What is the difference between tattooing and eyebrow microblading: description of the procedure and reviews

If you have rare eyebrows or have fair hair, then forget about the permanent dyeing. Modern technology will help you solve these and many other problems.

What is the difference between permanent eyebrow tattoo and microblading

The main facial features are our eyebrows. Facial expression depends on the shape, bending, thickness, color. It can become either soft or rude, mysterious or severe. And in modern society, it is easy for girls to transform their appearance with the help of permanent makeup. But the question arises of how tattooing differs from microblading. What to choose?

Permanent makeup has long and confidently entered our lives. But few decide to do this procedure. Many do not even know how exactly these procedures go, what kind of services they are and what they mean by themselves. To begin with, we will analyze what kind of technique this is and how permanent tattooing differs from microblading.

what is the difference between tattooing and microblading

Tattoo and its types

The very word "tattoo" is familiar to everyone, but few know what kind of technique it is. Tattooing implies a kind of temporary tattoo. Special paint is injected under the skin by about eight millimeters with a thin needle. This procedure uses a special machine. The tattoo itself is divided into several types according to the technique of execution:

  • The so-called shading - with the help of it creates the effect of eyebrows made up with shadows.
  • Hairy - the master makes each stroke separately. Needle movements are possible in only one direction, they resemble the growth of hairs. The strokes are as close as possible to the natural length of the hair, as well as the width and color.
  • 2 in 1. The name speaks for itself. Two of the above methods are combined here.

After this service, the skin will recover in about a few weeks. With proper care, the result will last from two to five years.

What is the difference between hair tattooing and microblading? A hardware tool can only make one-way direction, unlike a manipulation. The lines obtained by the needle of the machine are rougher and do not give the appearance of a natural hair. Manual technology does this better.

how microblading differs from eyebrow tattooing


In this procedure, the master uses a specialized thin blade - manipula. They make thin cuts and apply the coloring matter. In this case, the paint falls to a depth of not more than two millimeters, so the sensations are less painful. Left hand strokes have thin and clear lines. This is what creates the effect of naturalness.

what is the difference between hair tattoo and microblading

Using this technique, strokes are performed manually, and they can be directed in different directions, imitating the natural growth of the client’s hair. Your future image directly depends on the chosen wizard. After all, he must, as an artist, see the desired shape and color, suitable for you. Fine workmanship is more likely to produce symmetrical and more natural eyebrows. Since the skin is damaged less when working with the manipulator, it will heal much faster. It follows that the microblading procedure is less painful than permanent tattooing. By the way, about the material. Specialized pigment for microblading does not fade over time. This prevents staining of eyebrows in unnatural colors, such as, for example, green or orange.


After we learn about each technique separately, we will find out how microblading differs from eyebrow tattooing. Description:

  1. So that the eyebrows get their natural look, microblading allows you to make incisions in different directions, so that even with a close look it is impossible to distinguish your hair from the drawn ones. Tattooing cannot boast of such an effect. The lines when working with a hardware machine turn out to be wider and unnatural.
  2. Due to the thin blade, which consists of small needles, the skin is damaged only on the upper layer. When tattooing, the needle penetrates the skin much deeper, which can lead to scars and scars.
  3. With this type of service, different materials are used. For example, when working with microblading, a more saturated pigment is used. Thanks to this, we get a richer and sharper outline. Volumetric and realistic eyebrows also come out visually.
  4. Also, a special drawback of tattooing is that with the wrong approach, the paint may blur and leak.

To whom it suits and to whom it is forbidden

What is the difference between tattooing and microblading, we found out that only you need to choose the right procedure. Mother Nature did not reward everyone with thick eyebrows, but it so happens that life situations make daily draw eyebrows with a pencil. For whom these procedures are necessary:

  • If you have light eyebrows and you have to spend time daily dyeing them, then these procedures will save you from this for at least six months.
  • Also, these services will be very useful to those who have scars or scars in this area of ​​the skin.
  • If your natural eyebrows are asymmetrical, then microblading and tattooing will come to your aid.

what is the difference between permanent eyebrow tatoo and microblading

It is also worth mentioning to whom this type of service is contraindicated.

  • If you have poor blood coagulability.
  • With a disease such as diabetes.
  • Pregnant Due to hormonal changes in the body, the result may not meet your expectations.
  • If you have very sensitive skin and cannot tolerate pain.
  • During menstruation.

What to prepare for

Before visiting a specialized center, you need to know a few preparatory rules for proper preparation. Although we know how tattooing differs from microblading and that these are two different procedures, the preparation for them is the same.

  • About a week before the procedure, refuse to take antibiotics and other drugs that can thin the blood.
  • Also, for several days you should not drink strong drinks, all for the same reason.
  • 5-6 days before the procedure, do not pluck the hairs yourself. There they will do everything for you.
  • For a day and, of course, before the procedure itself, it is not recommended to use scrubbing agents.

what is the difference between permanent tattooing and microblading

After proper preparation, we proceed to describe the procedure itself.

  1. First of all, the master suggests choosing a more suitable shape for your face type. The color of the eyebrows is also specified, which will more naturally fit your skin and hair color.
  2. Next, the master draws your future eyebrows and adjusts the desired shape, plucking the extra hairs.
  3. Anesthetizes the surface.
  4. Next is the manipulation of the manipulation. With clever movements, the master draws more and more hairs. The manipula itself is lowered into a coloring pigment and implanted in the upper layer of the skin.
  5. After the procedure is completed, they will tell you how to properly monitor and care for your eyebrows in the first days and what to do in the future for a more lasting result.

how microblading differs from eyebrow tattoo

A few rules for leaving after the procedure

What is the difference between permanent eyebrow tatoo and microblading? To many. But care for the eyebrows is almost the same. After visiting the salon during the day there will be a pronounced edema and swelling. Do not worry, it will pass the next day.

  • In the first day it is forbidden to wet and touch the treated area. And even more so use cosmetics.
  • Treat with prescribed ointment. Most often it is "Bepanten" or "Rescuer".
  • After you feel the crusts formed. It is strictly forbidden to scratch, especially try to remove them. Together with them, the entire pigment can be damaged. In addition, you can catch an infection.
  • For a couple of weeks, do not do any facial cleansing with scrubbing agents.
  • About a month is worth avoiding a long stay in the sun, including in a solarium. It is forbidden to visit the bathhouse and sauna.
  • Steam baths for the face and intense sports are also undesirable.
  • It’s worth the while using makeup remover.


Basically, all reviews agree on unpleasant and painful sensations in the first days after the procedure. After, of course, comes a feeling of satisfaction with their appearance and joy in saving time. After all, many every morning spent it enough to convert their brows. Before deciding on microblading or tattooing, experienced users of these services strongly recommend that you select a master and a decent salon in advance. And find out how tattooing differs from microblading. After all, the result will depend on your choice. There are negative reviews, but they are all associated with the wrong form. And many cease to feel harmonious. It is worthwhile to consult with a specialist in advance about the selected material and composition of the pain medication.

To summarize.

We found out how microblading differs from eyebrow tatoo, how to prepare for these procedures and how to care for eyebrows for a more lasting result. And what type of service to choose, it's up to you.

Beauty and health to you!

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