The contract for the supply of goods is an economic document, one of the varieties of contracts of sale, similar to them in a standard form. According to this document, the supplier agrees to transfer the goods into ownership (operational management or economic management) to the buyer, who must accept it, by paying the indicated amount of money.
This agreement is today very widely used in economic circulation. Often in it, for greater convenience, the value of the goods is set in arbitrary units. Payment is necessarily made in rubles (according to the Civil Code).
The contract for the delivery of goods from the sale by the entity differs (the supplier can be either a commercial organization or an individual entrepreneur) and the fact that the goods can be transferred for use in economic (entrepreneurial) activities.
The parties to this type of contract are called the supplier and buyer. Suppliers can be individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, buyers can be ordinary citizens or business entities.
A standard contract for the supply of goods must be in writing (simple) form. Otherwise, no evidence can confirm the fact of the transaction in the event of a dispute. Any additional agreement to the contract must also be in writing. The main document can be specified by additional documents: schedules of payments and deliveries, specifications, etc.
The prerequisites that the contract for the supply of products or goods must contain are the following. First of all, this is the subject of the contract - the name of the product, its quantity and quality. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of substitution of goods. Delivery time - an indication of the period within which the supplier will be obliged to transfer the goods to the buyer (in one or more lots).
No less important are some other conditions. In order to avoid troubles in the contract, it is necessary to specify, in addition to the deadlines, the need for delivery only at the specified time, and not earlier than it, so that the buyer is able to pay and accept the delivered products. By default, the delivery of goods should be carried out by the supplier and at his expense. The contract must indicate that the moment of transfer of ownership of the delivered goods corresponds to the moment of transfer of responsibility for it along with all risks to the buyer.
Necessarily (in order to avoid inconvenience) it is necessary to indicate the order of delivery: shipment at the buyer's warehouse, supplier and some other place. It is necessary to stipulate the conditions of transportation: the goods must be properly packed to ensure its complete safety.
To ensure their own safety, a clause should be included in the contract for the supply of goods, in which cases of occurrence of responsibility of the parties are prescribed.
In case of problems and dissatisfaction with the other party, they must be expressed in writing in the form of claims, in which it is necessary to describe the current situation in detail.
In case of violation of the terms by the buyer (delaying payment, non-selection of goods), the supplier has the right to refuse to fulfill the terms of the contract unilaterally. In turn, the buyer can terminate the contract if the supply of goods of inadequate quality was made and the deficiencies were not eliminated within an acceptable time for him, there were repeated violations of the delivery time.
The contract for the supply of goods shall be deemed terminated or changed from the moment when one party received a notice of refusal to fully or partially fulfill the contract, unless otherwise specified by agreement of the parties.
If as a result of such termination of the contract one of the parties incurs losses, it shall have the right to demand compensation from the other party.