Passionate kiss: a brief instruction for men

Men and women love to kiss. And not childishly, on the cheek, as is often shown to us in cartoons or children's books - but passionately, putting all your love into the kiss, trying, it seems, to reach out to the insides of a loved one with his tongue. Of course, a kiss is a whole art, and in order to master it, you need a long constant practice.

A passionate kiss with your tongue is the best proof of your love. Words can be insincere, and kisses never lie. However, you will need to remember a few tips so that your kisses are forever imprinted in the hearts of women with a red-hot trace of your lips.

Men believe that the faster and the deeper they put their tongue into a woman’s mouth, the more pleasure it will bring her. In fact, this is not quite true: women are more tender and less excitable than men, but at the same time they have increased sensitivity. In other words, some of our actions, begun before the woman reaches the desired level of arousal, will be simply unpleasant for her. Therefore, start a passionate kiss with a certain “prelude” - gently touch the partner with one lips, while at first not letting go of your tongue. Let the movements of your lips be so soft and gentle that their partner can barely feel it, as if a gentle breeze are blowing it. Gradually increase the intensity of movement of your lips, trying to make the partner answer you the same. When your lips move, as if frantic, insert your tongue into your partner’s mouth and you will be pleasantly surprised by how actively she answers you exactly the same. But you can end a very passionate kiss in a different way - completely immobilize your lips, and work only with your tongues, arrange a sweet affectionate struggle of the most tender muscles of your bodies. At the end, gently lick the partner’s tongue and “disconnect” from it.

Some girls believe that a passionate kiss must necessarily end with a bite for the tongue. At this moment, the most important thing is not to hit the girl on the head with anything heavy. If you do not like it - calmly talk about it with the girl. As a rule, couples reach some kind of compromise: the girl moderates the strength of her bites, and the guy agrees to take it calmly. Usually after the conclusion of such a "truce" the guys also begin to bite very actively.

Another important point: do not forget about the hands! A passionate and passionate kiss so that not only lips and tongues are involved in it, but also all other parts of the body, especially the hands. Hug the partner, stroke her face, in the end, undress her - just do not stand, like a soldier at the Mausoleum, clasped hands at the seams! Seeing your passivity and constraint, the girl will think that she is not interesting to you, and to convince her of the opposite, it will take a lot of time and effort. But still, do not open your arms too much - if you and the girl have not yet crossed certain boundaries in the development of relations, you can easily get a slap in the face for excessive activity.

Be prepared for the fact that a passionate kiss can end in bed, so if you feel that from your kisses the girl becomes hot, quickly scroll through the plan of further actions in her head to seduce her.

And most importantly: a passionate kiss should be harmonious and natural. You can give millions of tips, share experiences and tricks, but still it will all depend on you. The most important thing is to remain yourself, do not think about the rules - just kiss! We assure you that even if you kiss not perfectly, but from the heart, the girl will definitely appreciate it, and she will kiss you again. And after a little practice, you yourself will not notice how you learn everything you need in the art of kissing.

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