How to draw a goat - two image options

Knowing how to draw a goat in stages with a pencil, you can draw this symbol of 2015 on paper. Then, if desired, reproduce it in color or leave it in black and white.

Option number 1 - create a scheme

how to draw a goat

This method is more suitable for children. They will be interested in first creating a schematic image of a goat, consisting of familiar geometric shapes. At this stage, the animal will look like a robot, which will amuse young artists and arouse their interest in creativity. If they still do not know the name of all the figures, this is a great occasion to broaden their horizons.

Help the child or draw a rectangle, slightly turned to the left, yourself. Its upper sides are smaller than the lower. He is the foundation of the future head. Here's how to draw a goat, starting with creating a diagram.

Having departed from this rectangle a little down, attach a square to it on the left side. Soon he will become a torso. Two circles inside the head-rectangle are future eyes.

From small narrow rectangles and squares, make the basis for the legs of the animal. One rectangle will soon become its tail. See how to draw a goat, or rather, while only its base, in the photo, and draw the same lines on your piece of paper. The hint shows that the lower part of the horns is elongated rectangles. Upper - acute-angled triangles.

The circuit takes shape

Now, inside the rectangle-head, drawing on its edges, draw the head of the animal. The forehead is almost straight, the cheeks slightly taper towards the chin, and it is slightly bifurcated below. The second photo will tell you how to draw a goat in stages with a pencil, starting from the head. It clearly shows that just above the bifurcated chin, which at the same time becomes the mouth of the artiodactyl, you will draw its small semicircular mouth.

how to draw a goat in stages with a pencil

In each eye, put a large dot - these are the pupils. Now smoothly connect the two parts of the right, then the left horn with a pencil line. Erase the auxiliary lines, draw several small segments inside the horns. Then this significant part of the animal will look like a real one.

Draw the bottom of the animal

It is easy to turn a square into a body, as this goat has almost such a shape. Draw the lower part of the tail in a zigzag line, having previously erased the auxiliary line with the eraser. In order to avoid difficulties in how to draw a goat, do not press hard on a simple pencil while creating the outline. And it’s better to take a soft one, then unnecessary strokes will be easier to remove with an eraser.

Please note: the right front and rear legs of the animal are in the foreground, the left - in the background. Turn the small horizontal rectangle drawn earlier into the hoof of a goat, and the small square into the leg. So draw all of her lower limbs. Those located on the left are only partially visible, do not forget about it.

how to draw a goat in stages with a pencil

Here's how to draw a goat with a pencil. If you do not want it to be white, cover it with strokes, barely pressing a soft pencil, upper legs, torso, head, bypassing the eyes. With a hard pencil, outline the outline of the upper part of the right hind leg. Using the same tool, make the hooves, pupils and nose black. With a dark pencil, mark the lines on the horns. Creation is ready.

How to easily draw a goat in stages: option number 2

Another simple way will help you learn to portray an animal that will be completely realistic.

how to draw a goat in stages

This again will help geometric figures. The body consists of a circle and an oval. The circle can be drawn using a compass, stencil or mug. It is enough to put a glass on a sheet of paper, holding it, circle with a pencil. Ovoid oval - the back of the animal, crosses the circle. Draw 2 straight lines down from it - this is a schematic representation of the front legs. For the back, also draw two segments that extend from the bottom of the oval. Please note that these lines are drawn with a slight slope. From the right side of the circle, draw a small inclined line up. This is the base of the neck. Draw a small circle that runs through the top of the line - this is the base of the head.

How to draw a goat in this way is also clearly demonstrated by the photograph. You see that in this small circle it is necessary to draw a vertical segment that divides the head exactly into 2 parts. Two parallel lines drawn horizontally also divide the head in two. In them draw the slanting eyes of a goat.

The next stage is the final

After the animal’s outline has been created, depict oval ears and curved horns at the top of the head. From the circle down, draw an elongated muzzle, and inside it there is a nose and a small mouth.

From the head to the left, draw an uneven line, depicting first the neck, and then the upper body of the artiodactyl. Now draw a small tail. Without breaking the line, lead it down. Draw legs around the segments, and hooves at the bottom. It remains to depict a round stomach, chest. A goat can be easily turned into a goat by drawing a small beard for the animal. If the goat is adult milking, draw an udder between her hind legs.

how to draw a goat easily

Erase auxiliary lines, cover the animal with continuous pencil strokes. Here's how to draw a goat in stages.


In the background you can depict mountains. Let their sharp peaks be covered with snow. Draw grass below, the hooves of the animal are not visible, since they are buried in it.

The natural landscape may be different - it all depends on your imagination. Let the sun shine in the sky, clouds float, a goat plucks grass, and picturesque flowers grow nearby. It remains to sign your creation, put it in a frame and hang it on the wall.

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