How to determine the fungus of toenails: symptoms, possible causes and treatment features

This article will focus on such an unpleasant, but, alas, quite common phenomenon, like a toenail fungus. Symptoms, the causes of this disease are known to medical science and are easily diagnosed at all stages. However, it can only be discovered with careful attention to your own health. How to identify toenail fungus? How to treat it? Are advertised ointments effective?

how to identify toenail fungus

What causes the formation of fungus on the nails?

Nail fungus is a fairly common disease. The disease is especially successful in places with a temperate and tropical climate, that is, where it is humid and warm. However, paradoxically, the inhabitants of cold countries often suffer from nail fungus. This is due to the fact that in harsh climates you constantly have to wear warm shoes with socks. The foot sweats, the sock becomes wet and the person is forced to be in this state for a long time without the ability to change shoes. This is the best way to contribute to the formation of nail fungus. Before we talk about how to determine the fungus of toenails, let's see who is more susceptible to this disease.

how to determine the fungus on the nails

Nail fungus as an occupational disease

At risk are people whose leg skin cannot breathe during the day due to tight shoes. These are miners, power plant workers, gardeners and representatives of other working specialties. The fungus can be "picked up" by working in the laundry room, in the pool, hotel, restaurant.

What diseases can serve as a prerequisite

Often suffer from this ailment, not only representatives of the above professions, but also people who have diabetes mellitus 1 or 2 groups. In addition, the deformation of the feet, varicose veins can be a prerequisite for the formation of nail fungus. Among the causes of this infection is insufficient nail nutrition due to clogged or obstructed vessels. That is why the creams advertised today, as well as nail polishes, supposedly meant to save from fungus, will be completely useless in the fight against the disease. After all, it is often caused by internal ailments, and external exposure will not eradicate the problem.

how to identify nail fungus

Who is at risk?

Several decades ago, nail fungus was in most cases diagnosed in the elderly. However, every year the number of patients suffering from nail fungus is increasing, the disease itself is “getting younger”.

Official data suggest that two to three times more often nail fungus develops in men. At the same time, it is more often women who turn to the dermatologist with this problem. Representatives of the weaker sex are more concerned about their health and do not find anything shameful in consultation with a doctor.

Next, we will examine why it is so important to receive recommendations about the treatment of the fungus from a dermatologist, and also talk about how you can determine the fungus on the nails and what symptoms it has at each stage of its development.

how to identify foot fungus tips

What does nail fungus look like

This disease is not fatal, but of course, you need to get rid of it. Fortunately, recognizing the onset of the disease is easy for anyone. How to determine the fungus on the legs? Tips are below. First of all, look at your nails.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the color of the nail. The nail affected by the fungus becomes dull yellow and opaque. Depending on the stage of the disease, the edge of the nail plate, the base or the whole nail may be affected.

Pay attention to the thickness of the nail

When answering the question of how to determine the fungus of nails, mention should also be made of changes in the nail plate. Despite the fact that due to the disease, the nail becomes thinner, visually and by sensations it seems to become thicker, swells.

How to determine the fungus on the nails? In order to detect the presence of infection, a visual examination of the nail plate is not enough. Mix potassium permanganate and water in a ratio of 1 to 5, lower the nails into the resulting solution for half a minute. A healthy nail will turn brown and brown. Part of the affected plate will remain white.

how to identify fungus on toenails ways

Stages of the disease

The disease proceeds in four stages. The sooner you start treatment, the more chances to get rid of nail fungus forever.

The first stage is characterized by damage to the edge of the nail. As mentioned above, the color of the plate changes, bulges appear. The nail grows poor-quality, hollow, and therefore breaks and crumbles.

A sign of the second stage will be an increase in the area of ​​damage. In addition, it should be noted that sometimes the second stage can begin as if bypassing the first. Damage to the nail plate will begin not from the edge, but at the base of the nail. It will be more problematic to recover from nail fungus in the second stage than in the first.

How to determine the fungus of toenails in the third stage? In medicine, it is called a white superficial fungus and looks like the entire plate is affected. It has a dense white color, crumbles strongly around the edges.

The fourth stage is called total dystrophic fungus. The nail has a yellowish-gray color, exudes a peculiar unpleasant odor and crumbles heavily. In the fourth stage, you can often see the exposed part of the skin under a broken nail, since it has grown due to a fungus, in most cases it breaks off.

toenail fungus symptoms causes

The reason for contacting a dermatologist is often the independent identification of the fourth stage of the nail fungus. Do not look at forums or on the Internet for tips on how to effectively treat nail fungus. It is better to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of the disease.

What to expect from a trip to the doctor?

Probably, fear of doctors lives in each of us. However, do not be afraid to contact a dermatologist if you suspect a nail fungus. The specialist will conduct an external examination, as well as take a scraping of the upper keratinized layer of the nail to send it for diagnosis to the laboratory. A detailed analysis will reveal what became the causative agent of the disease, determine the type of fungus, and also tell the doctor what treatment should be prescribed.

Treatment of nail fungus takes a considerable period. It can last from one month to three. After the course of treatment, you will need to re-take tests, even if the above symptoms are not observed.

how to effectively treat nail fungus

A few words about effective treatment

So, now it is known how to determine the fungus on the toenails. The methods are given above. Now it’s worth saying a few words about the treatment that you can do yourself. The drug "Exoderil" has proven itself quite well. However, you need to use not an ointment, but a solution. This drug can also be used in case of damage to the fungus of the feet.

How to use Exoderil? If you have a fungus in the first stage of the disease, then lubricate the affected surface of the nail twice a day. Nails should be dry and well washed. At the next stages of the disease, you can not do without taking pills. However, in this case, the use of Exoderil should not be stopped: this will enhance the effect of the effects of drugs.

Before applying the product, thoroughly clean the affected surface of the nail with a manicure device. However, one must be extremely careful. After perfect manipulations, it is necessary to apply the exoderil solution to the cleaned place. Repeat 2 times a day.

People who are familiar with this infectious disease also respond positively to a drug called Mycosan. At the price of "Exoderil" or "Mikozan" are in the same range: from about 500 to 700 rubles. Which of these tools to use, you decide. But without the help of a dermatologist, it’s impossible to completely get rid of nail fungus forever.


The article answers the question of how to determine the fungus of toenails. However, it is worth remembering that self-medication does not always lead to complete recovery. If there is a change in the thickness or color of the nails, consult a doctor.

According to the degree of damage to the nail plate, the fungus can be divided into four stages. If at the first stage the disease does not cause anxiety, since it does not deform the nail plate very much, then at the fourth one you can easily lose your nails. Do not hesitate to contact a dermatologist.

Self-medication is strongly discouraged, succumbing to advertising exhortations about the effectiveness of a particular drug. Cream or any other agent applied to the nail plate from the outside will not save the causative agent of the disease, and, therefore, will be ineffective. As a result, you only delay the treatment process, masking the manifestation of the disease. It should also be remembered that the nail fungus not only looks unaesthetic, but also is a kind of beacon, indicating the presence of violations in the body.

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