What to do if appendages are cold? Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most common female diseases is inflammation of the appendages. What to do if during the examination at the doctor it turned out that the appendages are cold What are the symptoms of this ailment? How to recognize the onset of the disease when there is no way to see a doctor? And most importantly - how to be treated? It is to these questions that a huge number of women are looking for answers, who felt, it would seem, causeless pain in the lower abdomen. Adnexitis is the scientific name for the disease, colloquially called "froze appendages." Symptoms, treatment, consequences and prevention of this disease will be discussed below.

appendages cramped symptoms

Causes and symptoms

Is it really possible to catch appendages in reality, and what gives impetus to the onset of the disease? The reasons for this ailment are many, and it is not always possible to determine exactly what triggered the inflammatory process. This can be an infection, all kinds of harmful bacteria, uterine injuries, complex births, curettage and even the presence of an intrauterine device. The only thing that can be said with absolute certainty: inflammation of the appendages is a very unpleasant condition, sometimes accompanied by very strong pain, fever, weakness, chills, and even nausea and vomiting.

What happens inside the body when the appendages are cold? Symptoms of a local nature are external changes in the fallopian tubes and the ovary itself, accompanied by a violation of the basic functions of the organ. This condition leads to a disorder of the monthly cycle, secretions of a mucous, serous or purulent nature and, most dangerous, to infertility.

froze appendages symptoms treatment

Scientific name

As already mentioned, the inflammatory process of the appendages is called adnexitis, or salpingo-oophoritis. The latter is divided into two types: salpingitis - when only the fallopian tube is inflamed , and ophoritis - when the process is only in the ovary. The stages of the disease are also divided into acute and chronic. In the first, all the symptoms are obvious, they are pronounced, with severe aching pains. The chronic stage is sluggish, the pain becomes unsharp, but constant, aggravated by physical exertion or on critical days.


What to do if it turned out that the appendages are cold? The symptoms are already known to us, but what about the treatment? There are many alternative recipes, but they are better used in complex therapy, without neglecting the prescription of the attending physician. It is timely intervention in the process of inflammation with a shock dose of drugs that can prevent chronic adnexitis. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should immediately seek help.

is it possible to freeze appendages

How to prevent?

The best defense against disease is prevention. What should it be in order not to hear from the doctor: โ€œYou have got your appendages frozenโ€? Symptoms of such a disease will cause a lot of inconvenience, so it is better to protect yourself from it. So, the main thing is not to freeze: in winter, the lower back should be closed, and the legs always warm. In summer, during relaxation, swimming in cold ponds should be avoided. Long walks in the rain are also undesirable. And most importantly, promiscuity should be avoided.

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