If itching during pregnancy

Since the conception of a child, a woman begins to experience some unusual sensations. Some of them are standard and absolutely normal, others arise in connection with deviations or activated diseases. Unfortunately, in recent years, pathologies have been increasingly observed in pregnant women. Many simply refuse to undergo regular examinations - and in this regard, some asymptomatic diseases are not found. And in the process of hormonal adjustment caused by conception, they begin to actively develop. Itching is considered common during pregnancy.

In this special period, the expectant mother becomes susceptible to many external and internal factors, the whole world begins to perceive a little differently. Itchy sensations can appear in various places, for example, in the genitals or simply on the skin of the body. There is also no specific time for its appearance, that is, itching during pregnancy can occur at any time, everything is very individual and depends on the specific organism and situation.

It is also known that if from 7 months of pregnancy a woman feels itching on her hands or feet, then this may indicate stagnation of bile, the so-called cholestasis. The symptom confirming the presence of this disease is dark urine, light feces and the absence of a rash in the places of itching. You can not be inattentive to such symptoms. Many specialists in this situation adhere to the point of view on the need for premature birth.

In some cases, itching during pregnancy is accompanied by the appearance of a red rash on the abdomen, most often in places where stretch marks appear. This is a symptom of polymorphic dermatosis. He poses no danger to the health of the mother and baby. The only inconvenience may be a constant feeling of discomfort. To avoid such consequences, you should carefully monitor the skin, because it is very stretched and strained, therefore, requires quality care. It is best not to save on special creams from stretch marks, as they soften the skin and help it withstand this difficult period. A woman can be sure that immediately after childbirth itching will disappear as if by hand.

Many women experience itching in the vagina during pregnancy and are very shy about these sensations. The appearance of this kind of consequences is explained very simply. The fact is that after conception, vaginal discharge increases, and this improves the conditions for the development and reproduction of microbes. To avoid such troubles, experts advise to take seriously the conception of children and prepare in advance for this. Before pregnancy, you should undergo a full examination and cure all existing diseases.

In addition, a complete rejection of alcohol and cigarettes, at least for a while, will be useful. And do not forget about positive emotions, for a future mother stress should be banned. Failure to follow these simple rules can lead to disastrous results, for example, itching of the labia may appear during pregnancy. Often it is caused by the presence of herpes infection, which adversely affects the development of the fetus.

If the problem of itchy sensations exists, then you can try to alleviate it in ways that are safe for the baby. The main thing is that you must strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene, regularly change the towel and underwear. It is believed that a bath with added oatmeal will relieve itching during pregnancy.

If a feeling of discomfort occurs on the skin of the body, then you can use calendula ointment. It is best to add lavender essential oil to it, but only the present, from a trusted manufacturer. Menthol and camphor refreshing compresses are great help. And you should also review your diet, since the appearance of a rash and itching in most cases is the usual allergy to a product.

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