Physiogel - cream for face and body. Instructions and reviews

Women know that the key to the beauty of their skin is its regular hydration. Today, on the shelves of a lot of a variety of cosmetics. How to understand their effectiveness? Will the product give only a temporary positive effect? Employees of the Irish company Stiefel Laboratories also thought about the same thing. They developed a series of completely new dry, flaky and sagging skin care products called Physiogel. Cream, lotion, milk, shampoo - this is a set of products of this company. Today we are interested in the product at number one. We’ll talk about him.

physiogel face cream reviews

The composition of the funds

The developers of the recipes for these products claim that they have created completely unique products that allow not only to take care of the skin, but also to stimulate it to self-moisturize. Many experts have already called the appearance of these funds a breakthrough in the field of beauty. What is so unique about this miraculous cosmetics under the brand name “Physiogel”? Cream, customer reviews confirm this, has good efficacy against dry skin. The following components are present in the composition of these products: squalene, coconut and shea butter, ceramide 3, caprylic triglycerides, hydrogenated lecithin and glycerin. The manufacturer claims that these cosmetic products contain vegetable lipids related to our skin. That is why they are perceived as “ours” by our body. At the same time, the composition of the products does not contain such habitual components that can hardly be called useful: emulsifiers, colorants, preservatives, flavorings.

Product Overview

• Moisturizing product brand called "Physiogel" - cream fluid. Designed for body skin care. It has a light consistency. Relieves irritation, redness, itching, neutralizes free radicals.

physiogel body cream

• Cream for sensitive and irritated skin. Suitable for eliminating the first wrinkles, as it has antioxidant properties. The cream well soothes irritated skin, reduces itching and inflammation, gives a feeling of comfort.

• Intensive cream for very dry skin. What distinguishes this product from any other brand called Physiogel? Intensive cream has a high lipid content (41%). Therefore, it is recommended for the care of very dry, sagging, dehydrated skin. It can be used as a protective agent in the cold season.

• Moisturizing lotion. It can be used with any type of skin, but is especially indicated for dry and flabby skin.

• Cream for daily care of dry and sensitive skin. It is applied in the morning and in the evening. What is good about this brand product called Physiogel? The cream, instructions for it confirms this, contains unique natural lipids related to our skin. The tool does not cause irritation at all. It cares for very dry skin, giving it comfort and a feeling of smoothness.

• Shampoo for dry scalp. Those who are faced with a similar problem are recommended this product. Dry scalp, itching, persistent irritation, a tendency to allergies - this is a list of indications for the use of this shampoo.

• Gentle cleansing agent for all skin types. It can be used without water. It is used to cleanse sensitive skin in the morning and evening. It does not cause irritation and the formation of comedones.

Why is it Physiogel?

We all know that our skin needs life-giving moisture. As long as the water balance is maintained in the cells of the epidermis, all is well. As soon as it is broken, our skin fades, it becomes pale, dry, peeling and redness appear on it. We apply a moisturizer to her , and she again shines with health. It would seem that everything is simple. But it is not so. All modern cosmetic moisturizers can conditionally be divided into two groups with different mechanisms of action. The products of the first option create a protective film on the skin that prevents the evaporation of moisture. Typically, these products have a greasy or oily base. One has only to wash, as dry skin reappears. An urgent need to apply a new layer of cream. Means from the second group contain special components that bind water in the cells and do not allow it to leave them. Such ingredients in the creams include glycerin, butylene glycol, urea, propylene glycol, lactic acid and others. Products with this composition are valid only until they are washed off the face. Have a feeling of tightening after cleansing the skin? So just such a remedy was used for moisturizing. Dermatologists at Stiefel Laboratories have created completely new products that do not belong to either the first or second group. They do not just moisturize the skin. Due to the content of lipids of natural origin, they restore its protective layer from the inside, giving a long-term effect. And all brand products under the name “Physiogel” have this effect. Cream, consumer reviews about which we will consider below, is one of the most sold means of face and body care today.

How to use

physiogel cream instruction

The question arises: "Do such unique cosmetic products have to have some special way of application?" Not at all. Like any cosmetics, the Physiogel cream is used. For the face, this method is as follows: lubricate the skin twice a day in the morning and evening after cleansing.

Indications for use

• Hypersensitivity to the skin, a tendency to irritation.

• Dryness.

• Peeling on the skin.

• Her tendency to allergies.

• The presence of facial wrinkles.

Also, after some cosmetic procedures, such as chemical peeling, Physiogel (cream) can be used. The instruction to it states that the tool can be used in complex therapy for the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema.

Customer Reviews: “The best cream for dry skin”

The manufacturer of cosmetics of this brand declares that its products represent a breakthrough in the field of face and body care products. But is it so appreciated by its customers? Let's see what they say about the goods of the company under the brand name “Physiogel”. “The body cream of this manufacturer is the best product of this kind of action,” many consumers are sure. They write that it has no smell, which is also important, not sticky, is quickly absorbed, does not stain clothes, moisturizes the skin perfectly, gives a feeling of comfort. What else is needed for a good body cream? And now we’ll check another Physiogel brand product - face cream. Customer reviews about him are often positive.

face physiogel cream
Women write that applying it is a pleasure. It is not thick, not sticky, can be used as a base for makeup. The tonal resources fall on him very well. The skin looks fresh all day, has a radiant appearance. What is especially pleasing, according to our lovely ladies, is that the cream does not just create a similar effect, but really works. And its effect does not disappear after washing. The manufacturer says that the cream moisturizes the skin for three days. Consumers confirm this by saying that after cleansing the skin there is no sensation of tightness and dryness.

Perfect winter cream

physiogel cream

Everyone knows that in the cold, our skin needs more thorough care and protection. In winter, preference should be given to oily-based creams with a thick consistency. This is exactly what Physiogel is (face cream). The instruction to him says that he well restores the natural protective barrier of the skin. Many women, evaluating this property of the product, have already tested it in the winter and were satisfied.

Usage Tips from Women

• Cream - an excellent effective remedy for cracked heels. Everyone who has this problem rushes about in search of a good remedy. This is exactly this product. According to the assurances of some buyers, it is enough to lubricate their heels with them several times in a row at night, and in the morning they will be like a baby. And cracks and dryness in this area will cease to bother.

• “How a cream of this brand can be applied as a restoring mask,” women are sure. Those for whom it does not suit for some reason can be advised to do this: lubricate the face for 20 minutes, and then remove the remaining funds with a cotton sponge and cool water.

• Some consumers use Physiogel Cream for hand skin care. They write that there is no better way to find this: it is quickly absorbed, does not smell, does not leave greasy marks, does not stain clothes.

physiogel cream fluid

Negative reviews

Let’s see what Physiogel (cream) didn’t like for some consumers. Negative reviews indicate some of the disadvantages of this tool. Firstly, it is a high cost. So, for example, the cream fluid for the body of this company costs from 590 to 640 rubles in different pharmacies. And the price of face cream is also at least 500 rubles. According to many buyers, it is too expensive. Secondly, these products are suitable only for people with dry skin type. Only in this case they "work" well. There are a lot of negative responses from people that when using creams of this brand with combination and oily skin, they clog pores, which leads to the appearance of inflammation. In addition, some women have shiny skin after application.

physiogel cream reviews
It is necessary to cover it with powder, which in turn can also cause irritation. Thirdly, the manufacturer's assurances that the cream can be used to care for sensitive skin prone to allergies are not confirmed. It turns out that the product itself can provoke the appearance of a rash and itching. This is evidenced by numerous consumer comments.

We talked about face and body skin care products under the brand name Physiogel. The cream of this brand is now in high demand among our women.

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