Palette of suspended ceilings (photo)

Stretch ceilings are a modern material for decorating the upper part of rooms. They are used in various rooms. The color palette of stretch ceilings includes a wide range of shades. There are plain ceilings with a drawing, a combination of several colors.

glossy stretch ceiling palette

Types of Stretch Ceilings

There are 3 main types:

  • ceilings made in matte color;
  • satin;
  • material having a glossy surface.

We will disassemble in more detail.

ceilings palette

White ceilings

These are the easiest and most suitable for any interior stretch ceilings. This plain snow-white material has a glossy surface. It is ideal for a large Art Nouveau living room, as well as an entrance hall and a bedroom.

The usual opaque ceiling will harmoniously look in the kitchen. For such purposes, a multi-level view of this material is also used. If you decorate the ceiling in the bedroom, it can be draped with a matte stretch fabric. To give coziness, a variety of lighting is used.

In the room where the children live, you can apply satin material. It will blend well with any decoration and add completeness to every interior. For the bathroom, the option is matte, but with built-in lighting.

color palette of suspended ceilings

What determines the cost

In order to choose the appropriate ceiling color for your interior, you just need to study the entire range. The color palette of suspended ceilings is wide and varied, it can be seen in hardware stores.

Due to the fact that there are a large number of companies producing these materials, each of them wants to attract a buyer with a diverse and exclusive color scheme. Many manufacturers have their own palette of suspended ceilings and certain models that other firms do not have.

Buyers only benefit from such actions. Thanks to this, you can purchase absolutely any stretch ceiling, which will definitely fit the interior of your apartment or office.

At the same time, the price can be very different, and depend on the material from which this decor element is made, on the structure of the surface of the coating. In addition, of course, the country of manufacture and company (the more popular and prestigious it is, the more expensive this coating). Matte-surface ceilings have reasonable prices, satin ceilings have a high cost, and glossy ceilings are the most expensive.

It happens that firms produce satin ceilings, which have a higher price than glossy coatings.

color ceilings palette

Color Dependence

The palette of suspended ceilings (color) affects the cost of this material. White coating will be cheaper than the same ceiling, only color. More expensive are canvases with photo printing of various drawings and paintings, which occupy the entire area of ​​the ceiling.

And also the width of the web affects the price: the more voluminous the surface you need to drape, the higher the cost of this material.

The color palette of stretch ceilings depending on the texture

The most saturated and varied shades have ceilings that have a glossy surface. They are also called lacquer. The color palette of stretch glossy ceilings is the largest and can count up to 100 shades. Depending on the taste, you can choose exactly the option that is needed.

It is on glossy stretch ceilings that the richest palette. Those who want to make an interior in hi-tech or art nouveau style just can not do without gloss. Such a ceiling is always eye-catching.

If you choose satin material, then a little more than 10 items are included in the variety of colors and shades.

Matte surfaces - versatile pastel light colors.

Stretch ceilings metallic also have a modest palette, but it is enough to create an exclusive interior in any room. And also manufacturers offer this coating with a marble and pearl surface. There are also few such shades and colors.

The use of various colors in the interior

In the assortment of each manufacturer, this product can have a different width, surface and color palette of suspended ceilings. It is from the calculation of these indicators that the cost of this material is established. Some firms sell color and white ceilings at the same price, while others, color, put on a line more expensive than simple white coatings.

Using this material in your interior, every ordinary person can feel like a designer. After installing such a coating, the rooms get a truly modern and stylish look. For example, a red stretch ceiling with white walls and light furniture creates a modern and extravagant setting.

Such coatings of lilac, peach and beige flowers bring a cozy and calm atmosphere to the room, and also help to relax after a hard working day.

In addition to monophonic coatings, two-tone ceilings are often used in order to improve the interior. For example, a tandem of the color of cappuccino and chocolate is suitable for a strict and noble atmosphere. Through the use of this type of ceiling, the height of the room visually increases.

color palette of stretch glossy ceilings

Stretch ceilings that consist of two colors

If it is black and white, then they are ideal for use in contrasting interiors or in a minimalist style.

An interesting option is a two-level ceiling, where part of the canvas is saturated pink, and the levels go with a brighter shade, for example.

A combination of white and blue is also popular. The tandem looks perfect on ceilings with two levels. The design looks very original, in the center with a black part, and on the sides with two white stripes. The result is a beautiful design and visually increased volume of the room.

glossy stretch ceilings

Ceiling color selection

In order for the room to be stylish, fashionable and comfortable, the color of the ceiling, walls and floor must be in harmony with each other. As well as furniture, it is necessary to select which is combined with the general design idea.

The palette of stretch ceilings (glossy or matte) today is so diverse that it is often quite difficult to dwell on any one option. You can choose the color of the future coating not only in stores. For these purposes, resort to the services of an experienced designer or use the programs on the Internet, where by adding the color of the walls and ceiling, you can evaluate the likely result and view the various options.

And also it is worth knowing the preferences of each member of the family, because one bright colors fit, charge with positive and energy, while others, at the same time, irritate and prevent you from feeling emotional comfort.

The ceiling in green is suitable for bright and light cuisine in light green pastel colors, for example. In order to fill the room with charm and nobility, it is necessary to install a brown ceiling.

The contemporary style offers a ceiling color in black. To do this, the walls should be white, and burgundy and red pieces of furniture, various figurines give the room accents and brightness.

And also on sale there are stretch ceilings with paintings printed on them and all kinds of drawings. Due to the wide selection and variety of color palette of suspended ceilings (photo is attached to the article), any buyer will find the version of this material he needs.

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