Ectopic pregnancy: avoidable consequences

Treasured, and, perhaps, "surprise" two strips on the home test. Blood test for hCG and a visit to the gynecologist. It would seem that this may be unexpected. But there is one terrible diagnosis - “ectopic pregnancy”, the consequences of which can be fatal for a woman. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance to reduce the risk of developing just such a pregnancy.

Symptom and Treatment Summary

Doctors, speaking of an ectopic pregnancy, characterize it as a pathological condition in which the ovum does not attach to the uterine wall, as with a standard pregnancy, but to other organs. In most cases, such an organ is the fallopian tube. But there are also cases when a fertilized egg was fixed in the abdominal cavity or elsewhere in the female reproductive system. The verdict in this case is one - removal of the fetal egg with the possible preservation of the attachment site. Naturally, an ectopic pregnancy, the consequences of which can reach the threat to the life of the mother, is not saved.

How to independently recognize such a pathological condition? The first symptom can be a constant aching pain in the ovary. But at the same time, the expectant mother notices that the pain periodically recedes and returns again. The second symptom is spotting, which, unlike menstruation, has a brownish tint. It is worth noting that these two factors can also indicate a threat to a normal uterine pregnancy. Therefore, you should immediately contact a gynecologist for diagnosis.

An ectopic pregnancy, the consequences of which will be discussed below, occurs for various reasons. The main is the gynecological clinical picture of the expectant mother. Here, the spectrum of diseases is quite wide: from banal hypothermia to ending with abortions. Therefore, in the period of preparation for pregnancy , the degree of women's health should be determined in advance.

A diagnosis made by a doctor and confirmed by an ultrasound scan requires immediate intervention. This is due to the fact that the own organs of the embryo adversely affect the tissues to which it is attached. As a rule, the consequences are that the attachment site is destroyed. And, therefore, a situation arises that is directly related to a possible hemorrhage and great blood loss.

There are several treatments available for this period of time. The first is medication, used for a period of four to six weeks. In this case, the patient, under the supervision of a doctor, receives a medicine that destroys the fetal egg, after which it is excreted. The second is the method of surgical intervention, otherwise called laparoscopy. After an ectopic pregnancy removed by these methods, there is a significant chance of retaining the fallopian tubes for subsequent fertilization and pregnancy. Which method is suitable for the patient is determined solely by the doctor based on research.

Ectopic pregnancy: consequences and ways to prevent them

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then you should not hesitate with measures to remove the fetal egg. The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy, not cured in time, can be such that not only possible further pregnancies, but the patient’s life will be at risk.

When examining the clinical picture, the gynecologist decides what procedure to carry out: a tubotomy, in which the tube is saved, or a tubectomy, in which the tube is removed along with the egg. Moreover, not only the period of development of the embryo is taken into account. In this case, we are talking about the quality condition of the pipe. It should be remembered that this organ, stored without indications, can subsequently again create a pathological situation.

The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy and medical measures to eliminate it are diverse. With the timely revealed pathological situation and competent gynecological support, there is a high percentage that the subsequent pregnancy will be uterine. But if you delay in taking adequate measures, then in this case the woman runs the risk of getting secondary infertility.

The rehabilitation period after an ectopic pregnancy lasts at least six months, it is a complex of three components: contraception, hormone therapy and prevention of the adhesive process. All three measures are aimed at restoring the body after a pathological pregnancy and preventing its recurrence.

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