Every woman with age, however regrettable it may be, has numerous wrinkles. Of course, they can and should be fought. Modern medicine has reached such heights that today every lady can go to a plastic surgeon and eliminate all the flaws or regularly visit a cosmetologist who will provide professional assistance in caring for aging skin.
However, such measures require considerable financial costs, and to go under the surgeon’s knife or make beauty injections is completely unsafe. The press is full of headlines about unsuccessful operations, after which women remain disabled or irrevocably spoil their appearance. As an alternative to such controversial methods of rejuvenation, you can try using the drugs "Dimexide" and "Solcoseryl" from wrinkles.
What are these medicines good for?
Medicines "Solcoseryl" and "Dimexide" in cosmetology are used very widely. And you can buy them at any pharmacy, and the cost will pleasantly surprise you. The combined use of these drugs will successfully replace Botox procedures and help say goodbye to wrinkles. But before you start using the medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for them that are included in the kit.
The drug "Solcoseryl". Basic information
The medication is available in the form of a gel or ointment. The gel is an almost colorless homogeneous transparent mass of dense consistency, and the ointment is a greasy, uniform paste with a color from white to yellowish. The drug is based on an extract from calf blood, standardized biologically and chemically.
A drug is used to restore tissues in cases of frostbite, thermal and sunburns of the first and second degrees, with arteriosclerosis obliterans arteriosclerosis and difficult to heal wounds, including pressure sores, trophic ulcers. There are almost no contraindications to the purpose of the drug. It can not be used in childhood and those who suffer from personal hypersensitivity to the ingredients included in the composition.
The use of Solcoseryl in cosmetology
Not so long ago, it was revealed that the gel when used as a mask produces a rejuvenating effect similar to that which can be achieved by Botox. This effect is due to the truly unique chemical composition of the drug. If the Solcoseryl medication is used regularly, it can be noted that damaged facial skin tissues begin to recover faster, oxygen is more actively absorbed by cells, collagen production processes that directly affect the rejuvenation process, and metabolism are much more intense, due to the formation of new blood vessels, an improvement occurs blood circulation.
The use of Dimexidum and Solcoseryl preparations for wrinkles at the same time allows to achieve an obvious effect: microcracks are tightened, the skin acquires elasticity and firmness, inflammation decreases, the facial contour becomes clear, wrinkles are smoothed out.
The drug "Dimexide" (dimethyl sulfoxide). The properties
This drug has long been used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The drug "Dimexide" for the face (from wrinkles) is also widely used. A large number of cosmetic products of famous brands are made on the basis of dimethyl sulfoxide. This is due to its antiseptic, healing and antimicrobial properties.
By activating cell metabolism and improving the absorption of the active ingredients, Dimexide relieves wrinkles. Among other things, dimethyl sulfoxide is a conductor of substances and an excellent solvent, so its addition to cosmetics enhances their effectiveness. Active ingredients do not remain on the surface, but penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, due to which healing and nutrition of tissues from the inside occurs.
Instead of Botox, Dimexidum and Solcoseryl!
Before you try on your face a combination of these medicines, you must conduct a test for an allergic reaction. Dilute the drug "Dimexide" in boiled water, observing the ratio of one to ten, and then apply the product to the skin of the wrist or internal fold of the elbow. If during the day there were no negative reactions in the form of swelling or redness, apply Solcoseryl gel to the same test area. Checking the skin reaction is also carried out throughout the day. If everything is in order, you can proceed to the procedure.
Application features
Before using Dimexidum and Solcoseryl preparations from wrinkles, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a neutral gel or soap from cosmetics. Then dimethyl sulfoxide should be diluted with boiled water in the following proportion: one part of the drug to ten parts of water. Using a cotton pad, apply the resulting solution to the skin. After that, grease your face with Solcoseryl gel. Do not spare money, apply it in a thick layer. You can use ointment instead of gel, its use will be even more appropriate, because it does not tighten the skin so much.
From time to time during the procedure, the face needs to be moistened with boiled water so that the mask with Dimexidum and Solcoseryl does not harden. Keep the product on the skin for an hour, and then rinse and apply a hypoallergenic gel or cream to the face. It is recommended to do this procedure at night. And in the morning you will notice the stunning botox effect of non-traumatic mesotherapy. Having selected the optimal regimen for the use of Dimexidum and Solcoseryl preparations, you will get rid of wrinkles quite quickly. The result will be visible to the naked eye in fifteen to twenty days.
Dimexidum solution + Solcoseryl gel. Mask. Reviews
Women use various schemes of the procedure. Some ladies advise applying the mask no more than once or twice a month, while others recommend taking a course of ten procedures with an interval of three days. The second scheme is more suitable for women with withered skin. And for prevention, a mask can be done once a month. Representatives of the fair sex willingly share their impressions about how to magically relieve the medicines “Solcoseryl” and “Dimexide” from wrinkles. Reviews (with rare exceptions) are filled with enthusiastic comments. Nevertheless, some ladies report that they did not see any positive effect after applying the funds, however such a minority.
In the reviews, among other things, you can read a lot of useful tips. So, many women say that a mask with Dimexidum and Solcoseryl will act several times better if applied to steamed skin after taking a bath when the pores are enlarged.
Separate application
Ladies say that they use Solcoseryl in home practice, not only in conjunction with dimethyl sulfoxide, but also separately. So, it can be applied to the roughened areas of the heels, elbows, and around the eyes. The result of such actions will be soft, velvet skin.
The drug "Dimexidum" can also be used individually. In case of acne, it can be applied to the face in the form of compresses. The medicine will help to cope with problem areas and relieve inflammation. Just do not forget that the medication can be applied to the skin only in a diluted state, undiluted concentrate can not be used. The product is diluted with ordinary distilled water in the proportions from 1 to 4 to 1 to 10. And again: the solution should be applied only to cleansed skin.
Solcoseryl and Dimexide drugs are used so widely in cosmetology precisely because they have practically no contraindications. It is forbidden to use these medicines only if there are allergic reactions to the ingredients present in the composition, or if there is a tendency to form colloidal scars.
Dimethyl sulfoxide can not be used for women during the period of bearing a child, people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as those who suffer from atherosclerosis and cataracts. Among other things, the drug enhances the activity and absorption of insulin, ethanol, as well as certain medications.
If for a long time you use the drug "Dimexidum" for the face, you will probably get rid of wrinkles, but you can earn dermatitis. Therefore, you should not use this medicine constantly. Do not allow the solution to enter the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose and eyes to prevent burns. Many people report dimethyl sulfoxide as an extremely unpleasant odor. Some compare it with the smell of garlic. However, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice. For the sake of an excellent result, it is not difficult to tolerate a little. Another important warning: dimethyl sulfoxide is approved for topical use only, even taking a few drops of the solution inside entails nausea, vomiting and problems in the functioning of the intestines.
So, we told you about an effective alternative to Botox, which allows you to return to your face a radiant young look without leaving your home and without incurring high costs. After all, it is no coincidence in cosmetics that the Solcoseryl and Dimexide medicines have been used for many years. Of course, the skin of every woman has its own unique characteristics, so what suits one may turn out to be completely ineffective for others. However, it is certainly worth trying the mask on yourself, and it is likely that the result will please you. Be healthy, beautiful and forever young!