Sinastria - compatibility of partners by date of birth in different aspects of life

At birth, each person develops an individual cosmogram. This is a map of heaven at the very moment when the newborn took his first breath. This map, as it were, imprints in man the energy of signs and planets that are at that time in the vastness of the universe. Each such cosmogram has its own, personal, special. Synastry (compatibility) helps determine the most suitable partner.

synastry compatibility

What is synastry?

Synastry is a complex analysis, a whole art. The astrologer, comparing horoscopes of two completely different people, estimates the potential of their interaction, compatibility. Often this concerns emotional relationships, but the study of synastry plays a large role both in business (partner interaction) and in the relationship between parents and children. For example, if a businessman hired a knowledgeable professional, but he tuned with him to a different mental frequency, things would not go well. There will be constant nit-picking, reproaches, irritations. Here the synastry (compatibility) will help: it will allow to draw objective conclusions, to figure out what does not add up in the relationship, is it worth it to continue cooperation. Of course, sexual, emotional compatibility plays a significant role, but it’s much more important to see if people are spiritually matching.

Synastry. Methods

There are two groups of synastry methods. The first includes those where compatibility by date of birth is studied, the synastry of derivatives (progression maps). In this case, a card of one partner is taken and combined with the data of another, then the synastry that is formed between these cards is analyzed. The second method creates a kind of integral map - an arithmetic average indicator. This method considers in detail all aspects of the synastry, analyzes and draws certain conclusions about the relationship. An important role is played by the aspects that form the partner planets. Marital aspects allow us to analyze the synastries of the conjunction of the Moon in one with the Sun in the other partner. Further in importance are personal planets - from Mercury to Pluto.

In marital relations, aspects of the moons are important, they indicate the possibility of long-term cohabitation, when subconscious reactions are important. Business relations are analyzed by another synastry - compatibility across the Sun. Sexual, sensual components characterize aspects of Mars and Venus. Intelligent analyzes the synastry to Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn can talk about when a partner is ready to agree with one reason or another. It may seem that people born at the same time can fit together perfectly. But often, if their luminaries are equally located, similar problems may arise. For analysis (synastry of compatibility) a competent astrologer will be able to compose a grid. The planets of one partner are painted vertically, and the planets of the other horizontally. Column and row intersections will help determine the synastry mix.

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Synastry Compatibility Aspects

Powerful interactions are the connections between fictitious points and the connections of the planets in the synastry. Strong feelings of similarity, recognition depend on the interaction of the participating planets. The opposition presents the polarity and strength of mutual attraction of opposites. It can reveal not only a sense of complementarity of each other, but also reveal insecurity and competition. It happens that there is a tendency to “swing” or “ping-pong”, when on the one hand the partner shows the energy of his planet, and on the other equalizes it. The effect of opposition, opposition, and even obstruction may be present. Trines and glass are fluid aspects; they make it easier to mix the two energies of points or planets. Under them, mutual understanding and warm interaction often arise. These aspects, unlike the connection, do not necessarily cause attraction, but they very well affect the relationship. If the synastry (compatibility) has such aspects as trins, then this indicates that the energies are perfectly combined, sextiles indicate the interaction of energies. If quadratures are observed in the synastry, then this indicates the presence of energies that need to be worked on. Growth-oriented people consider these aspects and think over further moves.

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Synagogue ascendant

Each person has his own “bodily ego,” which is expressed through individual manners. Body language - this is the ascendant. It also indicates how we manage to deal with everyday problems, defines our behavioral reactions and the ability to start new projects. Naturally, when the synastry (compatibility of partners) indicates that the ascendant of one in the cosmogram is aspected by the planet of the other, the reaction becomes very noticeable. Often there is simply an attraction of the physical body, but the whole "bodily ego" reacts, and this is manifested not only in manners, but even in the gait and clothes of the ascendant.

compatibility in love synastry

Goddess of love venus

Many people know what role the goddess Venus plays in mythology . In astrology, it provides valuable information on how the ascendant manifests himself in matters of the heart. Venus is the steward of not only romantic love, in general, she points to our choice of pleasures in general. Many are faced with the fact that they are drawn to those people whom they do not understand spiritually. Why does a man fall in love? Sometimes this can be easily explained, and sometimes the attraction is simply irrational. How does compatibility in love happen? The synastry can answer this question. Manages the drive of Venus. Of course, other factors are involved, but this planet is a carrier of romance, pleasure and union. In the synastry, it is one of the most important. And if you consider the aspects in a strong, long-standing marriage, then they will certainly have the presence of Venus. In the cosmogram of any person, finding Venus, you can decipher how he relates to love, manifests itself in a relationship. By comparing cosmograms of two people, differences and similarities can be determined. The synastry will show whether the common fictitious points of the luminosity form aspects of one partner with another.

Venus in the synastry

Aspects Sun - Venus . Such aspects are useful for any relationship. Harmony is created, there are common interests. Man-Sun in the presence of man-Venus always becomes more beautiful and loving. To the Venus-Man, the Sun-Man seems intriguing and charming. Such a combination is characterized by satisfaction with each other.

Aspects Moon - Venus. Such aspects smooth out some difficulties in relationships. Although they are not immune from the ups and downs, various differences. Perhaps the first place is friendship, not sexuality. These people always feel the need to see each other, to be in the same company, to show caring and tenderness in a pair. The integrity of the relationship can undermine the silence of the problems.

Aspects Mercury - Venus . Often, partners have common interests. Relations are full of a variety of conversations. If there are aspects such as quicksons, quadrature, opposition, then often any misunderstandings break the relationship. Sometimes partners talk too much with each other, even wait in line to speak as soon as possible.

Aspects of Venus - Venus . Trin, sextile, compound speak about the compatibility of relations. It creates ease and comfort in a union of partners. The expression of affection and love is different for everyone, but together they give harmony. Quickson stimulates attractiveness. Quadrature and opposition indicate attraction, although it can sometimes be frustrating.

Aspects of Mars - Venus. A classic aspect for many relationships. But often they can be troubling. If you are considering compatibility by date of birth, the synastry indicates any aspects between these planets, know that there will be a romantic attraction and sexuality here. But if it goes beyond control, then the synastry can become a destructive force.

synastry compatibility aspects

Jupiter in the synastry

If Jupiter cosmograms of one partner forms at least some aspects with the ascendant of another, then special relationships may arise. Jupiter Man always provides the partner with the presumption of innocence. In the energy of the partner planets, he always sees positive energy, seeks and finds good sides. He is not attached to the negative. Jupiter is characterized by the role of a “father,” who sees the positive in his child and seeks to develop this. This is not the kind of “paternity” when a parent simply closes his eyes to the bad and idealizes his child. He just always wants to encourage, help and sincerely glad the success of his partner. In connection with Jupiter and Venus, he will constantly encourage her and even forget some misconduct. In such relationships, Venus will always be free to express her romantic desires, preferences. If you are interested in synastry (compatibility), experienced astrologers will help you calculate it. The presence of aspects of Jupiter will indicate that relationships can be very helpful. Other conflicting aspects may go into the background. Even if the couple breaks up, she will do it quite friendly, in a good way.

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Mars is the god of war

Mars in astrology is the planet of sexual expression. Aspects of Mars more often indicate animal desires. If Venus governs romantic relationships, then Mars - animal needs for sex, satisfying desires. It is important to note that the presence of Mars in the synastry does not indicate that he has a need to stay with his partner forever. If zero compatibility is indicated in the synastry, there will be no relationship at all, and do not expect further connections from such an ascendant. If, nevertheless, there are some love aspects, then the strong Mars will manifest itself mainly in the bedroom. The presence of Mars in the synastry does not indicate sexuality as much as aspects of Venus; relationships will not be so rich and delightful, but at a basic level they can be considered as quite satisfactory.

Aspects of the Sun and Mars more indicate the presence in the relationship of physical attraction and some actions. If there are tense moments, then the relationship is filled with conflict. Aspects of the Moon - Mars are very sexual, but excessively conflicting, there are often domestic quarrels. The Mercury-Mars relationship indicates exciting, passionate conversations. At the slightest exertion, they immediately develop into quarrels. Aspects of Neptune Mars is a sex drive, but when stressed it can carry a destructive force in a relationship. The most difficult is Saturn Mars. If partners cannot constantly work on their relationship, then frustrations, tensions and obstacles will become simply insurmountable.

Compatibility horoscope - synastry by date of birth

The synastry by date of birth analyzes the natal charts of partners, looking for their compatibility on aspects of the planets. "Sin" is translated as compatibility, "astro" - stars. In one figure, two astrological charts are combined, and this makes it possible to study the various synastric aspects mentioned above. Compatibility by date of birth (synastry) with decoding is interpreted by astrologers as the most accurate forecast of the relationship between couples. Throughout life, we encounter hundreds, thousands of people, and only a few of them can harmonize with us in spiritual or sexual relationships.

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The horoscope "Sinastria by date of birth" will help to reveal the partner and find out the hidden features characteristic of this particular person. It is easy to find out whether only physical attraction binds partners, or whether there are any other aspects in the relationship. An analysis of the maps will show in which areas cooperation is possible, and in which it is completely unacceptable. The synastry will make it possible to understand whether you are inclined toward self-deception and delusions, and in general, whether marriage is possible with a partner. The more synastric aspects you have, the more promising is the development of your relationship. Aspects will tell you which relationship dominates - flirtation, love relationships, business partnerships or the possibility of marriage.

Sex in the Sinastra

When considering sexual relations, it is absolutely necessary to distinguish three levels in the synastric map: sex (lower), eros (middle), spirituality (higher).

Lower level . Traditionally considered sexual compatibility in the synastry through aspects such as Venus, Mars. But it is worth noting that the Moon - Pluto couple also plays a large role in these relations. It is important when a man is Pluto and a woman is the Moon. Pluto is a pronounced aspect of our unconsciously subconscious, libido. The moon is an expression of nature, unaccountable feelings.

Intermediate level . Venus and Mars rule here. See the synastry: if there are no aspects, then the couple does not have the ability for earthly love, passions.

The highest level . Here the Sun participates - a man and Neptune - a woman or the Moon - a woman and Neptune - a man. Ideal love, its highest form. Love has no real objects, feelings are transcendental, and Neptune is responsible for this. In this case, the object itself is not so important as the thoughts and attitude of the lover towards him.

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