The amount of useful information that we can store in electronic form is determined by the capacity of a particular device. Flash memory is very useful from this point of view. A feature of the devices that use it is usually called a significant amount and small physical size of the medium.
What is flash memory?
This is the name of a variety of semiconductor technology for creating electrically reprogrammable memory. In circuitry, this is the name of a technologically complete solution to the construction of read-only memory devices.
In everyday life, the phrase "flash memory" is used to denote a wide class of solid-state information storage devices made using the same technology. Important advantages that led to their widespread distribution are:
- Compactness.
- Cheapness.
- Mechanical strength.
- Large volume.
- Speed โโof work.
- Low power consumption.
Thanks to all this, flash memory can be found in many digital portable devices, as well as in a number of storage media. Alas, there are disadvantages, such as a limited period of technical operation of the carrier and sensitivity to electrostatic discharges. But what is the capacity of flash memory? You can hardly guess, but try. The maximum capacity of flash memory can reach enormous sizes: so, despite the small size, 128 GB data carriers in free sale can hardly surprise anyone now. Not far away is the moment when 1 Tb will be of little interest.
History of creation
Permanent storage devices that were erased using ultraviolet radiation and electricity are considered predecessors. They also had transistor arrays that had a floating gate. Only now in them electron engineering was carried out by creating a significant electric field strength of a thin dielectric. But at the same time, the wiring area of โโthe components presented in the matrix increased sharply when it was necessary to create a field of reverse tension.
It was difficult for the engineers to solve the problem with the density of the constituent erase chains. In 1984, it was successfully solved, and due to the similarity of the processes with the flash, the new technology was called "flash" (in English - "flash").
Operating principle
It is based on the registration and change in the electric charge, which is in the isolated region of the semiconductor structure. These processes occur between the source of high potential and the gate to obtain the electric field voltage in the thin dielectric located here, so that this is enough for the tunneling effect to occur between the pocket and the transistor channel. To amplify it, a small electron acceleration is used, and then injection of hot carriers occurs. Reading information assigned to the field effect transistor. The pocket for it serves as a shutter. Its potential changes the threshold characteristics of the transistor, which are recorded by the reading circuits. The design has elements with which it is possible to work with a large array of such cells. Due to the small size of all the details, the flash memory capacity is impressive.
NOR and NAND devices
They are distinguished by the method that underlies the connection of cells into one array, as well as reading and writing algorithms. The NOR design is based on the classical two-dimensional matrix of conductors, where there is one cell at the intersection of columns and rows. During the action, the row conductor is connected to the drain of the transistor, and the columns are connected to the second gate. The source is connected to a substrate that is common to all. This design makes it easy to read the status of specific transistors by supplying positive power to one row and one column.
To imagine what NAND is, imagine a three-dimensional array. It is based on the same matrix. But not one transistor is already located at each intersection, but an entire column is already installed, which consists of cells connected in series. This design has many gate chains in just one intersection. In this case, it is possible to significantly increase (and use it) the density of components. The downside is that the algorithm for writing, accessing and reading the cell is significantly complicated. For NOR, the advantage is speed, and the disadvantage is the maximum information capacity of flash memory. For NAND, size is plus, and minus is speed.
SLC and MLC devices
There are devices that can store one or more bits of information. In the first type, there can be only two levels of charge of a floating shutter. Such cells are called single-bit. Others have more. Often multi-bit cells are also called multi-level. Oddly enough, they differ in cheapness and volume (in a positive sense), although they respond more slowly and also suffer fewer overwrites.
Audio memory
As MLC evolved, the idea arose to record an analog signal in a cell. The result obtained has been used in microcircuits that are involved in the reproduction of relatively small sound fragments in cheap products (toys, for example, sound cards and similar things).
Technological limitations
The processes of writing and reading differ in power consumption. So, for the first one has to form a high voltage. At the same time, when reading energy costs are quite small.
Record Resource
When the charge changes, irreversible changes in the structure accumulate. Therefore, the number of entries per cell is limited. Depending on the memory and the technological process of the deviceโs operation, they can survive hundreds of thousands of cycles (although there are some representatives who do not reach 1000).
In multi-bit devices, the guaranteed service life is quite low compared to another type of organization. But why does the device itself degrade? The fact is that you can not individually control the charge, which has a floating shutter in each cell. After all, recording and erasing are done for many at the same time. Quality control is carried out by the average value or by reference cell. Over time, a mismatch occurs, and the charge may go beyond the permissible, after which the information becomes unreadable. Further, the situation only worsens.
Another reason is the mutual diffusion of the conducting and insulating regions in the semiconductor structure. In this case, electrical breakdowns periodically occur, which leads to blurring of the boundaries, and the flash memory card fails.
Data retention period
Since the insulation in the pocket is imperfect, the charge dissipates gradually. Usually, the period that information can be stored is about 10-20 years. Specific external conditions have a catastrophic effect on the storage period. So, elevated temperature, gamma radiation or high-energy particles can quickly destroy all data. Now the most advanced models, which can boast that they have a significant information capacity of flash memory, have weaknesses. They have a lower shelf life than long-developed and adjusted devices, which have been refined more than once.
Despite the problems mentioned at the end of the article, flash memory technology is very effective, so it has become widespread. And its advantages more than cover the disadvantages. Therefore, the information capacity of flash memory has become very useful and popular in household appliances.