How to draw a seagull? Useful Tips

In order to know how to draw a seagull, you need to have an idea of ​​its appearance, habits and behavior in flight. These are large birds with a wingspan of 80 to 170 cm. They live mainly on the shores of the oceans and seas. A seagull can eat both in flight and afloat. Their food is fish and mammals. The bird has white plumage with black spots on the wings and head. A characteristic feature is a strong, slightly curved beak.

how to draw a seagull

Bird waiting

To get started, you will need plain white paper from the school album, a solid simple pencil for sketching with medium stiffness to outline the contour. You will need a pencil with a fat stylus. With it, you can shade the lines, applying a shadow. To understand how to draw a seagull, imagine it sitting on a stone.

Draw a wide and slightly elongated oval denoting the body. Then a circle in place of the future head on one side of the body and a small tail on the opposite side. Circle the contours of the bird, highlighting the beak bent down and webbed feet. Designate the wing and eyes. Draw more clearly all the details. Using feather strokes, apply feathers to the wing. Work them along the entire contour of the bird, giving the picture a depth. So, we got acquainted with how to draw a seagull when it is in a calm state.

pencil drawn seagull

Bird in flight

A flying gull on a leaf takes up a lot of space due to the wingspan. Therefore, place the paper horizontally. When drawing the body of a bird, raise the oval 45 degrees from the center. Then, in the upper body, draw a circle denoting the head. Draw the lines of future wings, not forgetting about their folding during the flight. The length of the lines should be more than once every two birds themselves.

Under the body, apply with a pencil a slightly expanded tail that resembles a fan. On the head of the bird, mark the location of the beak. Along the lines representing the wings, draw rectangles that fit tightly together. Evenly filling the surface, you will have the shape of the wings.

Now you can draw a pencil outline of the bird, erasing auxiliary ovals, rectangles and lines. In bold pencil, apply strokes to the body, wings and tail of the bird, depicting plumage. Draw a small round eye and a diamond-shaped beak to the gull as it looks when a bird is in the air. Now you know how to draw a seagull in flight.

how to draw a seagull


When using a pencil, do not push it too hard. Otherwise, it will be difficult to erase extra strokes. Putting the head and tail on the drawing, try to play with their location, achieving perfect similarity and compliance with the correct size. A seagull drawn in pencil should be proportionate and natural.

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