What is a storehouse: description, characteristic. Labaz-airplane, hunting sheds

For many types of hunting animals it is much more efficient and more convenient to hunt from various types of shelters. Usually they are placed above the surface of the earth at a certain height. Such shelters are usually called labases. They are also called zasidok. In this article we will tell you what sheds are, what types it happens.

What is a shed

Meaning of the word

In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language there are two interpretations of this word. We learn what a storehouse is.

In the first case (outdated) the so-called premises where they traded in flour, grain or stored these products.

In the second case, it is called a canopy or flooring for hunting. A place where hunters sit in ambush, waiting for the beast.

Labaz Aircraft

You can make do-it-yourself sheds or purchase in a store. Everyone knows what a wiring cat is. They used to be often used by poachers for hunting. Currently, a safe special device called labaz-airplane is created. Climber Tree Stand - which means "a climbing platform climbing a tree." Such a device will allow you to quickly and easily climb up along with all the equipment. In such a hunting hut, in comfortable conditions, you can wait for the beast to exit: wild boar, roe deer or even a bear.

DIY labaz-airplane

Description, characteristic

The design and principle of operation of all such sheds are the same: it consists of two parts sliding on a tree, which are fixed like the aforementioned cats under load. Both parts - lower and upper - are interconnected by a rather soft cord. Climbing a tree is carried out by rearranging the lower and upper parts in turn.

The weight of such a device is from 9 to 14 kilograms. It is able to withstand a person and his equipment with a total weight of up to 160 kilograms. Labaz is equipped with backpack straps and is carried by the owner behind the back to the hunting site.

It allows the hunter to climb to a height of 10 meters in 5-10 minutes, and along the trunk of a tree without knots within one minute.

It is worth noting that the expression "sitting on a tree" is directly related to such a device, since the hunter expects prey while sitting. In order to make a self-made man-made aircraft base, it is enough to find a suitable drawing.

DIY labaz

So, we found out what labazes are. This is the name of the universal shelter, which is suitable for hunting both a small beast and a large one. A particularly important condition is its proper placement on the ground.

Construction of a warehouse

By the nature of the building, such shelters can be divided into two types:

  • simple sitting out;
  • capital facilities.

Let us further consider how you can build such storehouses with your own hands.

Simple ambushes are done in such a way that they are as small as possible visible on the background of the surrounding area. With such a construction, as a rule, quite a bit of effort and time is expended. Most often, such ambush is used when hunting a small animal, for example, a badger, a fox, a raccoon and a hare.

A shelter is being built on one or several nearby growing trees. At a height of two to five meters, a whole series of cross bars are nailed to be used as a seat, leg support, back and shotgun. If there are branches that interfere with the observation, then they should be cut down.

Labaz for hunting

Such a construction has several advantages:

  • construction does not take much time;
  • erection can be easily handled alone;
  • This is a great disguise.

Capital sheds - what is it?

Hunters like these are commonly called towers. These are independent structures from logs and boards, similar to miniature houses. Usually they are built on four pillars, at a height of three to seven meters.

The construction of a labase of this type requires more time and material costs. Such houses are usually erected in advance, as during construction there is a lot of noise.

It is necessary to take into account a few more points during construction:

  • the structure should have a good overview;
  • the storehouse should be silent, comfortable;
  • Shelter should be strong enough and reliable.

Recommendations and device rules

A place for a storehouse must be chosen simultaneously with the selection of a place for bait or sowing. It should also take into account the location of meadows and fields, the size of the forest massif, pay attention to the presence of streams and ravines. Be sure to consider all the possible places where the most likely exit of animals. It must be remembered that the storehouse is located only at the edge of a field, meadow or forest edge, but not in the field itself.

It is known that all animals have a very developed sense of flair. It is believed that it is the smell of a person that is the cause of an unsuccessful hunt. In the event that the storehouse is not built correctly, the hunter is quickly detected by the beast. Therefore, the sheds should be raised to a certain height (5-7 meters), it is recommended to place it in a large forest, better where coniferous trees grow.

When building a shelter, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the wind. It is preferable that the wind blow through the field at the hunter, and not vice versa. The direction of the wind is not always constant, so itโ€™s better to build several outlets.

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