Concert acoustics and architectural acoustics: what is the difference

The properties of musical and sound acoustics were used by the ancient Greeks. It is known that to ensure uniform audibility, the distance from the sound source to the listener should be less than 20 m. Many modern halls and audiences are built with this rule in mind. The arrangement of spectator seats on the principle of an amphitheater allows not only to perfectly see what is happening on the stage, but also to hear the speaker’s voice well.

concert acoustics

Three main types of concert venues

According to the purpose and perception of sound among the auditoriums, the following categories can be distinguished:

  • with natural free acoustics;
  • equipped with sound reproducing equipment;
  • universal.

The first type includes ancient amphitheaters. Sound waves propagated in a special way, and even a whisper was heard in the very last rows with the same intensity and clarity as in the initial ones. Experts believe that the best concert acoustics, the best reproduction and perception of sound are precisely in the audiences using the principles of architecture of these ancient buildings.

For the second group of rooms for a large number of viewers include various cinemas. In panoramic, ordinary and wide-format auditoriums, the transmission and distribution of sounds occur only through special equipment. The rooms for watching movies are equipped with single-channel and multi-channel stereo systems.

The third type is the universal modern concert halls for multi-purpose use, designed for a huge number of listeners. To achieve high volume levels in the halls of a modern configuration, the latest equipment, the best concert acoustics are installed.

acoustics of concert halls

Architecture and Sound Science

For the first time the physicist J. Sauver called the term “acoustics” in 1701 the science of studying the movements and beats of sound. Based on his methods for analyzing the vibrations of plates, strings, membranes, air pillars, a basis for the development of several scientific fields arose in the future. Among them is the doctrine of the special sound of musical instruments.

Over the years, such significant personalities in science have contributed to the development and study of movements, the behavior of sound waves in different years, such as:

  • Leonardo da Vinci;
  • J. Lagrange;
  • Heinrich Hertz;
  • F. Savard;

Continuing the work of his father, Vincenzo Galilei (music theorist, composer, one of the founders of the opera genre), Galileo Galilei for the first time gave a clear explanation of how the human ear perceives the tones and frequency of sound waves.

In ancient buildings (cathedrals, amphitheaters) there is good audibility, the acoustics of concert halls were created exclusively by the architectural features of the buildings. Knowledge of these laws helps architects design sports facilities and congress halls, theater and music halls, clubs and discos to host several thousand spectators.

acoustics active concert

What is the difference between concert acoustics and any other

Already in the twentieth century, cardinal changes took place in the formation of the science of the propagation of sound waves. The appearance of a phonograph and telephone, radio and television, a microphone and multimedia means contributes to the enormous development of amplification equipment.

Acoustics active, concert, passive - this is the generalized name for music transmitting systems consisting of dynamic speakers and microphones, monitors and front speakers, subwoofers and sound projectors.

Equipment for concert shows

In modern realities, concert acoustics are provided not only by the internal structure and volume of the room for performances, but also by technological means. When equipping clubs, large halls, large variety venues and premises, specialists complete entire sets of special powerful equipment. Concert acoustics must meet the requirements of the audience for whom the performance is arranged, so the package must include:

  • front main speakers (loudspeakers) creating a dense sound stream;
  • satellites - small speakers that reproduce sounds of high and medium frequencies;
  • central speakers transmitting vocals, speech, dialogs;
  • monitors - devices that transmit as much as possible all sound nuances;
  • sound projector (active acoustics) - a concert system consisting of several speakers and amplifiers built into one housing for modeling a six-channel stereo transmission;
  • subwoofers - bass speakers that enrich and fill any music.

best concert acoustics

Is it possible to improve the acoustic properties of the auditorium

According to international standards, for the performance of music of various genres requires rooms with different acoustic characteristics. Only a few of the best concert halls in the world can provide the necessary parameters. The bulk of the requirements for sound quality can be met using architectural and design techniques.

To create a comfortable sound pressure at different points in the room, providing a "natural" sound, apply a soundproof finish. In some cases, semi-cylindrical gypsum or plywood deflectors are placed along the walls. Acoustics, concert equipment with this approach will create a wonderful impression of variety shows and shows.

In rooms with too high ceilings above the stage and sections of walls adjacent to the stage, special sound reflectors are suspended. Such plywood fixtures help evenly distribute sound energy throughout the room.

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