Tomato "cosmonaut Volkov": description and description

The selection of cultivated plants does not stand still, and therefore it becomes more and more difficult to choose a particular variety. And tomatoes are a favorite culture of many breeders. In this article we will tell you all about the tomato variety "cosmonaut Volkov". You will learn not only about the advantages and disadvantages of this variety, but also about the history of its creation and the features of cultivation. These tomatoes have gained particular popularity due to their excellent taste.

Characteristics of the tomato "cosmonaut Volkov"

Tomato "cosmonaut Volkova"

Tomatoes of this variety were bred by space technology engineer I.N. Maslov, who, after finishing his main activity, became interested in growing tomatoes. This variety was named in honor of the deceased friend of an engineer - cosmonaut Volkov.

The indeterminate bush of this tomato variety is capable of growing up to two meters in height. The rounded and flattened shape of the fruit has a ribbed peduncle. As the photo of tomatoes "cosmonaut Volkov" shows, their color combines three colors at once: lemon yellow, bright orange and red. The mass of one fruit reaches from 200 to 500 grams, and with careful care, and 600 grams. The formation of the first brushes occurs in the sinuses after the eighth or ninth sheet, all subsequent brushes are formed every two sheets. According to reviews, the tomato "cosmonaut Volkov" has a very pleasant sweet taste and fleshy flesh, as well as a pleasant aroma.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Grade Advantages

Before you start growing tomatoes of the Cosmonaut Volkov variety, it is important to study all its pros and cons. The main advantages of these tomatoes are:

  • productivity - from 4 to 6 kilograms from one bush;
  • impeccable taste;
  • resistance to many diseases (with proper care);
  • large fruit size for easier harvesting;
  • average ripening time (about 120 days);
  • at least 8 tomatoes on one brush;
  • universality of use - fresh, as part of salads, preservation and preparation of pasta.

Of the minuses, one can note the fragility of the stems - tomatoes necessarily need a garter. Also, reviews about the tomato "cosmonaut Volkov" say that the shelf life of the collected fruits is quite short, and in the process of growing the variety requires mandatory pinching and additional lighting.

Growing seedlings

Seeds for seedlings begin to sow at the end of winter or at the very beginning of March. For residents of the southern regions, an earlier planting is permissible. For planting seedlings of tomato "cosmonaut Volkov" both wooden and plastic containers are used. The main condition is the presence of a good drainage layer and nutrient soil.

Before sowing, soak the seeds for a couple of hours in a solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure will protect your plants from the effects of fungal diseases. And for the accelerated receipt of friendly seedlings, you can treat the seeds or soil with a growth stimulator. In addition, it is possible to determine the fertility of seeds even before the emergence of seedlings: dip them in a glass of water, and after 10 minutes, remove the pop-up specimens - only the seeds that have settled are suitable for planting.

Planting of seeds is carried out at a distance of at least two centimeters from each other, deepening them into the soil by one and a half centimeters. After this, the plantings are sprinkled with a layer of soil, spilled and covered with a film.

Care and hardening

Tomato Seedlings

Containers with seedlings are placed in a warm place. Excessive watering is not required; regular spraying is sufficient to maintain moderate soil moisture. The first shoots appear a week after planting. As soon as this happens, the film is removed, and a box of seedlings is placed on a well-lit window sill. Periodically, sprouts are fed with potassium and phosphorus preparations.

A couple of weeks before transplanting into the open ground, harden the seedlings. To do this, every day, carry the box with seedlings to the street, increasing the time daily. Begin hardening from 30 minutes. Seedlings should not be exposed to drafts or frosts - young plants are still not strong enough and may die.

Open transplant

Tomato transplant

Tomatoes of this variety are considered quite unpretentious, so their cultivation will not cause you much trouble.

After two months from the moment of germination of the first seedlings, the seedlings are ready for transfer to a permanent place. With an earlier onset of favorable weather, it is permissible to plant seedlings a little earlier than the due date. Since the bushes of tomatoes "Volkov astronaut" are quite powerful, the distance between them should be at least half a meter.

Care Features

Watering Tomatoes

For a tasty and rich harvest of tomatoes, proper care is required. It is important to monitor the condition of the bushes and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Watering the tomatoes "cosmonaut Volkov" requires a rare, but very plentiful. The amount of water especially increases during the formation of the ovary. After each watering, the soil must be loosened. In addition, loosening is carried out between irrigation, with a frequency of at least two times a month. The area around the bush is weeded in order to remove all weeds.

Fertilizers and top dressing are applied to the soil every one and a half to two weeks. For a more uniform distribution of drugs, the bush must be well watered. To form the palatability of fruits, potash and phosphorus top dressings are used, which alternate with compost and humus. In the case of mineral additives, no more than 30 grams of the drug is applied per square meter of the plot. Organic fertilizers are introduced in a much more generous amount - about 10 kilograms per square meter.

To remove extra shoots, that is, to pinch, it is necessary as follows: a young shoot 7-8 centimeters long breaks so that at least one centimeter from the edge remains at the base. This method of pinching allows you to grow a bush of moderate density and get the maximum yield. Before the fruits begin to ripen, it is important to tie up the hands. Since the large weight and number of fruits bend the branches, and they break.

Diseases and Pests

Tomato Disease

Regardless of where you plan to grow Volkov cosmonaut tomatoes (in a greenhouse or in open ground), you should take care to protect the plant from diseases and harmful insects. In this section, we offer to get acquainted with the main problems and methods for solving them.

  • Tobacco mosaic. It manifests itself in the form of a mesh on the leaves, which gradually curl and dry. It is necessary to get rid of the affected parts of the plant and treat the places of cuts with potassium permanganate.
  • Brown spotting occurs with excessive watering or hypothermia of the plant. To cope with it, normalization of irrigation and temperature conditions will help.
  • Getting rid of whiteflies, slugs and spider mites will help treat the bush with a soapy solution. With a higher degree of damage, fungicidal preparations are used.

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