Ufa Fuel and Energy College: history, specialties, admission

The doors of the Ufa Fuel and Energy College are open for applicants who wish to receive a modern education and master mining, oil and gas, engineering, chemical technologies and other sciences. This is a multidisciplinary educational institution operating in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Pages of history

Modern college can be called quite young. It was opened in 2003. However, at the time of its creation, it already had a history, because it was formed by the merger of 2 existing educational institutions in Ufa. It includes the oil technical school, which has been operating since 1946, and the energy technical school, which has been training specialists since 1961.

After 2003, ssuz developed rapidly. Immediately a year later, the Baymak branch was opened. Fuel and Energy College participated in various competitions - received diplomas, medals. The list of specialties was gradually expanded. For example, in 2004, training began on technical automation and technological processes in a secondary vocational school, in 2011 on training in oil and gas well drilling, and operational operations in logistics.

Today colleges train qualified personnel for the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. Graduates, as a rule, quickly find work for themselves, since all college specialties are in demand, meeting the requirements of the time.

College of Fuel and Energy College

Important Achievements

The institution today has many achievements that it can be proud of. In 2008, it was awarded the gold medal "European Quality" in the competition "100 of the best universities in Russia." This award confirms that the Fuel and Energy College carries out high-quality educational activities, is interested in employers developing thanks to graduates and working for the good of the country.

An important contribution to the achievement of the institution is made by teachers. They regularly win competitions such as "The Best Teachers of the Russian Federation", "The Best Teachers and Teachers of the Bashkir and Russian Languages", etc. Students have certain achievements. Students win awards in republican, interregional, all-Russian competitions. For example, in 2016, students won I and III places in the republican stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of professional skill among VET students in the specialty “Oil and Gas Processing”.

Achievements of the Ufa Fuel and Energy College

Educational activities in Ufa

The Fuel and Energy College in Ufa provides training in 18 different specialties. All of them are associated with the following areas:

  • with computer science and computer technology;
  • construction machinery and technology;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • electricity and heat;
  • chemical technology;
  • equipment and technology of land transport;
  • applied geology, mining, geophysics and oil and gas;
  • industrial ecology and biotechnology;
  • economics and management.

In order to qualitatively prepare specialists for all available programs, the college has formed a good material and technical base. The educational process takes place in 4 educational and laboratory buildings. The college has 70 laboratories, 6 workshops, various training and training grounds ("Electrical equipment of stations and substations", "High voltage technique", "Thermal power equipment").

Specialties of UTEK

Work of the Agidel branch

To date, the Fuel and Energy College (UTEK) has 2 branches. The location of one of them is the city of Agidel. The branch offers applicants:

  • 2 specialties - “power plants, networks and systems”, “operation and installation of equipment and gas supply systems”;
  • 2 professions - “digital data processing master”, “auto mechanic”.

The educational institution actively uses electronic technologies in its educational activities. The branch owns a library of electronic textbooks in all subjects included in the professional and general education cycle. In order for students to be able to use electronic technologies, 3 computer labs are equipped in the sluice, and there is Internet access.

Competition for budget places in UTEK

The work of the Baymak branch

The location of the second branch is the city of Baymak. The mission of the educational institution is to implement training in 3 specialties:

  • on "operation and installation of equipment and gas supply systems";
  • “Technical operation and maintenance of electromechanical and electrical equipment (by industry)”;
  • "Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry)."

The Baymak Fuel and Energy College, like the branch in Agidel, has a sufficient material and technical base. It includes equipped classrooms and laboratories, workshops, simulators, a training ground for practicing gas hazardous work skills, and a library. To carry out practical training, the branch concluded practical training agreements with enterprises in cities such as Baymak and Sibay (for example, Baymak Vodokanal LLC, Teploset LLC, Baymak Foundry and Mechanical Plant OJSC).

UTEK branches

The demand for college among applicants

Advantages and achievements of the Ufa Fuel and Energy College in Ufa attract applicants. A lot of school graduates choose this secondary school. In 2017, almost 4 thousand applications were submitted for full-time tuition to the budget in Ufa, and about 1,500 for paid places.

In some specialties in budget places, the competition was very high:

  • on “drilling oil and gas wells” on the basis of 9 classes - 9.2 people / place;
  • "Oil and gas processing" based on 9 classes - 8.8 people / place;
  • "Operation and installation of equipment and gas supply systems" on the basis of 11 classes - 10 people / place.

The interest of applicants to the fuel and energy college of the city of Ufa is caused not only by the advantages, achievements. Graduates of schools and other educational institutions are still attracted by the ease of admission. It is not necessary to provide the results of the exam, it is not required to undergo entrance examinations in the technical institution itself. Admission is without any exams. Admission is carried out taking into account the average mark of the certificate, which means that to enter popular specialties you need to try to study well at school.

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