Unfortunately, unpleasant incidents of various kinds often occur in everyday life, such as, for example, chewing gum adhering to clothes . Even the most accurate and pedantic people are not immune from the fact that, sitting somewhere on a bench in the park, not to dirty their trousers (dress) with chewing gum. In this regard, many will find it useful to learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes.
Of course, there is an arsenal of ways in which you can solve this problem. Consider the most affordable of them.
Those who are interested in how to remove chewing gum from their clothes should know that for this it is necessary to “arm” with a blade or a small knife, and then try to scrape off the main part of the elastic, which did not have time to adhere tightly to the fabric. This should be done as carefully as possible, without much pressure on the blade or knife, otherwise you may damage the product. After removing most of the chewing gum, its elimination process will be simplified. Now you need to soften the remnants of the sticky substance and hold the “problem place” slightly above the steam, and then treat it with ordinary gasoline for lighters. Five minutes later, adhesive particles should be collected using a tissue.
There is also a standard method to help resolve the issue of how to remove chewing gum from clothing. It involves the use of cold. To do this, it is necessary to place clothes in the refrigerator so that the “problem place” does not come into contact with the products and walls of the “freezer unit”. After 10-12 hours, it is necessary to remove the tissue from the refrigerator and scrape off chewing gum from it with a sharp object.
If for one reason or another you haven’t found a fridge nearby, try to get a piece of ice and try to “freeze” chewing gum in order to remove it later.
Housekeepers wise by experience know how to remove chewing gum from clothes with the help of a cleanser. Dissolve two caps of this substance in water and soak the tissue in it for about ten hours. After that, it is necessary to pull out the clothes and carefully clean the fabric with a knife. If you have already tried various methods, but the result did not satisfy you at all, and you do not know how to remove chewing gum from trousers, use the mentioned method. They say that it is with his help that this problem is solved most effectively.
Some quite successfully apply the thermal method of chewing gum removal. To do this, you need a regular piece of paper and an iron. If you don’t have gasoline or cleaning products at hand, and you don’t know how to remove chewing gum from the fabric, follow our advice. It is necessary to place clothes on an ironing board and place a paper sheet on the “problem spot”. Next, turn the clothes on the inside and carefully iron the sheet, while the temperature should be maximum. As a result, the chewing gum should stick tightly to the paper and remain on it, but in each case the effect may be different.
Of course, this is not a complete list of means to combat the traces of chewing gum on clothes, and you can choose the most suitable for yourself only by the method of "trial and error." Well, for those who do not want to bother with such an activity, you can advise you to contact dry cleaning.