Which oil is better - 5W30 or 5W40 (in winter)? The best oil for winter

The extended temperature range of 5W30 and 5W40 oils has made them popular among Russian car owners. Why? What benefit will the engine get from this, which oil is better: 5W30 or 5W40 in winter?

Synthetics or semi-synthetics

Currently, there is a tendency to switch to a wider range of viscosity. Chemists have taken the most significant steps in this direction regarding the creation of synthetics, adding all new components there. For example, the Mobil company, which is the first to launch synthetic lubricants on the market, has been working with it and has been experimenting for over thirty years. A huge number of emerging competitors are also not asleep and spend huge amounts of money on creating a new product with advanced capabilities. But there are few developers who produce synthetics of a highly specialized orientation, for example, for highly loaded diesel engines.

In addition to the "fives" - synthetics, there is a similar semi-synthetics. Why not use it? Of course, you can use a liquid mineral water, add thickeners, a synthetic component with a modern set of additives, and you get a completely standard semi-synthetic engine oil for the winter, for example. However, it is known that its parameters in any case will be lower compared to synthetics. After all, the oil base plays an extremely important role, setting the physicochemical base.

A well-known analogy is traced with gasoline. There is a technology whereby a lot of additives are added to the A-80 low-octane gasoline in an artisanal way and AI-98 is obtained. But, having worked on such fuel, the engine will soon require repair: at least it will be necessary to flush the injector and replace the spark plugs. After all, it is completely clear that high-grade gasoline of the highest quality will be obtained only through the use of appropriate technologies.


which oil is better than 5w30 or 5w40 in winter

This characteristic is of primary importance for the lubricating fluid. This parameter defines the maximum temperature for oil application. Therefore, which oil is better: 5W30 or 5W40 (winter or summer) is determined by this parameter. If the indicator is low, the grease should not be too viscous to cold start the motor with a starter and pump it through the pump. In high temperature conditions, oil, on the contrary, should not have too low a viscosity so that it is possible to provide a constant required level of pressure in the system and the formation of a film that protects against friction around parts.

So, according to the viscosity of the oil are divided into:

  • Winter . With a low viscosity, the engine will start easily, but the lubricant will not work efficiently at high temperatures.

  • Summer . A cold start will be problematic at temperatures below zero degrees, but at high viscosity the motor will be reliably and stably lubricated in warm and hot weather.

  • All season . When it is cold outside, the oil shows the quality of winter lubrication, and when it is hot - summer.

All-weather seasonals are becoming more widespread, displacing the first two species, since now there is no need to change the oil every time when changing the season. At the same time, they show themselves as more efficient and energy-saving. An example of such a lubricant is 5W40 oil (synthetic).

Other characteristics

Of course, other characteristics are also important for oil: detergents, antiwear, anticorrosive and antioxidant (additives are used for this). However, viscosity is one of the main values. Many modern supplements increase the price. Therefore, you should always pay attention to this parameter and choose the optimal ratio of lubricant properties and future engine operating conditions.

The main requirement that should be followed when choosing is the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer. They are given in the instruction manual. Usually, they not only contain information about specific properties that should be inherent in the used lubricating fluid, but also offer specific brands of oils with recommendations for using them. Often, Shell oil (5W40, 5W30, or another type) is found in the manual. At the same time, if your car is already far from new, and you have little information about its operation, then you can quite independently choose a make for the motor or transmission.

engine oil 5w40

1999 SAE Standard

What do these mysterious SAE letters mean? From English, the abbreviation is translated as “Society of Automobile Engineers”. This is the international standard that viscosity must meet. For example, in 1999, the requirements of the standard were as follows.

The kinematic viscosity of the oil determines compliance with a particular season. It is calculated at low speeds from twenty to one hundred degrees and separately at one hundred degrees.

Starting properties are revealed through resistance when starting a cold motor and the possibility of obtaining revolutions. Depending on viscosity and grade, they are determined at temperatures from ten to thirty-five degrees of frost and high shear rates (105s-1), that is, conditions for working in crankshaft bearings during cold start are considered.

5w40 oil specifications

Pumpability determines the speed of lubricant passing to rubbing parts during cold start, as well as the possible risk of engine breakdown during cold start due to the rotation of the liners. The indicator is considered at negative temperatures from fifteen to forty degrees and at low shear rates (10s-1). Under these conditions, grease spreads in the sump to the oil receiver when starting a cold engine.

Viscosity at high temperature reveals a real indicator when operating in the warm season highly loaded motors. In this way, anti-wear performance, friction loss and impact on engine efficiency are visible. It is fixed at high shear rates (106s-1). Under these conditions, the crankshaft bearings operate at high temperature and load.

SAE classification

This is the SAE specification, which defines the characteristics of the oil under various conditions. There are currently six winter classes and five summer classes. Winter is easily identified by the presence of the letter W (“winter”, which means “winter” in English). The higher the viscosity, the greater the numerical index.

Winter viscosity is designated 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W. 25W.

Summer - 20, 30, 40, 50.

5w30 or 5w40 for the winter

Consider, for example, 5W40 oil.

Its characteristics are as follows. Grade - 5W viscosity. As you know, it can be used in the winter, that is, it depends on this indicator how easy it will be to start the engine in the cold. Thus, in order to understand which oil to fill in the winter, it is necessary to pay attention to this indicator.

The number "40" reveals summer performance, that is, the possibility of the engine functioning at high temperatures.

If, as in our example, there is a designation of one and the other classes (that is, motor oil 5W40, as well as 5W30), this indicates the all-weather nature of its use.

How to choose a winter class

When choosing viscosity, they are primarily guided by the instructions of the car manufacturer. If there are none, follow the general recommendations.

Choosing the best oil for winter, you need to consider the conditions under which the vehicle will be operated.

what oil to fill in winter

Then, problems with starting in the winter and negative consequences for the motor (for example, rapid wear and jam at start-up, which can occur in conditions of oil starvation) can be avoided regardless of whether you have 5W30 or 5W40 for the winter. It must be understood that when starting the motor, even if it does not occur in severe frost, but with a positive mark on the thermometer, it takes time for the oil pump to pump through the lubrication system so that the liquid gets into all the rubbing parts and channels. Until this time, the engine has been running under oil conditions. Therefore, friction and wear are greatly enhanced. The more lubricant can maintain fluidity at low temperature, the better protection will be provided for the motor.

How to choose an all-weather season

Winter properties are reflected on the left side, and summer properties - on the right. Thus, wondering which oil is better - 5W30 or 5W40 - in winter, you need to pay attention only to the indicator on the left, and it is the same in this case.

the best oil for winter

Therefore, you should pay attention to the difference in summer mode and choose the appropriate option depending on the operating conditions of the vehicle.

Viscosity-temperature properties

Depends on this indicator to ensure that the engine starts without heating, free pumping of oil through the system and, as a result, stable lubrication of all rubbing parts at the maximum possible loads and ambient temperature.

Even in temperate climates, a change in winter temperature to its largest warming is up to one hundred and ninety degrees. Therefore, seasonal oils must be changed depending on the time of year. However, when the all-weather season appeared (for example, motor oil 5W40 and 5W30 refers to them), the problem was removed. Thanks to their additives, they are able to exhibit the necessary properties at various temperatures. That is, with a negative value, they are similar to winter oils, and with high positive values ​​they are similar to summer oils.


Additives do not increase viscosity very much at low temperature, but they increase strongly - at high, when the number of macropolymer molecules increases significantly. In all-weather season (which includes 5W30 grease and 5W40 oil), the characteristics are the temporary possibility of changing its viscosity, also with respect to shear rate. With a decrease in speed, it increases, and with an increase, it decreases.

Most of all, this property is manifested at low temperatures, but is preserved at high temperatures, which has good consequences for the engine: low viscosity with a cold engine makes it easier to lower, and when heated, it reduces energy loss due to friction, which saves fuel.

engine oil in winter

Low temperature

The low temperature characteristic of the oil is revealed through the pour point when the lubricant stops flowing. This indicator is realized when the temperature is five to seven degrees lower than that at which fluidity was possible.

Most often, solidification occurs due to the formation of paraffins in the cooled lubricant.

Which oil is better: 5W30 or 5W40 (in winter)

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that in the cold season, both species manifest themselves identically. Therefore, for winter, one and the other type of lubricating fluid is perfect.

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