that you need to carry out the reverse procedure - fill it. And this is more difficult, since there is a risk of air traffic jams. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow simple rules. Close all drain holes and pour liquid into the radiator neck. Squeeze the nozzles to displace the air as much as possible. Then close the cork and pour antifreeze into the expansion tank. Start the engine and warm it up to operating temperature. Please note that in this case, the faucet of the stove must be open and the rear of the machine below the front. As necessary, add antifreeze to the tank, squeeze the pipes with your hands to displace excess air. During the procedure, the nozzle from the throttle should be disconnected to control the filling of the system.

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